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Everything posted by jordibug15

  1. I hate Jacksonville, even though I was born there
  3. I hope it happens :)
  4. Wasn't able to watch the game so I recorded it and watching it now just to watch OLE MISS win :) My 2nd favorite team behind my Longhorns
  6. Can I cry now? He is one of my three favorite Dallas players ugh!!!!
  7. So with me being out of work with my sister in the hospital, my job is wanting to write me up and fire me. So I'm looking for another job. Possibly start on Monday. Anyone have any idea of anyone hiring? I don't care if it's in mid county, jefferson or hardin county.
  8. I have no idea what happened to my other post about my sister. I wanted to tell y'all that we still have no answers about anything. She is still really bad. They are transferring her to Texas Children's Hospital in Houston this morning.
  9. They did it at Lumberton all 4 years I was there and my senior year the one that died was one of my best friends and it was hard to watch. You can bet I'll never be behind the wheel drinking
  10. So i've been wanting to raise money for St. Jude and I havent figurdd out how to send it to them if I do it. Does anyone know anything about how to raise money and where to send it?
  11. Happy Easter :)
  12. People got told wrong from what I understand. They never lifted it
  13. MR.V (the super) said he never gave an answer last week. So nope she/he isnt back
  14. I had no idea about that till someone at the baseball game tonight said something about it. What has this world come to
  15. Can't believe it's already been a year since the Boston Marathon bombing. Keeping the families and victims in my prayers. #BostonStrong
  16. It should always be Go Raiders :)
  17. Yea happened to Lumberton last year.
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