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Chicken Nugget

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Everything posted by Chicken Nugget

  1. I dont know guys..This one is just gonna be way to close to call..i got kountze 49 evadale 3..i just cant see evadale taking down a 2A team..
  2. deweyville got rolled over in their district..so why are you bragging
  3. not so wise one...no one wants your negative comments..were trying to support our teams here..we can do without the trash talk..
  4. alright all i keep hearing is normangee has a good QB that can scan the field..well what everyone needs to realize is the rebs have already beat a team like that (west hardins superstar copeland).. i think itll be close in the first half but stringer will throw all over em in the 2nd like hes been doing all year..this game will be a battle of the QBs and evadale undoubtedly has the best striker.. Evadale 45 normangee 12
  5. Chicken Nugget, that punk's not from HD. He's an Evadale kid who didn't have the guts to get on the field and play with the Rebels. Us HD folks have swallowed our pride and given Evadale all the credit due for puttin a whippin on us. Yeah we didnt' play our best game, but Evadale had a heck of alot to do with that. It's helped us become a better team, and as BIGMO stated, it's also helped Evadale know they can play with good calibur teams. I hope Evadale kills the Normangee Panthers and shuts all the cocky fans from D22 up. I don't know if it's gonna happen, but I'll be rootin for the Rebs, and realistically they can win. i agree..evadale can and will win this one..weneed to get back on the converstaion of football and quit talking all this nonsense..people like tigerboy accusing other people of being someone else..why cant you just make a serious prediction like this forum was made for..its ridiculous..this isnt a gossip forum..as i said before its a place for men to talk football..for those of you who want to talk like females..go start a cheerleading thread
  6. tigerboy, you think you know everything dont you..youve tried and tried to call me out as being Quitmon Jordan and leroy reb and much more..but sadly enough you are very wrong..and i do not get why you keep trying to make people agaisnt me when im not even downing evadale..im supporting 100%..and i havnt said anything to you..so quit getting your panties in a knot..because no one believes you..
  7. Alright this Thread is absoultely ridiculous.. first of all who names a thread something like how bad will ecadale lose..i think this HD punk is just jealous..i was reading in an HD thread and HDBobcat 55 would not quit making excuses about HD losing to evadale..this is just another bitter HD player out there because their team got beat..It may even be hdbobcat55 just with a different name trying to get stuff stirred up here in evadale..well whichever one..youmightaswellgiveup needs to give up on the excuses because you lost and theres nothing you can do... Now as far as the game goes..Evadale will struggle worse than any district games but with stringers leadership skills they will win 32 to 29..no doubt in my mind about this one.. Ill be driving to jacksonville and itll be worth every dollar i spend
  8. A place for many (not all) older men to talk trash and then take the credit when 'their' team wins by saying "WE won" or "WE kicked their tails" when they're not the ones out there busting their rear at practice and friday nights... i dont take credit for winning..i support the players..its not like im the only one..by the way my prediction was really close..and i played 4 years in my time and i know exactly what its like to be out there busting my butt crowman..so i hope youre not reffering to me in this quote..because you do not know me.. im not quitman jordan..if you think i am you should go to him and ask him face to face at a game..hes at all the games..now shut the nonsense up boy..
  9. Quitter did you ever even play organized sports? Do you even know how a team can get 4 points? 2 safties will get you four points TigerBoy...actually i played every year since i was 8 and never quit once..i know organized sports very well..as i said before..if you think i am Quitman Jordan then you should talk to him face to face and see what he has to say..i am not qj...
  10. And you call yourslef the wise one...Evadale will make it to atleast the 3rd round..all you evadale players reading this junk, dont listen to it. Just keep on keepin on QJ at it again. If you're so sure im QJ Tigerboy, why dont you go and approach him at the game and ask him face to face..hes at every game..this isnt QJ so shut up
  11. come on now Bobcat..just face the facts..this year evadale has a better team..no more excuses please..it is what it is..HD just doesnt have what it takes to beat the rebs... HD: 14 HI: 15 No excuses after this loss now
  12. And you call yourslef the wise one...Evadale will make it to atleast the 3rd round..all you evadale players reading this junk, dont listen to it. Just keep on keepin on
  13. Evadale is gonna win big...69-4...all you evadale players need to keep your heads in the game..i hear about players getting in trouble..its a shame..this website is a place for the older men to talk football.you boys need to keep yalls head in the game and focus on winning and not what we have to say.. see yall thursday night
  14. 2nd best...hd will lose in first round of playoffs like always
  15. haha...chesters field is surrounded by sewage and mosquitoes and stray dogs and brick bleachers..i think i got west nile from there.. Chester 4 Rebs 59
  16. actually mike hunt, i know everyone on that team very well..and you might as well quit playin this guessing game about who i am..because im far from being anything like quitmon jordan, and i type serious posts about what i think.. and by the way, is your name really mike hunt because that kinda sounds like..well you know...just quit accusing me because your way off buddy..
  17. sorry curtissimo...aint happening..ive seen these guys play..they got what it takes..rebels are state bound..and QB stringer is going to lead them there all the way.. rebs 51 chester 5
  18. bigSmo is right yall...he knows the game and he knows what he is talking about.. whoever has doubt will definately lose this one..I got the oilers beating the Cats 25 to 7
  19. I got hardin winning this one with ease..after watching dville play it should be no competition for those big guys from hardin.. Dville: 5 Hardin:23
  20. What are you trying to say BigMo? are you mocking my posts? or are you trying to say i am leroy reb? either way it needs to stop cuz im not causing you any problems..I was just complimenting your arm..
  21. Am i the only one who cant understand what this guy is saying? anyways, after watching the rebs practice today its clear that they are fully prepared for homecoming againt the chester Jackets. their minds are focused and theyre prepared to dominate..stringers arm is looking stronger than ever, and hes really got his team hyped..i cant wait for the big show saturday night at the Rebel Stadium.. Chester 4 Big Rebs 51
  22. i dont know why everyone keeps saying i am the same person as leroyred and that other guy but i have done nothing but completely serious posts..i used to do nothing but read these and then i decided to make me name and put some of my opinions out there but now everyone wants to accuse me of being someone else..whoever these other 2 guys are are a couple of disrespectful, classless, no-life, losers and i dont want anyone else saying i am one of them..i am one of the rebels biggest fans..youll see me at everygame cheering my heart out for my team..so please people..give me a break..seriously..its not funny Chester 5 Evadale 57
  23. Your right rebel yeller. we dont have any room in here for trash talkers like leroy. take that talk and bring it else where.. im pretty sure i know exactly who you are anyways. .. On a diferent note. my prediction is rebs win it big. im not just trying to be overconfident. but i know my bois want revenge from that tight one last year, stringer is going to lead his team to a W tomorrow and then take his team on an easy path to the playoffs and the stae championship not long after Rebels: 42 Oilers: 11
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