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Everything posted by the_fanatic

  1. I asked this on another forum, but maybe people close to Lamar can answer this...when will Lamar University have their softball program up and going? Is it still in the works? If it is, what is the timeline?
  2. Thank you so much Grizzly62. My dad never recovered from the Rita evacuation (we eventually lost him). These evacuations are so hard on them. I will continue to read and listen as you advised. Thanks again.
  3. With Gustav they told us up front, IF an evacuation is ordered it would be... This one they don't seem to want to commit. The early commitment is good for those of us with elderly folks to get them out ahead of the mass exodus.
  4. Will we be told to evacuate and when (just your best educated guess)? Still worried about getting elderly out of here BEFORE the rush!
  5. Thanks Kerry! I appreciate it! I know you don't like to commit to those things...but for those of us with elderly relatives that like to still remain independent, it sure does help if we can get them on the road before everyone else gets out there. Ya'll do a great job! We appreciate all that ya'll do!!
  6. Kerry: IF an evacuation is called - can you please give me estimate of when it would be called? I have elderly relatives that I cannot afford for them to have to wait in evacuation lines.
  7. ;D ;D
  8. Thanks osue. It is fun helping kids follow their dreams. I am glad that Lauren can be here to answer questions about college life and what it takes to become successful. I hope the girls ask lots of questions so they are prepared and ready to face the challenges that college athletes have to face. There are quite a few of us college parents around now that can definitely relate to whatever situations you are faced with, so don't hesitate to write or call. I am sure any of us would be willing to offer some words of advice. This is our last year in college. I sure hope Lamar moves ahead with their softball plans...we are going to need something to fill our time! Coaching will be the key Hey Johnny! Her car is BLUE!! I was reading one of the other posts about stealing signals or something - and you were talking about getting hit by a pitch - I had to chuckle. Seems to me if I remember correctly, your baby hit my baby this year on an inside pitch!! haha!! Which, by the way, how is stealing signals any more a form of cheating than scouting reports?!? Both give the oppossing team an advantage. You got a pretty special kid yourself - one we are all proud of! It is difficult playing against your former teammates. The SEC tournament and the World Series were two of the toughest this year. Both times we knocked out former teammates in do or die situations.
  9. Aw...thanks BagFan! It was a pleasure meeting you too. We are very proud of Lauren.
  10. Lauren is home. She started calling everyone last night and is starting lessons next week. You can send me a personal message on here if you would like to sign up for lessons. She will work on defense and offense. Some have scheduled her to do a question and answer session with their teams, while others are wanting her to talk about what it takes to be successful in college. I prefer not to post her private number or her email address on this message board, but you are welcome to send me a message and she will contact you.
  11. Defense and Hitting Lauren Parker *to contact her, send me a private message and I will forward the information to her.
  12. That was a typical response for this message board. You just proved my point!
  13. I couldn't agree more and thank you for finally speaking up. The silly postings have ruined this website. If you wish to post these things, then alert the rest of us in the subject line and those of us that wish to intelligently discuss softball can avoid those threads. Like the one about some weed guy, I know that is a silly thread and will not open it.
  14. Thanks yall!! Lauren has really had a great season so far.
  15. Hey Trahans - which exit is the best one to take to get to the field? Everytime we have been to LSU, I think we go the long way to get to the field.
  16. Great game last night between Texas Storm-Dixon and Blast Gold. The red bracket seems really tough. I think the championship game will be between two teams that come from this bracket. Great job to both teams last night! Thanks to everyone that came out and watched. I know the girls love playing in front of a large crowd.
  17. I agree with you, Trout....thanks for the updates You might want to add Texas Storm Dixon to your list - Cody Trahan plays on the Storm team. It looks like Blast Gold came to play. If they continue to hit or get hit (haha!!) like they did last night....I see gold in their future Is it just me or are some pitchers really struggling this year? I have seen more batters hit this year than I can ever remember - or at least not since pixie ball when pitch control was a problem!
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