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Chazz Reinhold

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Everything posted by Chazz Reinhold

  1. dont you think with him being half a foot taller than most big guys he guards that hes got a good enough head start? the fact is with his height he should (in my mind) be blocking ATLEAST 2.5-3 shots a game (your boy yao has 1.6). even if he cant beat the big guys...block the guards and their layups. the fact is hes not as dominant as people put him out to be. too slow for guards, all he does is alter shoots! last time i checked altering shots was very important and do you have any idea how hard it is to block 3 shots a game go check and see how many people have averaged that currently only DWIGHT HOWARD...who I have said in previous posts in this thread that is the best center in the league. but answer me this...how many 7'6" guys do you see running around..very few. yao's height is a blessing and he needs to concentrate on rebounds and blocking shots. his points will come. he can sit there all day and rack up garbage buckets no problem.
  2. dont you think with him being half a foot taller than most big guys he guards that hes got a good enough head start? the fact is with his height he should (in my mind) be blocking ATLEAST 2.5-3 shots a game (your boy yao has 1.6). even if he cant beat the big guys...block the guards and their layups. the fact is hes not as dominant as people put him out to be.
  3. no doubt he is dominating. i saw his first fight with serra live and then the video from the 2nd and thats 2 COMPLETELY different fighters. the guy is a freak and im gonna have to agree with everyone else and say that his only challenge is gonna be for him to move up and fight anderson silva. but then again silva hasnt looked at the top of his game in his last few fights.
  4. the reason gsp won is because he has -15% body fat....yes NEGATIVE lol. but bj looked like he didnt want to fight. as much as i dislike gsp...thats about as mentally and physically prepared as ive seen him.
  5. and when was this so called championship you speak of that mcgrady won...
  6. i have the schedule posted at the top of the thread. usc was never in it. but you can get tickets on the astros site or at the box office.
  7. the difference is though that those teams play through howard and duncan the rockets have to cater to mcgrady because hes a big baby if they would have made the trade for billups and wallace like it was rumored they would be unstoppable because the ball would always go through yao. if that were to happen they would still be in the same boat they are in now. no difference. when mcgrady is out yao is still over rated. when yaos out the rockets dont have to cater to yao anymore so it opens up their offense and they win more games. maybe you missed this last night but andre igudala (sp?) posterized him and made yao look like a chump. O-VER-RA-TED clap-clap-clapclapclap
  8. yao is overrated. not saying this because im a spurs fan either (rockets are easily my 2nd favorite team) with his size the other team should never get a rebound. hes injury prone and correct me if im wrong but dont the rockets have a better record when hes not in the lineup? how many all nba 1st teams has he been on? he should be an incredible defender too but again another disappointment. he has too many silly fouls. my pick goes to dwight howard...or tim duncan when he moves to the 5.
  9. GO SPURS!!!! might i remind you they are historically better post all star break...hahahah
  10. i read his salary last night was 300,000... arlovski made 1.5 mil. heres the salaries for the entire event. [Hidden Content] its not money thats a problem for ufc its that dana has criticized fedor for so long for not fighting anyone that could challenge him that fedor wants nothing to do with ufc. he was content on fighting in japan(closer to home) until pride went under and then m1 somewhat did. now hes the face of affliction. the only way we will ever see fedor in the ufc is if they buy out EVERY MAJOR MMA AFFILIATION...and with Donald Trump financing Affliction i dont see them ever being bought out.
  11. been traveling alot. many trips to sa and back.
  12. fedor vs barnett is next barnett's fight should of been over in one but it was stopped in the 3rd. barnett had yvel on his back for about 8 of the 13 minutes of the fight until yvel tapped due to strikes. personally id take the beating til the ref stopped in 1. cause tapping out is for something i cant say in this forum....and 2. your an even bigger one if you tap to strikes hahah fedor did catch a break when arlovski threw the knee. andres boxing skills strongly outmatched fedor but the flying knee gave him an opening to an amazing KO. pretty sure arlovski was out before his face broke his fall. hahahaha FEDOR OWNS ALL!!!!
  13. jeff hardy is a tool i wanna see stone cold come back and beat the snot out of vince mcmahon.
  14. any word on the day/time of it....im in san antonio til friday but if they play friday night/saturday morning i may stick around for the game
  15. of course i would love for nothing more than a dayton win....but i spend my summers and kerrville and have several friends at tivy so if they win i wont be too disappointed. i hope whoever wins, wins next week too!
  16. ouch man lol...i can take bowen getting hurt...hes classless. but spare me atleast 2 of the 3 lol.
  17. they will catch fire...you will see lol. especially since they are finally playing games with duncan parker and ginobili all healthy. time to make a push. top 4 and home court in first round isnt outta reach just yet.....but #1 pretty much is....LA is rediculous and all i can hope is kobe gets struck by injury bug...is that messed up? lol
  18. id take arlovski over lesnar any day of the week.... also of course UFC is the better product....they have the occasional live free show on cable tv...not to mention TUF. its a recognized name and thats what wins today. but affliction is growing. their heavy weights trump the ufcs....they pretty much have all the ufc superstars that made ufc what it is today....so when you get fight fans like me, bean bags & cheeseburger that see those big names on the fight cards ofcourse we wanna watch. plus its a fight....and ill watch the smallest fights if i can. ill watch a wec card....its basically the ufc's developmental league ahah.
  19. did some research and this is what ive got friday febuary 27 12pm UC-IRVINE vs. TEXAS A&M 3:30pm HOUSTON vs. BAYLOR 7pm RICE vs. UCLA saturday febuary 28 12pm HOUSTON vs. UC-IRVINE 3:30pm UCLA vs. BAYLOR 7pm RICE vs. TEXAS A&M sunday march 1 11am UCLA vs. UC-IRVINE 2:30pm RICE vs. BAYLOR 6pm HOUSTON vs. TEXAS A&M again this is some 3 months away but still each day is one day closer to baseball season
  20. any word on the teams playing in it yet? rice and U of H are almost certain locks and if big 12 rotation holds it will be texas a&m and baylor
  21. ginobili made his season debut tonight....its half and he has 5 points in about 7 minutes 8)
  22. hahahahahahah
  23. uh-oh....spurs pulled off 3 in a row by a combined 7 points haha...they are stayin with the pack with their 2/3 of their big 3 still hurt. watch out down the road it is an "odd" year haha (playoffs are in '09...'99, '03, '05, '07 champs)
  24. arlovski and cro cop arent what they used to be...silva is a maybe the only one i see that has a shot at beating brock in the ufc is nogueira
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