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Everything posted by trout

  1. Congrads , so glad for her. Enjoy your success and have a great summer.
  2. Jensen Richard has signed her official letter of intent to Weatherford College. Jensen has only been with the team for the Fall but has already made a big impact with the team. She hit her first Homerun just a few weeks ago against West Brook. I can see her only getting better as she finishes HS and get ready for our summer season then off to College. A big congradulations from Coach Trout and the entire GT Shocker family. GREAT JOB!!!!! 
  3. Due to unforeseen circumstances we are currently in need of a bracket pitcher for this summer. We will playing in Gold qualifiers and exposure tournaments this summer. We have had a 100% signing of all our seniors in the 6 years as a team. If you are interested or have questions you can call or text me at 409-658-9056 or email me at [email protected]. Just ask for Trout and I will answer any questions you might have. THANKS I forgot to add you can PM me also on this site.
  4. This was really great. Our kids enjoyed doing it and those that were recieving the gifts really were surprised and over joyed to get them. This act of giving is what Christmas is about, bringing joy to someone's life and lifting their spirits in a time of need. For a child to be stuck in the hospital at Christmas is terrible so being able to make them smile even for just a little while makes it all worth it for everyone. Proud of our kids and parents who put iin the time and made this work smoothly.   
  5. Congrads to Marisa on her signing today. It was a very nice event at West Brook. Thanks for inviting me.
  6. Shanice is a Junior ar Vidor HS and will playing her college softball at McNeese for coach Mike Smith.  We now have Ashley Leon Modeszki playing there now and have Marisa Tataun going next year then Shanice Hagler the year after that then Kennedy Cline the year after that. Shanice has done a great job moving to 3rd base for our team and has been on fire with the stick all Fall. Shanice has been so mentally focused this season and really turned the corner from being a good player to a great one. Coach Trout and the entire Shocker family wants to say congradulations, we are proud of you. Go Cowgirls!!!!!!!
  7. Cat a Junior at Brookeland HS has verbally comitted to play softball at UT Tyler for coach Mike Reid. UT Tyler is a DIII College and will be hosting the DIII College World Series in 2014. This is a young but very storied program. They went to the World Series in both 2009 and 2011. Cat sarted with the team at young age as an 8th grader so she could be on the team with her her sister Laura who is now at ST. Edwards playing softball there. She  has developed into both a great person and ballplayer.It is a wonderful thing to watch a young lady grow and mature into becoming a great team leader and player both. A huge congradulations from Coach Trout and the entire Shocker family we are proud of you, great job. 
  8. Marisa is a Senior at West Brook HS. She was on the very first GT Shocker softball team. She will sign her NLI in November and will join join former GT Shocker Ashley Leon Modzelewski at McNeese. We also will have Kennedy Cline there in a couple of years too that will make 3 kids there in a very short time . I want to give Marisa a big congrads from Coach Trout and the entire Shocker family, we are all so proud of you. I am proud that you did it the old fashion way, you earned because of your dedication and hard work. Not just at practice but the many hours outside of practice when nobody was watching you just handled your buisness the right way and have been rewarded for it. A great accomplishment for a great kid, PROUD OF YOU.   
  9. Congrads from the Shockers and best wishes on your college softball career.
  10. Kennedy is a sophomore at Lumberton HS. Coach Trout and our entire Shocker family want to congratulate Kennedy on this great accomplishment. She is only 1 day into her sophomore year and all ready has her college lined up. Kennedy has worked hard and earned this the right way. She be following former Shocker Gold player  Ashley Leon Modzelewski who has done a great job there. I am proud of Kennedy and look forward to a great future with Kennedy and our team.
  11. Ali will be a senior at Comesneil HS and has committed to play for Kilgore JC. She has been a great asset to our Gold team and a real joy to coach. We are all proud of her and I want to give her a big congradulations from Coach Trout and our entire Shocker family.  Great job and best of luck.
  12. Sunday 8-5-12 there is a chance of rain today and if it does rain we will still meet at West Brook and then go to a indoor facility to do our tryouts. So tryouts will be be on rain or shine. See you there. If any questions call me at 409-658-9056.
  13. Reminder the first tryout is Wednesday at  6 at West Brook.
  14. We are a Gold team with the goal of helping kids live their dreams of playing college softball and have had a 100 percent sign rate for all players. We will be having our tryouts at West Brook HS and this is also where we practice. Tryouts will be August 1 from 6 to 8 : August 5 starting at 2 :  August 8 from 6 to 8 : and August 12 starting at 2:  We will also be having open practices for the next 3 weeks. We practice pitcher and catchers from 5 to 6 and everyone else from 6 to 8 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Everyone is welcome to come to get a chance to practice with the team and see how you like it. Tryouts can be a stressful time and getting a chance to practice with the team first can really help. We are looking for a pitcher and all others postions are open. We compete everyday at practice and all players have a chance every practice to earn their playing time and position.  We work very hard at the mental part of the game to give the kids all the tools neccessary to be successful in college and life. We do this with different books that help the kids learn how to compete and cope with the stresses of playing this game that they love. If you have any questions or just want to talk about the team please call me, Trout at 409-658-9056 or email me at [email protected]. Hope to see you there and have a blessed day.
  15. They will be posted this week.
  16. Great job by all the players, parents and coaches.Way to band together and get it done thew right way. Everyone should be proud.
  17. Josie has verablly committed to play her college softball at Cisco Jr. College. She will be joining Shocker teammate Eden Favela there. Josie did a great job working her buxx off to earn this. I am very proud of her and a big congradulations from coach Trout and the entire GT Shocker family. GREAT JOB
  18. GT Shockers Gold team plays mostly in Houston and Dallas in the summer. We play in exposure and Gold qualifiers tournaments and we are here to get your kid recruited and to attempt to qualify for Gold Nationals. If you have any questions you can call me at 409-658-9056 and ask for Trout.
  19. Shannon will finish her Freshman year at Blinn JC then transfer to Lamar Beaumont. She will be there for the starting of that new program. I big congradulations form coach Trout and the entire GT Shocker organization. Great job and proud of you Shannon, good luck and best wishes.
  20. [quote name="hottestbats" post="1090034" timestamp="1319249625"] I dont think my name is relevant nor do I care who would want to speak to me. Hey, just commenting about a previous thread, I believe titled "A Ball". Just kind of funny to me, regardless if you like it or not which I'm sure you don't because you are a coach in the Shocker organization. The comments that I make are mine and not my grand-daughter's and if I stated my name than she would pay the consequences of my opinion's. I don't believe that stating your name is mandatory on a public forum. [b]Admin Note:  Warning for language![/b] [/quote] If you are ashamed to say who you are then you should not be making the comments that you are. Don't say it if you are not willing to own it.
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