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Everything posted by trout

  1. The Gold team will be returning 4 players for the Fall. The tryouts are open for anyone to attend. We are looking for aggressive players with big dreams. Anyone who makes this team can look forward to long, hard practices. These workouts will be both mentally and physically tiring. We expect big things from our players and success for our team. To achieve this there is a price to pay to be good. We are attempting to create a tradition of success and this tradition will not be entrusted to the timid or mentally weak. We achieved our goal on Qualifying for ASA Gold Nationals this year and plan on building on that success. Hope to see you there.
  2. Rowdie has one more game tonight. They are kicking b--- and I don't who is taking the names but his hand must be getting tired. Way to go Rowdie we are proud of you keep it up.
  3. GT Shockers Gold beat Lethal Weapon, MC Elite (Seals) Friday and beat Sudden Impact Gold Saturday. This tournament is our warm-up for NAFA Nationals. The kids are playing great and really competing strong against some good competition. We will be playing MC Elite (Drude) and Impact Gold today.
  4. I want to thank all those that have helped and supported our team. It has been a difficult time with a few bumps in the road along the way. To start a new team from nothing is a scary process because no one knows what to expect. The kids that started this team took a chance with their futures and I am proud that all of our seniors have gotten signed and now have a chance to live their dreams of playing college softball.This team took a huge step in qualifying for ASA GOLD NATIONALS. Only 12 teams from the State of Texas did this and 6 of those do it every year. I am not an easy person to play for. I am loud, demanding and do not accept failure. I expect perfection both in practice and games at all times.This creates a lot of pressure on the players which is done to push their mental toughness to a higher level and achieve maximum performance. This team has not only learned to play under these conditions. They have learned how to compete on the highest level, play with a burning desire in their heart that anyone can see and not let anything get in the way of achieving their goals. The mental toughness they have learned under these conditions will carry them through life. I would like to publicly thank Johnny & Becky Trahan, Craig Soignet, Jim Parsons Robert McCain and Robert Chambliss for helping get this started and keeping us on the right path. Jimmy Wiese, he not only helps coach, he does a great job at recruiting for all the kids on the team. Our parents who have supported our coaching staff and our decisions even in the tough times. Jessica Lemoine has been a great coach on this team. She accepted a huge responsibility and has excelled at everything she has been asked to do.She is a major reason that the team has achieved the success it has. I also want to thank the girls Lori Ward, Tiffany Weise, Sami Jo Williams, Brittany Godina, Megan Waterman, Emalee Kennon, Katherine Grable, Debra Hamor, Addison Staley, Hannah Godina and Jennifer Smith for sticking with it and always believing even when it was tough and painful. Each of them will always have a special place in my heart. In the end I am just thankful to have known these parents and kids and been part of their lives. THANKS
  5. GTS Gold 2 and out. Did not play very well. The good thing is we can only get better from here just need to started sooner rather than later. We play in Stars over Texas next week and should get some different results.
  6. G.T. Shockers Gold finished 3rd and was 8 wins 2 loses on the weekend. When you lose your first bracket game it makes for a long weekend. We played 5 games on Saturday and 5 on Sunday. The tournament was ran very well and the umpires did a good job all day both days. We just need to get those sponge balls thrown out a little sooner. I was impressed that even at the end of Sunday my team showed no signs of heat exhaustion and no mental weakness in the last game. They were tired but still playing hard diving for balls and doing whatever we could to win. A great first tournament THANKS to all who worked so to make it happen.
  7. I think NEWS is using a jet engine to stir this one, paddles just not big to tackle this thread.
  8. We at Kelly HS hope for the best for your family and our prayers are with you Coach Griff and your family.
  9. Great job Dogs finish it tomorrow in the right way. Good luck.
  10. But I bet you don't tie the knob of the bat to the bellybutton. ;D No way your hands would drop too much, I may be a little crazy but not that crazy.
  11. Every coach teachs something, stick to what you know. At Kelly we have had 7 different kids hit balls out this year, a total of 10 all together. Whatever you want to call it, it does work sometimes and we do have more walks than Ks.
  12. You also have to remember that we all have had parents in the stands wanting to do the same thing to select coaches too. If you coach you will always be second guessed because hind sight is always 20-20 and some always think that they could do a better job but never seem to have the time to be there. Wether HS or Select at some point you have to hand your kid off to some else and hope they do a good job and live with it. If the results are not what you want, go to work your kid and change it. You control your own destiny, just do it.
  13. If you only knew this kid and her parents this discussion would not be going on at all. Good luck to the whole team.
  14. Well said, a player taking responsibly for how she and her team plays. Good job and good luck. Yes I do belive in my creed, Losers try and winners perform.
  15. Summer coaches deal with this all the time and this is not Nationals or the playoffs.
  16. Where do you go snow skiing in the summer? She also has a commitment to her travel team in the summer. Why aren't any of the multi-sport advocates chiming in here on their behalf? Those players can be "guilty" of the same thing. You're wanting to challenge their level of commitment? You must not know how many hours a year Shannon puts into softball. What pct of other HS players out there have made that type of commitment to softball? That is not a bashing of the girls do not want to commit that amount of time to the game, but to look a commitment in a different light. I won't speak for the Sain's, but my daughter's first commitment is to travel ball. She's part of that team 8 months of the year, with the other 4 months for the HS team. So, you're saying that because her commitment is 8 months out of the year to travel ball and only 4 in HS ball that the HS team should suffer because she wants to take a vacay? I respect your way of thinking but I simply don't agree. If you sign up to play for a team, then play for it. And yes, Mc, I do realize you can't go "snow skiing" during the summer. However, there are many other vacations that can be planned around softball. Good luck to all! In the end if you don't like it find a way to take her spot or quit whinning.
  17. Wow, did not realize that Houston is that much higher than our area.
  18. Pitchers are always the life blood of any softball or baseball team. When they are missing the team can recover but most teams are not the same without there starter. Very few teams have backups as good as there starters or they would be starters. It is always difficult to compete with non starters but the bottom line is everyone has injury's, illnesses and other reasons starters can't be there so in the end. The game is our 9 against your 9 and 1 team will win and the other will lose and nobody cares who was there just the end result. Good luck to both teams and keep fighting, everyone has a shot at the playoffs.
  19. Different moderators in different sections. I believe that moderators can do any section but most stick to 1 section they are familiar with.
  20. No reason when you keep geting the same result. Show me something new, some me hope somewhere, show me some real coaches. That can not only motivate but teach, something is missing or has been ther to long with no results. Don't tell me about the pain just show me the baby. Just win baby.
  21. It is not the kids, it is the coachs that need to go. It is time to start over with an AD with a vision and what it takes to get it done.I have never seen players get fired only coachs and his record speaks for itself. Time for a change, please!!
  22. One of the questions should be, why would a good coach only stay for 1 year? Maybe because Vidor is only keeping the Good Old Boys for coachs not the ones with real talent. Coachs with real talent will not stay and put up with that BS. They move on and find somewhere that is looking for real coachs not just the Good Old Boys network.
  23. Some just don't understand. If you don't play in the RM your kid can still be recruited and get a college scholarship. If you do play in the RM your kid has an opportunity to be seen by a lot of college coachs at 1 time and your chances of getting that scholarship will go up. GTS Gold is trying to help increase the chances of thier players getting recruited by playing infront of more coachs. Crush Gold will get there kids recruited also just as GTS Gold will. Isn't nice to have options.
  24. Curt Schilling said and I quote Bonds cheated on his wife, he cheated on his taxes and he cheated in baseball enough said
  25. This is what I am getting myself into?
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