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Everything posted by gary-us-bonds

  1. I'm all about the safety too. Trust me when I say I wouldn't want the kids to play in a dangerous situation. N
  2. If you go back and read what I wrote, then realize that 85% of what I say on a messageboard, I say with a sarcastic tone, then it will all make more sense to you. The second thing you have to remember about me is that I'm stubborn and enjoy arguing. Did something fishy happen last night? Of course it did. Is it going to kill them to go back today and play? Nahhh
  3. As I said on the other board that I frequent.... “When we have (lightning) hits between three to eight miles away on our static electricity meter, we have to postpone the game 30 minutes,†said Central High head trainer Jacob Pfaff, who along with Lee head trainer Amy Newell was the center of attention this night. So you have to suspend play for 30 minutes if the lightning is within 8 miles this states. Everyone agree that's what he's saying? “At the end, my lightning detector was going crazy, showing lightning zero to three miles away. Baytown Lee’s detector was going crazy, too, showing zero to three miles. So at the end the lightning was within 3 miles? We can all agree this is what's being said here? Now, here comes the juicy part... A quick search of google maps shows that Zaharias is less than 5 miles from Cardinal Stadium. How is it mathematically possible to be within 3 miles of Zaharias and not within 8 miles of Cardinal Stadium? I'll answer for you. It's not possible. Something fishy was going on. I don't know who was to blame, but the game could have been played last night. Maybe it was Lee that didn't want to play. Who knows? They will play today though, and I guess in the end that's all that matters.
  4. I heard the game is going to be free today? That's not much of a source I got that from though. Beaumont certainly got my 6 dollars with their fake lightning. I'm going to send my ticket to them in the mail, with a SASE and see if they send me my money back. lol
  5. You're not following my premise. They were able to predict when the (ALLEGED) "lightning" would quit because there was no lightning. The (MADE UP) "lightning" was all a ploy to keep Lee in that dressing room for an extended period of time and get them complacent and not interested in the game. Only to have the fake, made up lightning move out just in time for Central to come roaring out of the locker room. Drake, I wouldn't put ANYTHING past them over there. I'm being about 70% sarcastic when I claim they were trying to ice Lee, but there has to be a reason that the fake lightning ploy was being used. Trying to ice Lee is the best reason I could come up with.
  6. Been counting the minutes for 8 months for Lee football to start, now this.... Gotta work the day of their first game. I'll be checking this site for some updates, don't let me down guys... gnite
  7. lol It should be a good game. Central did look tough. Fortunately for them, they knew since 7:00 when the "lightning" would stop lol Lee had no idea when mother nature would decide to stop the lightning. Central though? They knew to be ready at the locker room door at precisely 8:58, because then and only then would the "lightning" have stopped. What do you know? The "lightning" had stopped right on cue. If they have near as much precision and timing on the field as they do with the "lightning" shenanigans, they are going to be tough.
  8. Tell me why they didn't play then. We can rule out lightning, because there was no lightning. You really think olin was sending up reports to the pa announcer to get him to say another 30 minute delay every 15 minutes? Olin doesn't have that kind of pull. I doubt seriously that Lee would want to drive all the way out there again anyways. It makes no sense for Lee to not want to play last night. Lee has played in rain plenty of times. Give me a good reason why the game was not played.
  9. I can see it now. Clear skies, not a cloud to be seen. No rain in a 150 mile radius, yet Beaumont Central's meterologist keeps getting some random lightning strikes in the danger radius....just long enough for Lee to get stiff and disinterested in that locker room....Then bam, right on cue, it's game time, Jaguars coming running out of the locker room ready to roll.... Let me know if that's how it goes tomorrow(for the second day in a row) yeoj
  10. And we just got the turf last year lol don't try to play this like some kinda uppity white collar team against some down in the dirt, gritty, blue collar team. Both teams can play in any condition you want to throw at them. I just wish the Beaumont officials had let them play last night.
  11. The stands are aluminum, which is pertinent to my point. I wouldn't be sitting on them if I felt in danger from lightning. The field house is small. too small for the Lee team to really fit in there, hence them milling around out by the buses. I'm not trying to belittle what Central has. I'm just stating facts as they relate to what I felt was Central trying to play the stall game. Why was Central right there at the door ready, knowing the delay was almost over lol You telling me they were standing there for the 90 minutes right there at the door? Don't think so. It all seemed too convenient to me. Lee has no problem playing in the rain. Lee's running game will be uop there with the best in the Houston area this year. I doubt seriously Olin has the pull to make the game be delayed because of wet conditions lol
  12. That's what I'm saying man. The closer I got to Baytown, the worse it got. I wouldnt have been sittin in those aluminum stands if I felt in harm's way. I kid you not. I did not see a SINGLE bolt of lightning for the two hours I was sitting in those stands. I would have quickly moved my happy ass under the bleachers if I did. I don't know what radar they were using that was picking up lightning strikes, but it must be a different radar than the one West Brook used 5 minutes up the road there. If they are waiting for a 4 hour period of time where not a single bolt of lightning is going to strike any where within a 50 mile radius, let's just go ahead and cancel the season. It's a wonder they ever get any games in with those strict regulations they used last night.
  13. I personally thought that Central was trying to ice the Lee team. Those little field houses, cramped up in there, waiting around, getting stiff... Then bam, all the sudden, there's still 10 minutes on the delay clock and hey come on out everybody. The Lee players were all out of their pads, milling around out by the buses. The Central players were all fired up, ready to go, standing at the entrance to the field house. Something seemed weird about the whole ordeal. I think Lee's coaches might have made the final decision at the end not to play, simply because the whole thing reeked. I don't blame Olin for not falling for whatever angle was trying to be played. Come back tomorrow. Start fresh, don't make Lee stand around in a cramped, small field house for 3 hours. I'm not saying for sure Olin pulled the plug on tonight's action, but I agree with him if he did.
  14. On top of that, they had 2 hours to come up with their refund plan. I have to work tomorrow. I can't goto Beaumont tomorrow to watch the game. I get to the gate at 9pm, after they postponed it til tomorrow. Two ladies sitting there with a paper bag full of tickets, handing them back out. I don't need a ticket. No money refund is what I hear at first. Then 10 minutes later I hear, gotta goto the home side to get your money. I drive around there, got 500 people in line lol No way I'm getting out there and waiting inline for 2 hours for 6 bucks. I take it on to the house. Where'd the 6 dollars go that I just gave to the visitor's side I wonder? Did they already transfer all that money over to the home side? That's a bit hard to believe.
  15. Man, I didn't see a lightning strike one the whole time I was there. I realize there is a radius they work with. Any strikes in that radius and it's another delay to wait it out. It would take one of the greatest all time anomalies for lightning to continue striking for 2 straight hours within Central's radius but nary a lightning strike within WB/Ozen's radius. It's bordering on the absurd to have someone believe that to be the case.
  16. ok, I made it home now. This was a weird one. I just looked it up and there's 5 miles between Cardinal Stadium, where I assume WB/Ozen played and Zaharias Stadium. You will have a hard time convincing me that lightning was striking in the danger radius of Zaharias, but not at all for Cardinal Stadium. Did I say you would have hard time convincing me? Let me rephrase that. No way in hell you could convince me of that. Someone was playing an angle tonight. Not sure what was going on. Just weird all around.
  17. color me confused that wb n ozen play just fine but central keeps delayn then tries to start up xhen lee is out of uniform n on the bus
  18. postponed til 2 tomorrow. i finally see some lightnin but im almost to anahuaa
  19. musta been waitin til there wasnt a drop of rain 4 a 250 mile radius
  20. always weird goins ons n bmt. i havent seen lightnin strike one yet here i sit n the rain n our 4th 30 min rain delay. not a down playd yet
  21. anyone plan to catch the freshmen tomorrow? If so, come back and let me know how Lee looks.
  22. mascot is the patriots colors red, silver and black
  23. We already have a Geese mascot in Baytown lol We don't need two of them.
  24. No, they didn't lose the creek. Just like Port Arthur didn't lose the port and Spring Branch didn't lose their spring. Goose Creek is the name of the school district, not the name of the town any more. It's the name of a section of the town. It's also the name of the creek going through that section. There used to be 3 towns(Pelly, Goose Creek and Baytown). They consolidated into one and chose Baytown as the name a long time ago. Goose Creek was chosen as the name of the school district for some reason. I'm good with the Goose Creek part, because it is unique to Baytown. I hate the Memorial part, because it is copying everyone else. Lee and GC Memorial should both be 4A and in the same district.
  25. I like the Goose Creek portion of the name, but Memorial...ehhh Too many of those already. Why not just call it Goose Creek high school? They can redeem themselves with a cool, unique mascot. I'm leaning towards Wildcatters.
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