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Everything posted by gary-us-bonds

  1. Jarvis ran about 8 times for 40 yards, so you are being a bit misleading when you say Lee only ran when Josh scrambled. Ball stopped Jarvis for no gain 2 or 3 times, but he was getting yards for the most part. You are right in saying that Lee is done for if Josh goes down. Although, Torres is the same guy that came in last year and somehow, someway got Lee into the playoffs. Like I keep trying to tell patitan about last year's game in PA. Lee was without a qb for all intents and purposes. There is a HUGE dropoff between Josh and Torres. Lee moved the ball up and down the field all night long with the first team. Ball has a great defense, but Lee was slicing through them with relative ease. Ball was running through Lee like they were not even there too though....at least the first set of plays. The second set, Lee started to come around and shut Ball down the first 6 plays, then the fight broke out, Lee's top pass rusher got kicked out the game and Ball got a couple pass plays in there. All this(AGAIN) with 20% of Lee's defense not playing a lick last night. I realize there are a lot of Golden Triangle fans on this forum and only one Lee fan, so I just have to keep things equal in terms of coverage. Don't want you mis-representing what happened on the field last night.
  2. Josh is not super fast, but he's super elusive. He was knocking off 7-10 yards before anyone knew what hit them. Ball's linebackers were looking silly trying to get him in the open field. Lucky they didn't tear some acl's out there. Lee's never been a big play offense. They were just working on stuff yet they easily moved down the field as if Ball wasn't even there. The defense did worry me a little bit. I'm not gonna lie. The offense is going to be our best since Drew Tate was here.
  3. For one, yall were not even there. For two, in the period of time that patitan was there, Lee moved right down the field like nobody's business and Ball didn't score at all, so patitan couldn't have seen THAT much wrong with Lee. He wasn't even there when Ball was moving down the field on Lee. Lee will be just fine. They always start off slow. The fact that they so easily moved the ball down the field all night long last night is good. They usually take a while to crank the precision passing game up. The fact that their top returning receiver didn't play makes it all the better. Also, I think Ball is just a lot better than people are expecting. Patino looked NOTHING like this last year. He looks like a very shifty runner now.
  4. : Central needs to stick to the ground game. Power running game. That's how you will beat Lee. Lee is very light in the pants in the linebacking crew. The two outside linebackers probably average 5'11" 165 pounds. Ball ran up the middle for 180 yards on the first 15 plays and 2 scores. They were coming back down the field the other way for another score too. The rush defense still worries me for Lee. Of course, I doubt Lee had really worked on what Ball was doing with that down the line option and zone read. Who knows? Just the facts, three of Lee's starters were not playing. Willis was not in there at cornerback, the linebacker we have that actually has some weight to him was not playing and Michael Mahan was not playing at receiver. Lee's offense looked tough if you look at it from an unbiased view. Patitan is biased. Jarvis Moore is better than last year. Josh is a great scrambler. He was making the Ball defense(which is very fast) look silly. That's a whole new dimension we have not had. Josh will scramble for many a third down conversion this year. Ball only stopped Lee once all night, the first drive. Josh threw an interception on a great play by a defensive lineman after Lee had driven down to Ball's 10. Going back the other way, Lee moved down inside the 20 only to run out of plays. Next set of plays, Lee drove it right down the field for a td, then the scrimmage was called. Lee gained about 180 yards on their 20 or so plays they ran. Lee's offense is the least of our worries. No one is saying they are going to move 90 yards in 3 plays every time. It's just a functional, tough to stop offense.
  5. I doubt very seriously that Lee was favored last year. If they were, then that prognosticator needs to lose his job. Lee was coming off a one win season in 2005, so I don't think many people expected them to win district last year like they did.
  6. Hey, the defense is a little behind right now. I could see Central scoring some points. I'm just trying to give an honest assessment from what information I have gathered. I still don't think Central will be able to stop Lee very much, if at all. Lee will make some mistakes and stop themselves with dropped balls, penalties, etc. Lee's linebackers are just sooo small. Ball kept ON running the zone read play. It was working. Ball didn't pass near as much as patitan is letting on. They got a couple of nice ones towards the end of the scrimmage after the second fight(there was actually another one before patitan got there, making three fights total). I'm not too concerned about teams passing on Lee. If patitan had been there for the first series of 15 plays....boy boy. He would really be having a field day lol. Glad he wasn't there to see that. Ball was just running right through Lee like a knife through hot butter. You could see the learning curve from the first series to the second even. The tide was turning towards Lee that second series of plays for the 1 vs 1. Lee stopped Ball to probably 30 total yards on their second set of 10 plays. Lee rolled right down the field for 70 yards and scored in about 6 or 7 plays to start their second set of offensive plays for the first string. I would have liked our chances had we gotten to the game conditions portion of the scrimmage.
  7. As I said on the other thread. Ball High was running a LOT more than they wee passing in this game. Wait a minute........ I'm starting to put two and two together now..... You do work at a hospital... You weren't driving a motorcycle were you? If so, I saw you and was right behind you walking to my car..... But all your histrionics aside Lee couldnt handle the run. Lee could have scored all night long if they wanted to stick to the plays that were working. Ball stuck to about 3 plays that were working instead of actually working on their plays. Lee mixed it up all night long, some plays working better than others. Lee will need to step up the defense though. Lee offense will be one of the best in Houston. I will amend my prediction for the Central game. I say Lee 42 - Central 41
  8. Bc Card, were you at Lee's scrimmage or just going by what you read? If you were there, could you give me your thoughts? I was at work and couldn't make it. :'(
  9. Well, I wasn't there, but it sounds like Lee did well. Jarvis Moore only played one play and Michael Mahan didn't play at all, so that makes it that much better that Lee dominated.
  10. Tell me how can we be this far into this and no mention of "Best of Times" Reno Hightower has to be the best qb name of all time lol Rudy is my favorite, but Best of Times is a good movie too.
  11. Lookin forward to watchin that player bmt soulja's face as Lee puts a whoopin on his Jags ;D But, I want to see C Michael this year. I expect big things from him.
  12. Something will have to seriously go wrong for Lee to end up in 4th place. I just can't fathom a scenario where that happens. Lee will have the best offense in the Houston area, possibly the state, this year. The defense will be improved with about 9 starters back. Stranger things have happened of course, but no team will be favored to beat Lee at any point in time during district. Upsets do happen though.
  13. tvc hit the nail on the the head. If Central is to win against Lee, the first game of the year is the time to do it. Lee depends on a high level of precision in their offense. Central...not so much. If Lee's offense isn't hitting on all cylinders, with Central's swarming/blitzing defense, it could get interesting. I think for Central to really have a chance, they will need a couple of huge plays. I'm talking at least 2 or 3 td's of 65 yards or more. Take advantage of Lee learning a new defense with some blown coverages or something. If they can do that, then I think Central has a shot.
  14. LaMarque beat Lee 63-0 the first game in 1986. We somehow made the playoffs and played them first round. They beat us again, but only 36-14 this time. We got whomped by a lot of teams in 1992, as we went 0-10 that year. Deer Park beat us 49-0. West Brook beat us 61-19. Central beat us 57-0. LaPorte beat us 48-0. Vidor freakin beat us 36-14. We were outscored 389-87 for the year.
  15. a receiver go back and look at the stories, it mentions him getting hurt
  16. We'll see. I'm going to have to ask to get off work early to even make it there on time. I generally get off at 6:15 on Friday, and I work by the Astrodome, which is about a 90 minute drive to Beaumont. I can't be missing any of the very first game of the year.
  17. Someone else had said we were one dimensional last year, which we were not. You are correct about injuries. Seems Lee has suffered one already in 7 on 7. Hope he's back by district.
  18. I stay off by myself and don't talk trash to anyone. I can't sit on Lee's home side for sentimental reasons, but trust me that no one would ever know I'm a Lee fan on the visitor side. I sit there and take in the game and nothing else.
  19. I'll be on Lee's side in Beaumont. I only sit on Lee's side for away games in which I think it will be difficult for me to blend into the home side. Central and PAM qualify for that honor. I do sit on Central's and PAM's side when they come to Stallworth though. I've got some weird rules.
  20. Only believe half of what you see and none of what you hear wbbear. Lee was probably the most two dimensional team in the state last year. 2245 yards passing 2176 yards rushing Tell me again what the definition of one dimensional is?
  21. If anyone ever sits anywhere within a 15 foot radius of where I'm sitting, then I get up and move. I feel it throws off the balance of my karma that I am trying to send down to the Ganders.
  22. Good. That gives me 4 sites on which to talk trash to patitan now ;D
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