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little d

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Everything posted by little d

  1. Will Chester be playing in a district next year? I know it's a outlaw schedule this year ,just wondering about next year.
  2. It's official now the school board approved 6-man football at their meeting Thursday night.
  3. [quote name="trophyman" post="816216" timestamp="1278357704"] i brought the sixman point up last year and all you guys on board with it now told me i was crazy aint it funny how things change in the course of a year lol. [/quote]  Yep,but when it's 6-man or no man it's time to change. Like I said before this has always been a touchy subject here.
  4. There was 2 or 3 boys at the meeting the other night,one said he wanted to play 11-man the other said he didn't care which one he just wanted to play ball. I'm sure most want to play 11-man it's what they have played all there lives. It is going to take some time to get used to,but if Chester can be competitive that will help make the transition easier.
  5. Chester would travel 61 more miles in 6-man for all district games.It would be 399 miles in 6-man,338 miles in 11 man.
  6. I have heard that some of the nut cases here are saying NO football would be better than 6-man.This is a case of people thinking about what they want instead of about what is best for the kids and community.
  7. Is there a link to todays version?
  8. [quote name="WOSgrad" post="815091" timestamp="1277763746"] The comments of the superintendent concern me a bit.  He doesn't seem to be really on board with the option to play 6-man. [/quote]  He's not going to say anything till it's settled. There's to many names that might not agree with the change. :-X
  9. Thanks Rebbel Yeller and good luck to Evadale they have always been one of my favorite teams after the Yellowjackets of course.
  10. Rebbel Yeller I'm not mad.Just trying to explain that this was more of a forced move than something that was planned.This year was more of 6-man or no ball at all.Everyone in Chester had hoped more boys would go out for ball but it didn't work out that way.Everyone here loves playing 11-man and hopes to go back to it someday.I understand what your saying about Chester should have seen this coming,but when you don't like the option you tend to look the other way.Six man has aways been a touchy subject here.
  11. Well Rebbel Yeller I hope the schools in 14-1a are able to locate a game to replace the one lost to Chester.I must say that I don't know if coach Franklin talked to anyone or not.I didn't hear anything. Maybe he just decided to stay out of it since he wasn't planning on being here this year.Maybe he didn't want to step on the new coaches toes.Chester had no predistrict games on there schedule until a week to 10 days ago , so it looks like he decided to let the new coach handle it all himself.Actuality if the community was going to have a say which we should because it's our kids playing the meeting needed to be with the new coach.The school board had to wait to see how the community voted before moving on.As I said I hate it for the teams in 14-1a but I have seen Chester only have 8 or 9 games in years past I'm sure the teams in 14-1a will persevere.
  12. What coach Holton said the other night was Chester had 13 boys signed up to play football and one was hurt and most likely not going to play.Everyone knows you can't play and complete a season with 12 or 13 on a team.That's how kids get hurt playing both ways and special teams.They get so exhausted injuries are bound to happen.
  13. [quote name="Rebel Yeller" post="814636" timestamp="1277492812"] I can fully understand if Chester moves to 6 man, but I just wonder why they waited so long to make this call, (if they have?) Grad has some valid questions. It will be difficult for them to fill out a schedule as an independent, I can't imagine the UIL placing them in a district at this late a date. It also makes for difficulties for the other teams in 14A. Every team will now have a second bye week that will be difficult if not impossible to fill at this time. I never heard if HI had found a replacement for the other game they lost due to a private school dropping their program. I am sorry for every one in Chester if this turns out to be true, but I also wish they would have thought about everything else that this decision will come back on when realignment was still fresh and changes could have been made to find additional games by the others teams that this will effect. [/quote]  The way I understand it our new coach just got on the job 6/21/10 and he got the community meeting together as fast as he could.He said at the meeting he most likely will not be able to get 10 games but maybe 5 to 6.He also said that a decision needed to be made fast to give the other schools in 14-1a as much time as possible to try to locate another game.Hope this answers some of your questions.Don't feel bad for Chester most everyone is excited about this move,we feel we will be much more competitive in the 6-man division.Chester can always return to 11-man if or when the numbers come back up.
  14. Looks like Chester will be playing six man this year.They had a meeting at the school and everyone there voted to play in the six man division.It's not yet set in stone but it's getting there.
  15. Didn't Spurger play six man football many years ago?
  16. [quote name="Dwight" post="802454" timestamp="1274063397"] Its just karma man. Take it easy, shake it off [/quote]  Say what you got to say and don't worry about karma that's what I do.
  17. It's not just the mileage everyone has to deal with but the money they save on the travel distance. When your enrollment drops so does the money the school receives which I'm sure your already aware of. Some of the districts can afford to put the kids up in a motel if they travel a long distance Chester can't. I'm sure that if the enrollment keeps dropping it will come to 6 man or no football at all,but untill then Chester will continue to try to play 11 man.
  18. [quote name="AnOldCoach" post="792937" timestamp="1271868397"] [ Anyone thinking this is feasible hasn't done the math. Apple Springs - 39 miles Oakwood - 99 miles Leveretts Chapel -117 miles Trinidad - 145 miles Karnack - 158 miles It get's discussed every 5 years or so, but it won't happen. [/quote] Here's a comparison Evadale-62 mls,Burkeville-63 mls,H I,-105 mls,Sabine Pass-104 mls, Chester's saving 225 mls staying in the 11 man district as long as they are able.
  19. Welcome to Chester coach Holton and coach Young :)
  20. Does anyone know where Mark Young coached at last? I know his dad but don't know anything about Mark.
  21. Heard Chester has a new head coach. :)
  22. [quote name="Jbdfan" post="787850" timestamp="1270772598"] Did hear that Chester is hiring a football coach, but not sure if it is concrete. They are going to try to play from what I am hearing. That's great if numbers allow.  [/quote]Yes ,Chester is looking to hire a head coach.I talked to one of the candidates myself. :-X
  23. [quote name="Glad19" post="785009" timestamp="1270129488"] See my point? [/quote] sure do!
  24. [quote name="LR1969" post="777776" timestamp="1268782047"] Someone better snap him up. A coach who cared enough for his players (based on what I heard) to cancel the rest of last season when he felt they were at risk of suffering an injury due to the shortened roster. That's a "real" coach. [/quote] I heard Buna or Evadale
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