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Arthur Itis

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  1. STJFL seems to be doing a good job for the towns that belong to their league. If the children in those towns get to participate in football and cheer in a well-structured environment, then the league is doing it's job. I'm on the outside looking in, but I'm glad those kids get to play the greatest sport in the world.
  2. It really is just a difference of opinions. Some believe as you do, that they should run whatever the varsity is running. Others believe you should primarily teach how to win and everything that entails and choosing the offensive formation should be left to the head coach to decide. Personally, I've seen more success down through the years with the latter approach, but if your approach works - great.
  3. Well, thank you. I couldn't think of anything that rhymed with diabetes, acid relfux, or any other of my afflictions. LOL
  4. This particular offense sounds like the "A formation" also at one time called the "Short punt offense" which was ran by the NY Giants in the 30's for a short time I think. Blocking back lines up 1 yd behind left guard, TB lines up 5 yds behind center in shotgun formation, HB lines up 2 yds behind right guard, and FB lines up 1 yd behind right tackle. All backs except TB crouch over, and BB, TB or HB can receive ball. Lots of misdirection & power. The team you're referring to probably runs it a little different from what I describe, but more power to them. It's always good to run a contrary offense.
  5. Hey, Barry! Congratulations on your team's big victory yesterday. Winning the Senior division is not an easy accomplishment, but your Hawks did it, and did it the right way. Lots of hard-hitting, tough play, week in and week out. Your Juniors were the come-back team of the year, too. Both teams, along with the coaching staffs are credit to the HJ association, and to Lonestar Junior Football. GO HAWKS!
  6. I didn't get to watch all the playoff games today, but I did see the H-J Juniors and the EC Juniors game. H-J 21, EC 20. Great game from both teams. Also, the H-F Juniors and the Deweyville Juniors won by H-F 25-19. Another great game. I heard the EC green flag and Buna Blue flag game was a close one too. 12-8 EC. Everyone seemed to be having a good time. Big E from H-J had some tasty gumbo too. Whenever I'm around this kind of playoff atmosphere I think Lonestar must be doing something right.
  7. Do you feel all warm and fuzzy now? Go ahead, unload a bunch of crap off your chest and end it with "its for the kids", that makes it a great post. Very original! He loves it when you call him BIG POPPA
  8. I used to have a golf cart, to plant my tired, old butt. I used to have a golf cart, you’re fired – err, what?!? I love you golf cart, you did so much for me. Carried me to the concession stand, bathroom, for free. We shared so much in so short a time, I miss you it’s plain to tell. All I have now is a folding chair, it’s just not the same – oh, well. I used to have a golf cart.
  9. This is an overflowing wagon of horse manure if I've ever smelled one. So now all this whining was just "taking up for poor ol' HJ" because they were seeded 4th??? LOL Go back and read all your previous posts and boneheads' posts too. Good grief.
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