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Everything posted by MBaller#1

  1. devon has accepted his punishment let's move on he is a great kid trust me this will never happen again
  2. As a community you don't throw the kids in the trash can because of what took place now it was totally wrong but as parents fans and community where does putting the pieces back together start some body has to put their arms around these guys and try to help them in these guys hearts they know they were wrong but they have to move forward if any of your kids did that you would punish probably severely but you have to try to help rebuild your son or daughter and make sure they learn their lesson same thing here Devon is a great kid that made a very poor decision so if this is what it takes to help rebuild these kids then let it be a pep rally I don't think any parent is there telling these kids to do wrong it's a chance for people that do care to talk to these young men and help them some one has to help them it starts at home we as grown ups should know that social media is trouble and is often used to start trouble if any of you guys on this message board see these young men please try to give them an encouraging word don't tear them down remember we all can play an important role in someone's life let's get passed this and help these young men south east texas they are trying to accomplish a goal. They will learn their lesson along the way.
  3. Aggie are we please sir if you get any updates let's us know immediately thanks
  4. Harris has the ability to score 30 at any time I think the tigers will be mad and leave it all on the court until the other gentleman come back tigers by 20 plus the rest of the young tigers have had a lot of play time and will step up I'm taking the tigers
  5. So when will we know about the suspension being handed down .
  6. There is a lady who told me last night that she screen shot a post from someone from lcm saying that they were going to try to disqualify silsbee before the game started she said she wanted to send that to the uil so was this planned perhaps.
  7. Hopefully the tigers can play solid defense in the playoffs and not get key players into foul trouble, tigers offense needs to keep trying to score 100 points or better usually 100 points means a tiger win keyword usually.
  8. Dallas Lincoln has been having a lot of very close games of late but dont dismiss north forest or Yates and I don't think silsbee or any team is running up the score if they have their 3rd unit guys in the game silsbee needs to keep this pace and intensity all the way to and through San Antonio that's how you beat the refs and the opponent not disrespecting any team in our district but tigers are on a mission and can't take anybody lightly good luck tigers keep the ball rolling.
  9. Trust me if silsbee's starters would have played the whole game with minimal subbing meaning not the usual 5 on 5 off this game would have been a 50 or 60 point blow out tigers are trying to win a state championship no disrespect to bridge city or the fans at all but the tigers took it easy on bc in the 4th but the defensive pressure caused bc to get frustrated and mad but its basketball the tigers will not let anyone intimidate them and coach sigler runs a classy program at silsbee if there were any punches, shoves,or elbows thrown then the refs should have seen it and called it that's their job.
  10. Center is region 2 Yates and Navasota will have to be taken care of
  11. The woodlands fans wanted to get to that ref bad.
  12. With the way the refs were calling fouls for both teams it look like silsbee stopped playing defense not to say it was the refs but they could not get any flow in this game I see why all the scores in the DFW stay in the 50's and 60's
  13. That's alright tigers let's work on getting those gold medals now still lots of work to do
  14. Got a great big game tomorrow get plenty of rest tigers awesome win tonight
  15. Hey Aggie when will silsbee get a live stream
  16. The time off over the holidays probably not much practice and a long road trip the 2 games is a lot maybe a good night sleep will help our tigers tomorrow a lot of time off can sometimes throw their rhythm off hopefully they will get back to tiger ball tomorrow.
  17. Also if you download livestream from the apps store u can not only watch this tournament but anything on the livestream which is cool and it doesn't cost anything I remember a Hardin Jefferson silsbee game being on hj livestream a few years ago.
  18. It's pretty cool watching it
  19. Yes I'm watching it now
  20. I hope the tigers are spending the night in Houston then go to la marque so they can get some rest and a shorter drive
  21. Silsbee defense has got to get better this should be a beat down after playing 6a competition I mean a real beat down
  22. Let's get ready for Cleveland and la marque
  23. So are the tigers finished in this tournament or do they have one more game left
  24. Let's go tigers show these 6a boys what tigers basketball is all about
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