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Everything posted by Vakidis

  1. Front runner? . . hahahahahahahahaha. . . . that was a good one
  2. spurger and evadale play this weekend in the deweyville tournament. . . should be a good one
  3. SB isn't in the tournament this year
  4. 80-61 BC over Deweyville this was a pretty close game up until the end. . . Dville was missing their leading scorer who scored 38 last night and lost another starting guard in the 3rd due to an eye injury
  5. Good coaches find ways to have good teams... evadale has darn good one
  6. yes... he's a great ball player but no one can expect one man to win games... even jordan had pippin lol
  7. we dont care where you put him or how good he is.. it takes 5 to win.. but i hope they do put him down low
  8. say what you want them rebels aint scared of copeland... we showed that when we swarmed him in football... i'm pretty sure that "athletic" guy completed one pass and rushed for negative yards
  9. hahaha... who thought we'd go undefeated in football and win disrict easily... not you!!!!
  10. if i hadn't seen the improvement of evadales guards myself i would agree with you 100% after watching them last season but it looks like alot of work has been put in this summer... you might just be surprised
  11. thats right and we'll start this saturday when we put it on deweyville
  12. Yeah im gonna have to go with evadale... SP has no big men down low after losin clark last year and i don't care how good their "almighty" gaurds are they can't beat every team they play behind the arc.. HD will be athletic as always but lost alot of leadership last year in the gaurd that graduated.. spurger is young and have a new coach they're usually pretty good but don't impress me this year. west hardin has copeland and....well they have copeland. evadale did have a horrible season last year having a new coach and only one senior in one of the hardest basketball districts in the state and now with big sandy gone it makes it that much easier... and they're the underdogs and have had a pretty good reputation this year at doing the unexpected (football)... so my money is on evadale... go get em rebs
  13. top 3 i promise you that... these boys look like a whole different team than they did last year
  14. i got them rebs pullin this one out followed behind spurger and HD... the rebels are returning 4 out of 5 starters and put alot of work in this summer... i watched evadale play in kirbyvilles summer league and they handled kirbyville with george whittaker pretty well... evadales big guys down low will easily take care of any post player in the district.... HD lost alot last year and who cares about the rest of the weak district
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