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vball mom 000

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Everything posted by vball mom 000

  1. OK! I am going to comment here and I don't have a child in either school and I really don't know who the parents or people involved are, but I will say this. I as a mother can feel for this situation. I don't know if the coach or dad cussed that's between them, I do know when ever as a parent I feel my child threatened or hurt i will go on the attack. It's human nature to protect your own. Now I know you need to count to 10 and think about what your going to do and how it will effect things before you do, but it hard not to when you see a hurt kid. Now knowing these two team and seeing them play. Kountze is a scrappy little team. They don't quit. And if the setter is who I think I seen setting I can't see her throwing a game. The time I saw her play she was some what a leader and talked the other players up. To say it was "pouting" is also wrong. Let's see these are teenagers you show me one that don't get mad and pout at some point I will congratulate you on a great mission. Why can't we just leave it that Kountze decided they wanted this game more instead of throwing insults. I was always told whoever walks on the field or court WANTING the game the most was the team that was gonna get it. You cannot blame one child not playing and another for pouting on a loss. I walked out of a game the other day when I overheard a child tell parents she sucked. One moms reply to this child was: No don't say that! She said I seen her sub 12-13 kids into that game throughout the night. I seen others miss serves, spikes, digs, and kills. It was a TEAM effort. If one sucks they all suck in my view if they as a team couldn't build eachother back up to be the team they KNOW they can be they deserved the loss. It's easy to blame others. As for the coach yelling. OK! Name me one sport where the coaches don't yell, cuss, throw,critisize, or scream and I wanna be on that coaches blood pressure med's. They as coaches learn what it takes to bring out the best in these kids and if this was an issue here I am sure this isn't the first time she got loud, blames, or scorned someone. Why get mad now? These coaches have at least 35+ kids that play volleyball freshman thru Varsity. Could you imagine having to deal with the hormones of this many teenagers at one time? I couldn't. And no I do not agree sometimes the stuff I hear that comes from coaches, but they are there I am not they arethe motivators not me. Missing practice was an issue I read. I as a parent who MAKES my child attend every practice (unless like the one child who went home sick) go to every practice. I won't except many excuses for her to miss because if You practice as a team you play as a team. And last but not least. Our kids read these blogs and your kids read these blogs you write. I hate this site for this one reason. The parents get on here and act like they are the kids. They sling insults etc. It's really sad because we and yes I say we because I've commented kinda negative and I hope people don't consider this negative because its not meant to be in any way i'm just an outsider looking in. And I am sureI will get a reply to mind my business probably, but when we make things public then it gives the public the right to reply. I just feel for this team and the kids after seeing them play before because they had alot of potential........Sometimes and I too need lessons in this subject: We as parents need to step back and let them stand up for themselves. Sorry about the loss tonight Warren better luck next year and congrats on a great season. Goodluck to all still in........
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