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Everything posted by joebdun

  1. Dont get upset guys this is the real world and we all know there are some with no class. Its prob a joke if not ,so be it. Anyone that would say that and not be joking is prob jealous of him for some reason.
  2. Tell me something I don't know, BUT you need to tell him that to his face dascoon08 thats pretty crappy....i hope you were just kidding. I personally dont think he sucks, but even if u think so dont be sayin that kind of stuff on a public forum Oldgregg dont sweet it if hes joking fine if not that is is opinion but letts see if he has the balls to tell him face to face. dont hide behind the screen
  3. Tell me something I don't know, BUT you need to tell him that to his face
  4. I really hope you all don't but win,lose, or draw, I will always support you kids, And all that know me, know that is fact. I may be loud and eat your butts out some times but I am allways proud of all of you.
  5. Good luck and best wishes to a good season. Looking forward to coming and playing on the beach this year. I have plenty of OFF. Now that is said just don't see the Sharks beating any of the top 3 teams ( Evadale, H-D, W-H )this year due to just not enough #s they have to pick from. I know Evadale will have close to 50 kids coming out this year again. And sorry about that game last year, but I know that there were some personal stats that some Sr's were trying to get with there last game. I know coach Will has never ran the score up to embarrass another team .But again Good Luck
  6. I too like a "go get-em attitude" as that will be required to keep the title in Evadale. 83 is correct on his numbers and of those 7, it was a scant 5 that started on offense and defense combined as Potts did not always start (although he started some). Nichols and the district MVP Crain, were the starting RB's. Having said that, I do hope this team builds on the momentum from last years success and brings home another crown. Not quite right 83 and Mo44 the truth is that the first time for Evadale to ever beat HD on any level was at there JV game 2 years ago when the now Jr were Fresh. And out of that bunch 10 will be starters on this years V . Never said that the 10 were on V last year just on the first team to beat HD ;D ;D Just thought you would do more research Big MO some of us watch all of the games not just Var. ;D ;D And beating HD on any level is good enuff for me. Don't get all pissy now ;D we're on the same team...but you've got to admit, understanding that would have been luck at best. You are correct in you're statement about the jv win a couple years ago, I was there, but dang, I haven't missed half a dozen games since I graduated in '82. I'll be there to watch your kid and I'll be there when he's gone...And I've seen more jv and jr high games at Evadale than , well, MOST folks in town. Again, I'm with you, I was just making what I thought was a mild corrective statement. We got plenty to counter with 55 :) And yes, beating HD on any level kinda makes you feel fuzzy inside. Dont worry Mo I ant getting pissy ;D I just wont to stir the HD pot. Not Ours. I know I can count on the String faimly to be at all the games home and away. As a mater of fact I missed my sons first ever touchdown catch and you told me about it when i walked up. But those HD fans have had plenty of years to brag and now its our turn. Just hope these Rebels dont leave me hanging out to dry ;D
  7. Your right Grandpaw doesn't have anything to prove ,he won. The kids playing today are the one s that have something to prove and until they Beat Evadale the trash talking goes on. Just having fun you all have had the bragging rights, now its our turn.
  8. I too like a "go get-em attitude" as that will be required to keep the title in Evadale. 83 is correct on his numbers and of those 7, it was a scant 5 that started on offense and defense combined as Potts did not always start (although he started some). Nichols and the district MVP Crain, were the starting RB's. Having said that, I do hope this team builds on the momentum from last years success and brings home another crown. Not quite right 83 and Mo44 the truth is that the first time for Evadale to ever beat HD on any level was at there JV game 2 years ago when the now Jr were Fresh. And out of that bunch 10 will be starters on this years V . Never said that the 10 were on V last year just on the first team to beat HD ;D ;D Just thought you would do more research Big MO some of us watch all of the games not just Var. ;D ;D And beating HD on any level is good enuff for me.
  9. Rember were you are South East Texas sports There is winning and nothing else. Coming in 2 is just the first loser, and some people will do anything to make sure they win. Not saying its right but thats life
  10. There are ways around all the rules. A few years back a kid from Kountze Tray Peters came to Evadale as a freshman just to play V BB, when he couldnt make the V team it Kountze. He moved a old RV in to a park in Evadale, never stayed the first night, and as soon as BB season was over he went back to Kountze. So dont say you cant move just for athletic reasons its done ever year some were.
  11. Like i said before we have 10 starters that will be Jrs coming back from the team that did win the first time against HD and you have to win the first one to start a streak. That s not being confident just stating facts And until you can beat this group they are Dist. champs. You all had a great run but it is time to turn the page. GrandPaw cant suit out tho I know he still wants to ;D
  12. Man its nice to see you can cut and paste but enough ,we can see you like living in the past and we all can tell you are proud of your Grandpaw, but he ain't playing this year and the ones that are playing just ain't quite good enough to win this year sorry ??? ???
  13. Looks like Evadale and who ever they are playing that week. And it should be that way seeing that they did beat everyone last year, that makes them the biggest targets. They will have to bring there best to every game because a let down will bring a lost that week. The teams are so even that a let down will get you beat. I know that the Evadale weight room is open and I havent seen many there yet.
  14. DUDE take your butt over to a tennis thread or forum. We football lovers like tradition. Imagine that! The Miami Dolphins are still holding onto their undefeated season, when was that, oh yeah back in the 70's. How's that tradition holding up for them since then? Lots of so-so seasons! ;D Living in the pass is for people that is scared of the futher. People still calling the Dallas Cowboys American team When they haven't won a playoff game in 13 years. Does that make America losers?? 55 get use to it Grandpaw ant playing anymore These Rebels won last year and the same kids will win the next 2 years and maybe 3. See you at the games
  15. Sorry H-D but get ready to loss the next two years to the Basketball town. Our best athletic class will be Jrs this year so look for them to win this year and year after. They dont have 1 supper star but they have several real good kids in this class. They have 10 players that will start as Jrs this year and out of those, 8 were starts as Soph. Looks good for 2010 and 2011,
  16. Cant say exactly how long But I know they play in the late 70s and 80s until EC drop ed from 3A to 2A. Rember some good games in 78-79-80. Both teams were strong and that is when only one team went to the playoffs. So ever Dist. game meant something, not like now were you could only win 2 or 3 Dist. games and still play in the playoffs. Rember a few years were the winner was determined by a coin flip. I played in the 78 & 79 game. In 78 EC scored with 7 seconds on the clock and won 17-14. Knocked us out of being district champs. In 79 Orangefield won 34-18. In 1980 Orangefield won big. According to the Setxsports archives. East Chambers and Orangefield have been playing since 1958. The overall record is Orangefield 17 wins and East Chambers 17 wins. Can't get any closer than that. 1980 Orangefield 28-East Chambers 6
  17. He is talking about HIGH ISLAND and they are closing the gap somewhat but don't think they quite have the talent the top teams have in this Dist. That is mostly due to the # of kids in that school. They are just smaller and don't have the #s to pick from this is true. we lost many kids due to hurricane ike, we dont expect pity, or for anyone including ourselves to use that as an excuse. High Island is closing the gap in our district and expect for us not only to fight for a spot in the playoff, but for a district championship within the next few years...We may have lost our houses. but not our pride lol ;D ;D Making the playoffs for High Island is very poss. if one of the top 3 teams over looks them they could get beat. H-I played Evadale a good game for the first half but seemed to get tired, and they just did not have the bench last year but now that they will be able to play on Friday night in stead of Sat. Day. will help them. Good luck this year.
  18. What do you mean about HI? He is talking about HIGH ISLAND and they are closing the gap somewhat but dont think they quite have the talent the top teams have in this Dist. That is mostly due to the # of kids in that school. They are just smaller and dont have the #s to pick from
  19. Cant say exactly how long But I know they play in the late 70s and 80s until EC drop ed from 3A to 2A. Rember some good games in 78-79-80. Both teams were strong and that is when only one team went to the playoffs. So ever Dist. game meant something, not like now were you could only win 2 or 3 Dist. games and still play in the playoffs. Rember a few years were the winner was determined by a coin flip.
  20. What are you smoking? H-D 3rd best !!! You do know we are talking about football? First of all Evadale lost way more players than H-D. And West Hardin lost their over rated QB, that H-D just killed last season in that blowout win vs the oilers. Also sorry you were not impressed by our awesome sophmore last year, that recorded over 100 tackles and ran over everyone in district. Just remember the name KEITH GILMORE !!! i cant say i remember gilmore running over evadale or any back yall had for that matter?? and i have film in hand so please enlighten me on what you saw :-\ I have watched the film again and still looking for the kid running over Evadale and I cant find him, Looks to me like Evadale had that game under control from the kick off and didn't see anyone running over anyone. Except for the Rebels Def line running over H-D Off line. They were in the backfield more than H-D QB. ;D ;D
  21. Sorry I cant reply to how I would have done things differently with WH . I only saw them play one game and that was when Evadale beat them like a drum. Just looked to me that they put all there eggs in one basket and when that did not work there was no plan B. Cant say what I would have done I dont know what or who else they had. Maybe they did not have anything else And if that was so dont look for them to beat any one this year. But if they did have more talent and just did not use it, not good coaching in my book. Will just have to Wait and see how things go this year. Still dont see anyone beating the Rebels in this Dis. this year. They just have to much talent not to win this year and in my opp. the next two years. There biggest class will be Jr this year and they have won a lot of games since 8 grade.
  22. Potts ,Freeman, Dorr, and Kilpratick will be the only real speed that Evadale has this year. So dont see them out running many people this year. Just hope the new spread off. works. Their reservers will not be that fast but they should be bigger than any deff. backs they play against. 3 or 4 5yd quick passes will make the deff backoff the line and that will give Potts room to run in open space and if he has room say by-by have not seen anyone catch him from behind sense 8 grade.
  23. I am not being ugly but I am asking what makes you thing WH is going that good this year when you lost your main off. player and most of your scoring. Just asking? Even if the def. is that good how are you going to score? I am a big Evadale backer but don't over look High Island this year. They played Evadale a good game last year, and I don't think they lost much. And hopefully they wont to deal with any storms this year. So they can play on Friday night instead of Saturday day games I don't get offended very often & your absolutely right about losing Copeland. My thoughts are that last year with Copeland, as Evadale & HD did so effectively, you shutdown Copeland & you shutdown the whole team. This year should have more emphasis on TEAM and not just superstar. He was a great player and all around good person, but it was too much about him. We still have a lot of speed coming back for offensive weapons, my only question is who's going to be running the offense. I have my ideas, but we'll see what comes out in 2-a-days. Once the offense gets clicking, we should be okay. Like I said our defense is returning all main players, except Allen Jones. It's easy for us as parents or fans to talk trash, but the players are the ones who must sacrifice and perform on the field. Good luck to all players and coaches and fans who travel. See ya'll at the games. Should be fun! "Offense sells tickets; Defense wins championships". by Coach Paul "Bear" Bryant Jr. Ask Evadale about this one! Good job last year Rebels! I hope you do have a more team orientated off. this year and if so it will be a change from last year. WH was a one man team and that made them easy to stop. But I think Copeland's dad was a coach and he was going to make sure the kid shined. Don't blame him , the kid was a good player and he deserved to go play collage ball. Deff. looking forward to the WH and Evadale game this that will prob. be for the dist. Don't see HD replacing the QB this year. Did not see the JV QB impress this year.
  24. I am not being ugly but I am asking what makes you thing WH is going that good this year when you lost your main off. player and most of your scoring. Just asking? Even if the def. is that good how are you going to score? I am a big Evadale backer but don't over look High Island this year. They played Evadale a good game last year, and I don't think they lost much. And hopefully they wont to deal with any storms this year. So they can play on Friday night instead of Saturday day games
  25. Glad to see you picked the top 3 and 2a teams to compair to. WOS is just under the 4a cap so they have way more kids to pick from. And I said the top 2 or 3 kids from the top 3 1a teams not most 1a teams. But you said Kirbyville and one of there key players came from Evadale ( Randy M.) Not saying he will be the best athlete in Orangefield, but I do think he will help that program and he will not have any prob. fitting in. And seeing his dad will be calling the plays it helps that he allready knows that off.
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