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Everything posted by Mike_Honcho

  1. Anahuac is the team that everyone will be chasing in 23-2a this year. The rest of the district will fight for 2nd and 3rd
  2. May 11th last day to sign teams up for the event.
  3. Ben West is sponsoring a Unsigned Senior Tryout for Basketball The cost is 10 dollars with a Photo ID. Colleges that will be in attendance: Wiley College, and Two East Texas Junior College Ben West Cell 409-880-1155 Coaches Office 409-267-2032 2009 ANAHUAC HIGH SCHOOL UNSIGNED SENIOR OPEN RUN PLAYER WAIVER, RELEASE OF LIABILTY, INDEMNIFICATION AGREMENT AND PLAYER ROSTER (To Be Entered All Must Be Filled Out) PLAYER STATEMENT: Each Player shall read the following statements before signing the roster. I am a member in good standing of the above team and I am eligible under UIL rules to compete this school year as a high school player. I agree to abide by the rules and regulations established for the 2009 Unsigned Senior Open Run by Anahuac Independent School District. HOLD HARMLESS WAIVER OF LIABILITY: I, the undersigned player, acknowledge, agree and understand that: 1. Voluntarily and of my own free will, 1 elect to participate as a member of the team indicated above. 2. I understand that there are certain risk and hazards involved in participating in basketball that may result in injury or death to me or other players, including, but not limited to those associated with playing conditions, equipment and other participants. 3. I understand that the very game of basketball is hazardous and risky, including but not limited to, the acts of running, jumping, stretching, diving, and collisions with other players and stationary objects, all which can cause serious injury or death to me and other players. Further, 1, the undersigned player, agree that in consideration for the right to play as a member of the team designated above and in consideration for permission to play on the courts arranged for the team: I. I voluntarily elect to accept and assume all risk of injury incurred or suffered by me (a) while participating for the team so designated, ( while serving in a nonplus capacity as a member during practice or play by other player on my team, and © while on or upon the premises of any and all courts arranged for my team for practice or play. 2. I release, discharge and agree not to sue the team designated above, the facility owner or other entity designate, Anahuac ISD and / or Anahuac High School, or their owners, officers, agents, servants, associates employees, or any person or entity connected with the team, AISD or Anahuac High School for any claims, damages, cost or cause of action which I have or may in the future have as a result of injuries or damages sustained or incurred by me from whatever cause including but not limited to the negligence, breach of contract or wrongful conduct of the parties hereby released. Designated Bench Coach During League Play:______________________________________________________________ Coach's Name: __________________ Email: ________________ PH (H) ____________ Cell______________ Print Player's Name Player's Signature Parent's or Legal Email Address Grade Guardians Signature Chlorate's 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12 Statement of team coach: I hereby verify that each name appearing on this roster is an eligible player or incoming player for the team designated above. Coach's Signature: _______________________________________________ Date:_______________________ **ROSTER MUST ACCOMPANY REGISTRATION FEE** Do Not Write Below Date Reek: _________________ Payment Rec._________________
  4. Shot Put - Deoir Mcneil, Alfredo Rodriguez Dicus - Thadius Johnson Triple Jump - Justin Allbriton, Blake Matheson High Jump - Blake Matheson, Demarcus White Pole Vault - Zack Smith, Ashton Gilluory 3200m - Aljendro Hernandez, Chris Garner 1600m Aljendro Hernandez 400m - Blake Matheson 200m - Braxton Mayes 100m - Justin Allbriton 110 hurdles - Ty Knupple, Demarcuss White 300 Hurdles - Demarcus White, Ty Knupple, Kelly Rundzheir 4x100 4x200 4x400 relays all took first place
  5. Anahuac and hitchcock week 3 should be a good game
  6. Anahuac I.S.D. is hosting this 7 on 7 State Qualifying Tournament for 4a and below. The date for this event is scheduled for Saturday May 23 2009. We are also going to host a Linemen Challenge on the same date and time. This will not be a qualifying tournament for the official linemen challenge. There will be no fee for the competition. The challenge is for linemen type student-athletes to participate in competitive environment. The teams will consist of eight linemen defense or offense. The events are as followed: Team Sled Drive, Team Truck Push, Team Farmers Walk, Bench Press for Reps, Power clean for Reps, Team Tire Flip, Team Hand over Hand Tire pull, Team Tug-o-War. These events will be team totals or relay style events. The Tug-o-War event will be tournament style with single elimination. Points will be awarded by the order the teams finishes. If eight teams register then points will be 1st- 8, 2nd – 7 …ECT. There will be a medal for overall champion, high reps on bench press and power clean, and team tug-o-war champ. A school can sign up a varsity and JV team to compete in the challenge. Varsity will compete for awards and will have winners announced but no awards. Final day to register is May 11, 2009. Since there will be not fee for the challenge; a coach from the school will need to be present during the challenge to help with the events. The Teams will need to arrive between 9:30 and 10:30 to fill out the roster and turn in the liability/release forms. Thank you in advance for your time and I hope to see you on May 23rd. Events List and Description 1. Bench Press – Team total for 8 member's total reps. 205 is the Varsity Weight and 185 for the JV. 2. Power clean - Team total for 8 member's total reps. 185 is the Varsity Weight and 165 for the JV. 3. Team Tire Flip -Team events such as team tire flip will have 2 members on the tire at a time. They will flip the tire 50 yards and then tag the next two team members for the next 50 yds. They do this for 200 yards with all team members going. 4. Team Sled push – Each member will push the sled 100 yds. They will tag a player and go back. All team members will compete. 5. Team hand over hand tire pull – The team will pull a tire 125 feet and each member's time will be added up for a team total. 6. Farmers walk - will consist of each member carrying the bars 25yds to the next team member. Each team member will carry the bars 25yds. For a total team 200yds for time. 7. Team tug o war and truck push will consist of the five best linemen on the team. Team tug o war will be single elimination bracket style. Team Truck Push will be against time. A team will have to push a truck 100yds. Awards will be awarded for varsity only. 1st in the over all competition, 1st in Team Tug – o – war, Best Bench Press and Best Power Clean. Coaches there will be a Concession stand at the event. They will have meal deals for $5 and $6. Chicken or Steak. contact woodsj@[email protected]
  7. Great Guys Dont allows win football games. Other than that if you brought in Jimmie Johnson i dont think they would make the playoffs. They might need clevland to send some of their football rejects to boost the program.
  8. Humble has 2338 Atsostia (sp) 3188 Summer Creek is taking 800 from Atsostia high and a few from Humble mainly to help with the other new school
  9. Panthers annihilate Yes Prep By Doyle Barlow Correspondent Published February 25, 2009 MONT BELVIEU — Just how dominating was Anahuac’s win over Yes Prep Tuesday night? Well, the Panthers scored more points in the first quarter than the Trail Blazers would in the entire game. The Panthers exploded for 27 points in the opening period and went on to post a resounding 75-26 victory over Yes in the Class 2A bi-district basketball playoffs.Anahuac will go on to play Newton on Friday with the site and time yet to be determined. Senior Anthony Rivon led the Panther charge as he tallied nine points in the opening period, while teammate Robert Boykins chipped in seven. The Anahuac defense set the tone forcing 16 turnovers by the Blazers in the game’s opening eight minutes. Anahuac’s pressure defense harassed the hapless Blazers all night, which in turn led to a big night for the Anahuac fast break. The Panthers seized control of the game for good with a 12-0 run over the last 1:57 of the first. Although the game was never competitive, Anahuac coach Ben West said that his team was still able to do good things to get them ready for the Newton contest. “We were able to work on some stuff,†West said. “And we implemented some new defenses and we were able to use them tonight to help us get better. “The leadership from our seniors was good tonight.†Rivon led all scorers with 14 points while Boykins had 11 and Jordan Tarver and Cody Johnson each had eight. Also scoring were Cameron Mitchell, Kelly Rundcieher and Braxton Mayes with six a piece. While Justin Albritton and Devonte Outerbridge had five. On the night 12 different Panthers scored. The Trail Blazers were led by Brandon Gunter with 12 points. The win moves Anahuac to 23-8 on the year.
  10. Anthony Rivon Hit 6 threes in the First. ANahuac did not press in the 3rd and 4th quaters 1st - 47 2nd 74 74 points in the first half Anahauc hit 15 threes in the game Senior Night For ANAHUAC Boykins and RIvon Went on a rampage West could have scored 150
  11. Anahuac will host a Linemen challnege May 23rd the same day as the 7 on 7 tournamnet
  12. I would like to see Mr Ross from the cleveland area call the game he is a good official. I am sorry but many peeople assume that the game will be played the coaches might just flip a coin. Anyways the 1st place will see New Waverly in the Third and the Second place Team will face Newton in the second round
  13. The game could be played in cleveland, HJ, or Port Arthur at Lamar State
  14. Anahuac and Kountze will play but not in beaumont and not the beaumont chapter at all. The game was called loose on both sides and sometimes the refs let you play basketball. The fouls under the goall were called late and probally should have been call all night on both sides. Anahuac took the lead in the middle of the 2nd and never looked back.
  15. if anahuac wins then the lions will probbaly play tie breaker game later on this season How many years in a row has kountze played a tie breaker game
  16. The only problem is most track meets are on thursday now not saturday it would be best to wait until may and do it with 7 on 7
  17. Brooks to just be the AD at Jasper Kountze Stan will not be back
  19. Don't forget about the Bay Area Officials
  20. the reason is because whoever gets the second seed will not face new waverly until the regional tournament the 1st will face them in the third round
  21. Watch out for the sophmore in Anahuac the All-State Defensive Back He will move into the backfield next year.
  22. Anahuac Panthers 4 starters on offense return 8 startrs on defense return #24 and #10 moves into the backfeild to replace #32 "speed kills"
  23. baseball25 give me the roster for hardins basketball team since they dont have davis villamez miles playing this year
  24. Davis is not the best point guard in the district kountze, Ec, and Anahuac has better points than davis. Tarver from Anahuac Domingo From Kountze and Davis from Ec can handle the ball better than all of them.
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