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Everything posted by Localfan

  1. i am not an outsider, i was born , raised , grad of PNG and still live in the city, and I VOTED AGAINST the current board members, therefore i have a right to say what i have to say! I may not work for a media outlet but i do have FREEDOWM OF SPEECH just like you guys! This whole deal has made PNG look bad , and i for one am not a thumb my nose kinda of person to the others, the board memembers ,not all of them but a few that i will not name names have an attitude that they can do what they please without anyone questioning them. Trust me on of them will be elminated at this year school board election , time for new ppl on the board that can communicate with the public and do not treat the public like we are nothing!
  2. making a fool of themselves and a mockery of the due process.
  3. this makes you kinda wonder what goes on behind close doors, maybe it time for the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT to start investingating these board members , sounds like a start of a corruption.
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