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  1. :o Why did Splendora get rid of a good coach? Nelson did WAY BETTER thank Kevin Weldon and they let him screw up the 90's and most of the 2000 years. doesn't make any since. Wait, I know the reason is because a school board member got mad because his son (who isn't a B-Rob type player) wasn't playing...
  2. Merka did not have a good game against Dayton. He should not be MVP of anything. But hey, Crosby will whine and pout once again win he doesn't win!
  3. :oLMCoog-- Your very ignorant to think LM has a chance to beat Dayton. I might be a NEWBOOTBRONCO but I know Dayton WILL WIN! I won't be there but I will be for ROUND 4 the next week!
  4. [b][i][/i][/b] BH-89 whatever your smoking, you need to put it out! Because you sound stupid!
  5. [b][/b] The Barber's Hill Coaches were upset... Rightfully so, when your team gets beat before the game starts. Coach Stewart respected Coach Price. Coach Gage disrespected Dayton by making his "players" wear PURPLE when they messed up at school. What is that teaching your players and staff? That it sucks to wear purple? Coach Gage should take some pride and APOLOGIZE for everything. That would make him "more of a man". After all the things that happened, Coach Gage attempted to shake Coach Stewarts hand after the game... Coach Stewart declined! Which seems like unsportsmanship, but Coach Stewart shook hands with ALL the players. Nuff Said!
  6. :DAs much as I hate both teams... I hope Huffman whoops the mess out of the "shorthorns"! Go Falcons!
  7. ???I dont know who is going to win...  ::) Dayton by 30! Nuff said.
  8. :o Thats the only thing you could spank...
  9. Down... Duh...
  10. ??? Lang wanted to play right after he broke it. Told the trainer to just tape it up. Boy is little but a piss ant. He gets after anybody. Great kid. Wallace has to step it up and block. Nows his chance!!!
  11. Bobby Little? HAHA... Why and how could ya'll put Cody Green in that list? Cody is great! Simple. Brenham thought that they would make Dayton run. They thought they could stop them if they shut the passing game down. Didn't happen, Cody ran all over them boys.
  12. ;D Dayton whippin Kirbyville Tivy... Easily. Dayton boy get your ring sizes in! HAHA... Boys are goin all the way this year! Good luck to any team including Kirbyville. Dayton would whip Friendswood if they played them again this year! For sure... I'm A BRONCO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. :-\ I hope that they show up to play. Dayton is ready!
  14. 8) Dayton runs over Brenham... These boys are for real this year!
  15. ;D Good ol' A.J. He's a great player! Hmm... I read that article 4 times and not once did I see a WEAKNESS! HAHA... There ain't none! Ask any team that has played Dayton.
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