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Everything posted by Cheermom4

  1. Just ate lunch and headed to the stadium at 2. Let's Go INDIANS!!!!
  2. Of course any purple shirt will do!!!!
  3. Oh I will do some shopping on Thursday but I will cyber shop on Friday.
  4. Can't we just be thankful the INDIANS are the third round of playoffs? I know I am and excited to give up Black Friday shopping to tailgate before the game!!!!
  5. I'm outta likes but I sure like and totally agree with your comment, Finesser. Anything can Happy come Friday Night with a bunch of teenagers. It all depends on who wants it bad enough. I'll still say a few prayers bcs those never hurt anyone.
  6. The LaMarque game was the only game I missed that season. I was at MD Anderson having surgery and sent my husband to the game. Went to College Station the next week in a wheel chair and crutches. Actually went to the dome on crutches also. That was some fun times.
  7. All of this making excuses and Coddling our young kids is doing nothing to make them productive adults. Geez at some point they have to cut the apron strings. Whining and throwing hissy fits because Trump won is just pitiful and I would be embarrassed if that was my kid. I attribute it to every kid getting a participation award or trophy. I have always told my kids you do not need a participation award for showing up. You earn whatever award your given. None of them has ever accepted a participation award.
  8. Can't wait for next week. No matter where we will be there.
  9. I have to say as a parent of 4 adult kids and 3 still in college. Two graduating next year and the youngest in middle school. If my kids were crying and scared because Trump is our new Preaident. Then my husband and I have failed them. Geez Louise, we have a House and Senate for a reason. Plus Trump will have a ton of advisors to help him along the way. The end of the world is not coming. Also I would bring my kid home to finish college at Lamar if they were so scared.
  10. The teams we may play are playing tomorrow at 1. So I'm sure nothing will be known until after that game.
  11. That 21 is a beast tonight!!!!
  12. BTW. Just a mom of girls observation. I am not a big football fan unless it is High school.
  13. They are big boys and can juke and jive when needed. I think Faircloth will get them fired up after the half.
  14. The hubs and I will be there and yelling LOUD and PROUD!!!
  15. Hopefully the front will move in sooner in the day and it will be a none issue.
  16. My older kids played sports in middle school only. Why bcs they are under 5' tall. They were good but liked cheer better. My youngest is playing sports In middle school and will probably stick with track or cross country in high school.
  17. Awesome video!!!
  18. Nothing wood glue and a couple of claps can't fix. I am sure it's put back together nicely by now.
  19. He is a one man wrecking machine.
  20. I don't know any fan who would be MORE excited that we won a share of the DC. We are ALL stoked that we beat Nederland!!!! i will say that is was a great game and could have gone either way. I am just glad it went our way.
  21. Wooohoo just announced PNG will play Friday at Lamar.
  22. I'm outta likes so you get a quote. He is a phenomenal player and I am amazed that he is just a sophomore.
  23. Central is in playoffs.
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