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Posts posted by ChampionEagles

  1. Now I know you don't really have any kind of knowledge about Kirbyville's history on the football field which extends to this year. Do you understand the meaning of the word dominate or were you just using it because you saw it somewhere and it sounded good? Let me ask you, how many years in a row has Kirbyville made the playoffs? How many district championships in any class? How many state titles? OK forget the last one, it's too easy.
  2. [quote name="kcat-fan" post="1247380" timestamp="1345406542"]
    [quote author=ChampionEagles link=topic=100006.msg1247374#msg1247374 date=1345404541]
    I don't hate Kirbyville any more than normal and I don't hate Kvillecats. I do find him very amusing. Kirbyville and Newton have always been adversarial and I imagine will continue to be such. :)
    Yep!!!.. and I played some in Newton in the early-mid 80s....
    And I played in the late 60's and early 70's at Newton and we were adversaries then. ;D
  3. [quote name="Kvillecats" post="1247351" timestamp="1345399957"]
    [quote author=kcat-fan link=topic=100006.msg1247337#msg1247337 date=1345395544]
    Oh, 89falcon....good luck with Coldspring :P
    [/quote] 89falcon, what have your team done?? Huffman sucks!

    [b]Admin Edit: Again! Watch the language![/b]
    Anyone want to bet a turkey leg on Kvillecats being on this board by the time Kirbyville plays Newton?  8)
  4. In the past I've supported my friends, neighbors, and kinfolks at Kirbyville and still do. But when an honest answer is attacked by an individual with no clue to reality, to me it cries out for just as foolish an answer to his ridiculous claims. Hence this thread and the life of it's own it has taken. Kirbyville should be better this year, and that is good. Changing DC's and base defense, again should be good for the cat's. Do I think they are as good as they once were? Not yet. They are working to get there which is good. I do hope they have an improved year from last year and will build back to their once prominent position which will make this district even tougher in the future.
  5. [quote name="Kvillecats" post="1247118" timestamp="1345340879"]
    [quote author=ChampionEagles link=topic=100006.msg1247114#msg1247114 date=1345340617]
    [quote author=kville68 link=topic=100006.msg1247107#msg1247107 date=1345340232]
    This is my first time on the board for this season..... Glad to see somethings never change. Evidently its already been decided. After all the time he has been given, all of the practices, chalk board and film time. Our new DC has already failed! Pack it up. Call off the season. All is lost. Man what was Neese thinking? Newton called it first. Lets just start Bball practice.
    Finally, someone from Kirbyville showing some sense! :o
    [/quote] He's being sarcastic my friend. Hey ChampionEagles, are you gonna buy me a good 'ol turkey leg from yall booth while i watch Kirbyville pluck them Eagles?
    There is sarcasm used on this board? Never new that. Thanks Kvillecats for enlightening me even further with your amazing knowledge. I can't buy you anything because I'm going to be hiding at home and not showing my face at that game because I'm so scared your right about Kirbyville hammering Newton and I can't stand that. I'll just wait at home on you to post about it on here so I can cry without being seen. By the way, this is sarcasm.
  6. [quote name="kville68" post="1247107" timestamp="1345340232"]
    This is my first time on the board for this season..... Glad to see somethings never change. Evidently its already been decided. After all the time he has been given, all of the practices, chalk board and film time. Our new DC has already failed! Pack it up. Call off the season. All is lost. Man what was Neese thinking? Newton called it first. Lets just start Bball practice.
    Finally, someone from Kirbyville showing some sense! :o
  7. We can compare years past all you guys want to, including Kirbyville has no state championships and Newton has 3. Newton owns a hefty lead over Kirbyville in all time head to head games. And this is this year and that was last year. It still ain't going to change the fact that Kirbyville has got to improve drastically to have any kind of chance at competing even dropping down to 2A. I think it will take more than a new defense and DC to help. Newton is Newton. As I've said already, Newton has lived up to rankings in the past and has not come close to living up to them in the past. But we start in a lot better place this year than Kirbyville. And one more time, scrimmages can't be won or lost and count for zip, including allowing Deweyville to score on Kirbyville's 1st team defense. Which I simply find extremely funny because of all the "we gonna dominate the district with a new defense and DC" talk. Time Kirbyville plays Newton I bet both teams will look totally different than their current form and could be for the better or could be for the worse. Long time until then and too many variables. Now there is some realistic talk for you, not crazy pie in the sky BS.
  8. [quote name="Kvillecats" post="1247000" timestamp="1345324355"]
    [quote author=ChampionEagles link=topic=100006.msg1246997#msg1246997 date=1345324245]
    Ya'll couldn't handle Deweyville it sounds like. Keep on talking, it helps with your dreams. Again I say, these are scrimmages and we all know how important it is to win a scrimmage. Oh wait, you can't "win" a scrimmage can you? Kirbyville probably could, if they could out play anyone. Which hasn't happened yet. But ya'll are a LOT better team this year. ;D
    [/quote] ChampionEagles, save room in your belly for the crow:)
    Can't do it. Gonna be full of wildcats! 8)
  9. [quote name="Kville_Kats" post="1246981" timestamp="1345322470"]
    [quote author=Kvillecats link=topic=100006.msg1246703#msg1246703 date=1345267005]
    [quote author=ChampionEagles link=topic=100006.msg1246255#msg1246255 date=1345224353]
    I've told you already. I saw the varsity play twice, once in the playoffs which was the last game played, and the jv play once. What part of no talent do you not understand? Newton's jv was playing second teamers against Kirbyville at the beginning of the second quarter. Kirbyville could not run the ball, throw the ball, or get first downs. Kirbyville could not stop Newton from running the ball, throwing the ball, and they didn't need first downs because they were scoring from deep downfield. Varsity was just as bad. Now you add the two together and it still equals no talent for the Kirbyville team and Newton should be better than last year. Better for Newton don't mean great, just better. I've not said that Newton was going to "roll" through district. I said if they play with better attitude and more want to they will be hard to beat. And it's the truth. If they don't they won't go far in the playoffs no matter what. But beating Kirbyville like a red headed step child this year is gonna happen either way Newton plays. When you put " " around legendary it is a sign of disrespect in the way you used it in the sentence. Get brighter or go home.
    [/quote] I watched Newton tonight get Thumped by Silsbee the same way you saying y'all beat our JV. When we were ranked that high in 2a Kirbyville beat Silsbee so bad in the scrimmage that they coach wanted to call the scrimmage off, Ozen got done the same way by us. I think you should worry about where your Eagles gonna stand in a few weeks. They didn't impress me at all, Regardless of what u saying, I got Kirbyville winning district!

    ;D ;D..hmmm..
    Deweyville is not part of our district, ya know? They scored on this almighty defense and didn't allow Kirbyville to score. ;D ;D..hmmmmmm...... And we all know how important scrimmages are...... :o
  10. I'm simply saying all this talent someone keeps talking about must have moved in or be freshmen because it was not there last year. A defensive change is not going to grow talent and if they are freshmen, they will have a lot to learn before they can be good. Chiding me about horrible play or past wins is not going to turn no talent into giant killers either. And last time I checked, Deweyville was no giant.  ;D
  11. I've told you already. I saw the varsity play twice, once in the playoffs which was the last game played, and the jv play once. What part of no talent do you not understand? Newton's jv was playing second teamers against Kirbyville at the beginning of the second quarter. Kirbyville could not run the ball, throw the ball, or get first downs. Kirbyville could not stop Newton from running the ball, throwing the ball, and they didn't need first downs because they were scoring from deep downfield. Varsity was just as bad. Now you add the two together and it still equals no talent for the Kirbyville team and Newton should be better than last year. Better for Newton don't mean great, just better. I've not said that Newton was going to "roll" through district. I said if they play with better attitude and more want to they will be hard to beat. And it's the truth. If they don't they won't go far in the playoffs no matter what. But beating Kirbyville like a red headed step child this year is gonna happen either way Newton plays. When you put " " around legendary it is a sign of disrespect in the way you used it in the sentence. Get brighter or go home.
  12. [quote name="Kvillecats" post="1245375" timestamp="1345065285"]
    Oh yeah ChampionEagle, since you wanna bring up the past...you guys were horrible the year before last when yall came to Kirbyville and got routed 46-6. If it wasn't for WT returning to replace the "Legendary" Coach Barbay this wouldnt be a discussion! You can sleep on Kirbyville last year performance if u want, but i know we will be much better this year regardless of what you are saying. I have alot of respect for yall program, but Newton wont win this district with "ease" like some of yall are saying. I watched you guys last year and yall offensive play calling is suspect and of course the defense gonna be good on the account of Coach WT Johnson.
    Only a person with no class will insult someone who can no longer defend themselves. Coach Barbay was a legend as a coach and deserved to be referred to as such. And to be discounted by a know nothing idiot is an insult to the entire Newton program and all of Texas high school football. This goes beyond trying to make any kind of point about Kirbyville. By the way, Coach Barbay had more football knowledge in his little finger than you will ever garner the rest of your life.
  13. First of all, I ain't EagleFan01, another mistake by you. And yes a lot of the silly things I saw posted were from you. No way can you say anything about the cats right now and how "good" they look. I don't care who you are. It's the beginning of practice and any good team and good coaches will not look like they will look during the year. You have nothing to judge them against. Saying a different defense gonna be the all cure that Kirbyville needed is in itself telling of limited understanding of kids and high school football. Any defense is subject to the kids understanding how to play it and their responsibilities as well as being called at the correct time against the correct offensive scheme. Just because a team uses it doesn't mean it is gonna be good. Furthermore Dave Campbell's rankings mean squat. Newton has been a dominant force over the years(historically a LOT longer than Kirbyville) and have been ranked very high and not met the expectations at times and have surpassed projections in other years. Kirbyville should be better this year than last, but that ain't saying much because they were horrible last year. Just dropping to 2A is not guaranteeing the program is going to return to the prominence it once had. Kirbyville has a lot of work to do to get there.
  14. rykerx144 you know mine and your little jabs at one another do not carry anything but friendly competitive shots at rivals. Your comments in no way bother me. Some of the unrealistic comments made by others from Kirbyville are just plain silly and bring forth the SA in me to answer them with realistic comments, maybe with a little edge to them. Agreed that Kirbyville should be better this year than last. And that is good. Claiming to be so good and going to dominate in 2A is crazy in my opinion based on what I saw last year. I saw the varsity play twice, once in the playoffs, and the jr. varsity and there was no swagger and each appeared to be confused with responsibilities on both sides of the ball at times. That swagger comes from confidence and I think Newton has lost some of it as well. Let's hope both the Eagles and the Kats can regain it and see how far it can take us. :)
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