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Posts posted by ChampionEagles

  1. There are instances of a new coach and system that comes to a school and has instant success, but they are not the norm. An entire program, all the way from Jr. high , has to be implemented and given enough time for it to grow through to high school. Then a winning attitude has to be nurtured to be successful. This comes from not only the coaches, but the entire community, then it becomes "tradition".
  2. [quote name="CATS80" post="1059093" timestamp="1316278686"]
    [quote author=ChampionEagles link=topic=88393.msg1059068#msg1059068 date=1316275484]
    Homer PA announcers at a game. Silsbee has one of the worst. It is their home field and their choice to force me to listen to one accolade after another about their players on both sides of the ball when he can't even get our kids last name right. Should be neutral or turn system down so only home side can hear it. It's a form of mental torture for both the fans and the kids playing.
    [/quote] ;D You havnt played Lumberton yet. Their announcer is way more homer than ours ;D
    To me it is very disrespectful of the visiting team and their fans and smacks of "we'll do anything to win" instead of "play hard and fair". Things in life aren't always fair and some people don't see any difference in those two statements. I'm not indicating cheating by Silsbee or anything like that, it's just very distasteful to me personally to have to be forced to sit there and listen to it. Silsbee has a very good team that played hard and with a lot of heart and won. Why not let that speak for itself?
  3. Homer PA announcers at a game. Silsbee has one of the worst. It is their home field and their choice to force me to listen to one accolade after another about their players on both sides of the ball when he can't even get our kids last name right. Should be neutral or turn system down so only home side can hear it. It's a form of mental torture for both the fans and the kids playing.
  4. Polls are cattle bred for no horns, right. I think this game is going to be great with a lot of exciting big plays. The offense Silsbee runs is designed for that and Newton has the team speed for that. All it will take is a moments hesitation from either defense and you can put six on the board. Turnovers for either team may spell disaster. It's going to be a high scoring game IMO. :) The boy on the bridge with the banjo was just waiting on a ride to the game.  ::) I think I saw him get in that chip truck!!
  5. Well we got the horses watered and fed and will be hitching up and breaking camp in a few minutes to get back on the trail. It's quite this morning here on the banks of Nichols creek and the skeeters weren't too bad. We should be able to make the Walmart parking lot in time to do a little tail gating before the game. Would welcome any Silsbee fans that want to drop by and share our cask. Should be a good game tonight and the weather sure feels good under the stars. Newton should bring the "A" game tonight and we'll see what Silsbee is made of. "Happy trails to you, until we meet again" I loved Roy and Dale and Trigger. 8)
  6. [quote name="VPirate" post="1056592" timestamp="1316001189"]
    [quote author=ChampionEagles link=topic=88023.msg1056581#msg1056581 date=1315999367]
    I really hold no ill will against any school or town. Mr. Buddy Garrity ask if anyone remembers the days of Ike. I remember Ike and Rita and all the help from all places to each other. Also after the tragic events last year involving Reggie Garrett and our Coach Barbay, there's no way the football community is anything but brothers and sisters.

    Not trying to jack this Newton, Silsbee thread, but ChampionEagles you are a class act Sir........maybe you could give a few Ned. fans some lessons .  ;D

    Thanks for the compliment, but I'm not anything but a human being and struggling at times to be that. :)
  7. I really hold no ill will against any school or town. Mr. Buddy Garrity ask if anyone remembers the days of Ike. I remember Ike and Rita and all the help from all places to each other. Also after the tragic events last year involving Reggie Garrett and our Coach Barbay, there's no way the football community is anything but brothers and sisters.
  8. [quote name="BADSANTA" post="1056416" timestamp="1315959860"]
    Newton fans please be aware that SISD no longer accepts used aluminum cans, jars of fig preserves, or firewood for entry. Cask is the only methood of payment. You may also park your wagons in the Walmart parking lot only! Thanks in advance!


    Can I still empty my horses diaper behind the Silsbee stands like normal? I would ask Badsanta to do it, but he seems to be full of it. ;D I'm going to keep my cask to drink from to celebrate the Eagles win on the way home.

    ChampionEagles :)
  9. [quote name="Kville_Kats" post="1056253" timestamp="1315949849"]
    [quote author=ChampionEagles link=topic=88173.msg1056046#msg1056046 date=1315938002]
    [quote author=BHFAN link=topic=88173.msg1056027#msg1056027 date=1315937230]
    Crap! I'm dang near likable with .5% Ive been stiring the pot on here for years!!! What have i done wrong lord  ;D
    Have you tried commenting about Kirbyville? ::)

    Allright Champ...LMAO..quit messing with the newbie... ;D

    It just comes so natural to me. Sorry. 8)
  10. [quote name="Mr. Buddy Garrity" post="1056208" timestamp="1315947231"]
    [quote author=the sports guy link=topic=88173.msg1056151#msg1056151 date=1315943561]
    I think all but one poster from Kirbyville is up there in the neg.
    [/quote]I wonder who caused that.

    Scooter, you can say this without a smiley face? ;D
  11. [quote name="AggiesAreWe" post="1056172" timestamp="1315944661"]
    Okay, from here on out, ChampionEagles posts are irrelevant, meaningless, pointless, and most of all, just plain hogwash!! ;D

    I'm not the one that's trying to make a living off of these post, so call me what you may and think whatever you like. Until they change the rules to only factual post (which would limit users to about 3) I don't care what you say or think about my post on here. I've seemed to touch a nerve down in there somewhere! Newton still wins on Friday night. You must be great fun to be around if you can't laugh at yourself. :o
  12. If you take yourself too seriously that brings nothing but responsibility. Why would I want something like that since I've spent all these years trying to shirk it. And have gotten real good at it. Lower peoples expectations of yourself and next thing you know, nobody will want anything out of you because they know better than to expect something meaningful. Need I coach you more? :D
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