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Posts posted by ChampionEagles

  1. [quote name="kcat-fan" post="1024635" timestamp="1310655782"]
    hated to see coach Johnston leave, but I know as HC in Newton, He will do great things.

    We just loaned him to ya'll for a couple years to help out(just kidding). He's back home now and I'm looking forward to many years of W.T. football. I think he will be a good one.
  2. The torch has been passed to a longtime Barbay assistant in W.T. Jonhston. W.T. has coached in, I believe, 5 state title games. W.T. had mentioned before school was out that he had not even let anyone sit at Coach Barbay's desk because it didn't feel right. These things will change as time goes by. W.T. says that all the coaches on his staff will work together for the kids and to continue the winning tradition at Newton. The weight program was instantly put back on track and the overall program evaluated. New technology that makes it possible for Newton to actually exchange game films and provide college scouts with copies was purchased. The defense will once again be under W.T.'s control and will be a pressure, in your face type defense. Trevor Holmes will be moved to defense with QB responsibilities going to D.J. Dean. A good move for both. I'm pretty sure the offense will still utilize the scat but maybe with a few more twist than Newton football is used to. Once again team speed is present across the board. I'm excited about the upcoming year and wish the Eagles and the new coaching staff much success.
  3. [quote name="badndn" post="1021141" timestamp="1309294401"]
    Outside of KVille the past ten years give me one good reason the GT area should get any respect?
    If you consider Kirbyville as SETx then you have to consider Newton as SETx. Newton went to the state final game in 2004 and lost, but went back in 2005 and won. Newton is the last state champion from SETx. And the new coaches name is not Johnson but Johnston. Newton is also in Division I not Division II in 2A. Newton also has a state championship in 1998 and I believe that makes them have more state championship game appearances than anyone else in the SETX area since 1998. Incomplete reporting to say the least. ::)
  4. I guarantee all the teams in district will face a defense from Newton that has not been there the past two years. May not have been on top of this district alignment, but all the teams in this district will be chasing Newton this year. Once again the Eagles will have team speed and a renewed desire to continue the longstanding winning tradition. Go Eagles!!
  5. After two years of very poor defensive performances, Newton will regain the top spot after WT takes the reins of the defense. That places Anahuac second and third place should come down between EC, Woodville, and Buna. Hardin, Warren, and Kountze will complete the district standings. Warren could make some noise and possibly play spoiler this year, but it may take a couple more years to complete a turn around.
  6. Kirbyville's coaching situation is a lot more unstable than WOS. Kirbyville may have some talent returning, but someone has to coach these kids into a cohesive unit. WOS has the upper hand there. First Quarterback Club meeting of the year tomorrow in Newton with WT giving an outlook. I don't believe Kirbyville's defense will be as strong without WT.
  7. [quote name="purpleeagle" post="981854" timestamp="1299951010"]
    Champion eagle, in your post you stated that these two coaches would not get new contract. They are probably going to get new contracts next year. Your post seem to implement that they would not be back next year.  Getting the AX usually inplies to me that they would be gone.
      Your statement on the supt. was totally uncalled for. The school board hired her because she was the best qualified, not because of where she lived.
    Dictionary definition of Ax is ''to be dismissed, expelled or rejected''.
    I am sorry that I misinterpreted your statement.


    I never said they would not get new contracts. They did get axed from their current contract. As far as my thoughts about the supt., are you my mama? "Oh, don't say anything against the nice lady." I thought I was quite kind. My taxes pay part of her salary and she pays none, yet I'm supposed to not disagree in any way with her decisions? Give me a break. Her salary and stipends are more than double the coaches. Let her take a big pay cut and help with the budget problems in a meaningful way.
  8. Nothing like facts to completely muddy the waters on any subject. I have not said at any time that these coaches would not return next year. Their jobs in fact were terminated and they had to reapply at much reduced compensation because they were retired/rehired. I don't know how to make this any more plain. I'm all for them returning, but have a problem with trying to cut corners on the backs of individuals that have proven their value through many years of dedicated sacrifice and service. The corner cutting should be done on programs that involve a small number of participants and have been implemented to serve a social need that should not have been school related. These are many in Newton.
  9. [quote name="purpleeagle" post="981203" timestamp="1299865299"]
    Seems someone is getting the wrong information on these coaches. Both are still coaching and are expected to be back next year. Newton has added even more coaches, Hill from Hemphill is aboard as is Gulley who went to Kirbyville with W.T. and came back with him. There is also two more coaches aboard and only one of them is in question to whether he will be back next year or not. All these coaches teach other than just coach.
    Also, I was told by one of the coaches that the attitude of the kids has improved, W.T. has implemented a program with decipline and the kids are reacting to it.
      I apoligize to all of the district teams that are licking your chops, but Newton Football is BACK.

    Every retire/rehire with NISD was told that their jobs were not renewed for the coming school year because of budgetary problems directly in a meeting with the superintendent. This is not wrong information, but a fact. Now having said that, there are always means of getting past "problems" as we all know. According to when they retired, there are penalties imposed for the district to rehire them. Football is king in Newton and has been for a long time. Don't see that changing. There were numerous non renewals handed out in NISD recently that were not to retire/rehires. When the dust settles, I'm sure there will be retire/rehires that will be back next year.
  10. [quote name="T-daddy" post="980355" timestamp="1299727822"]
    burkeville has really fallen over the years from the sports programs to academics its probably time they merge with newton, the kids would be better off.  kids that transfer to other schools are way behind after leaving Bville...

    Logistical nightmare to merge with Newton. The entire county is suffering from economic hardship which has led to a loss of over 12% of population since last census. Many jobs lost due to wood industry plant closings and workers moving to seek work.
  11. And if you look at donald's abuse of spelling and grammer, maybe he had to repeat or should have repeated a class or two, and that kept him from participating in sports so he has an ax to grind about coaches. How can society accept the lack of reading comprehension and spelling is beyond me. Yes, let's cut education, it is plain we don't need it. An uneducated public makes a great working class.
  12. [quote name="purpleeagle" post="966476" timestamp="1297799686"]
    Decisions made by the school board are no win situations. Any way you go on making these cuts there will be people who don't agree with the results. 
    I support the decisions made by the school board. I am sure that no one on the school board wanted to cut anyone. There is no good choice when making these type of decisions.
    Yet the Super keeps her money and perks and don't even pay taxes to the district. Toledo Bend is not in the NISD tax area. Maybe she can recommend other cost saving tips for the board to rubber stamp also.
  13. [quote name="hitman009" post="964133" timestamp="1297365325"]
    [quote author=jacobmccandles link=topic=80066.msg964108#msg964108 date=1297360830]
    Hitman, don't compare college graduates with 30 years experience to some people that did not even graduate high school and are working for minimum wage.  Find out what the income is for college graduates with 10+ years experience in the area(do not include teachers).
    [/quote]why not compare?? we are talking about the community that pays for the teachers....
    but if you want statistics here they are... this will explain why there is cut backs in the Newton area....

    Newton has experienced a 10% drop of population... why have more teachers if you don't have the students...
    Newton has a 12% unemployment rate.. hard to raise money with that.... people are not going to buy property with no money..68% of people own homes in Newton and 21% make less than 10,000 a year..

    It is hard to compare college graduates with 10+ years of experience when only 9% of people who graduate from Newton get bachelors degrees... compared to 23% state average... And I bet most of the Newton's 9% college graduates have left the area to find better jobs... not many high paying jobs in Newton... newton's population only has 47% with HIGH SCHOOL DEGREES...
    I can also bet that most of the college degrees that live in Newton are teachers...
    either way a teacher, in newton, is a high paying job as compared to the community average salary..


    All of these numbers look good except they are totally wrong for budget numbers except number of students. The largest part of the school budget comes from the state, not local taxes or any of these other statistics you have quoted. ADA money. And if I follow your logic, I'm one of the ignorant, penniless, barefoot fools that live here. Come on down and I'll show you how to play "deliverence" on my banjo.
  14. I am one of the old ones and remember a movie that the plot was to kill everyone when they reached 30. Seemed like a good idea until you reached 30, then ..... I do take exception to the idea that younger is better, more in the know on technology idea. I've paid for my kids to graduate from the University of Texas and I don't think in higher education they tend to stick with the younger is better idea. There are advantages to both and I don't believe they are mutually exclusive. There is no way to man all positions with nothing but "old" teachers, but there is also no way to man all positions with nothing but young teachers either. Especially in the poorer, rural areas. Many teachers over the years have left the profession for better paying jobs in the private sector, not just young or old but both. Ideas made into law that make education spend money in ways that are not in the best interest of those your trying to educate are also to blame. I'm sure in every corporation there are provisions for "no employee left behind".
  15. [quote name="hitman009" post="964000" timestamp="1297350196"]
    [quote author=ChampionEagles link=topic=80066.msg963994#msg963994 date=1297349365]
    [quote author=kville68 link=topic=80066.msg963944#msg963944 date=1297342621]
    Take emotion out of this and the only part that makes no sense is the fact that these employees are
    1. Retired from the education system and recieving a pension.
    2. Working for the same education system and recieving a paycheck.
    They and many others are double dipping the system. It should not be possible. If they want to come out of retirement and coach or teach because they are good at it, they enjoy it and are needed that would be fantastic. It is nothing personal with these two fine coaches it just does not make good financial sense.
    Double dipping? They paid into the retirement system over a lifetime of work and then took advantage of being a conscientious, hard working employee by reaping the benefits of their work and you call this double dipping. They do not receive state benefits like all other state employees nor do they receive state retirement like all other state employees. A state highway department worker with out a college degree receives better insurance and better state retirement than teachers. As America and Texas together fall further behind the world in the quality of educating our children let's continue to blame teachers and cut money needed to educate the young. There's a great rally cry "LET'S BE MORE MEDIOCRE".  
    [/quote]that its ture but the state matches what they put in... so dont say the state does nothing... and they did not pay social security...think about all the money you put into SS and put it to retirement... that is what teachers do...
    as for the youth falling behind... THAT IS WHY THEY ARE HIRING YOUNGER TEACHERS... they are trained...

    And the moon is made of green cheese....
  16. [quote name="kville68" post="963944" timestamp="1297342621"]
    Take emotion out of this and the only part that makes no sense is the fact that these employees are
    1. Retired from the education system and recieving a pension.
    2. Working for the same education system and recieving a paycheck.
    They and many others are double dipping the system. It should not be possible. If they want to come out of retirement and coach or teach because they are good at it, they enjoy it and are needed that would be fantastic. It is nothing personal with these two fine coaches it just does not make good financial sense.
    Double dipping? They paid into the retirement system over a lifetime of work and then took advantage of being a conscientious, hard working employee by reaping the benefits of their work and you call this double dipping. They do not receive state benefits like all other state employees nor do they receive state retirement like all other state employees. A state highway department worker with out a college degree receives better insurance and better state retirement than teachers. As America and Texas together fall further behind the world in the quality of educating our children let's continue to blame teachers and cut money needed to educate the young. There's a great rally cry "LET'S BE MORE MEDIOCRE".  
  17. Word on the grapevine is longtime Newton assistant coaches Lidney Thompson and Gene Waukoviak will not get new contracts for the 2011-2012 school year. This is not the decision of new head coach WT Johnston, but an effort by the Newton School Board to cut cost for the new school year budget. The board has decided to not offer contracts to personnel that have retired from teaching and are receiving retirement money from Teacher's Retirement and have been rehired by the district. This cost the district extra money to do as they have to pay a penalty to the state education fund for these people. So let's just kick out 80 years of coaching experience to satisfy a pencil pusher. Makes sense to me. ::)
  18. [quote name="BigWildcat11" post="960393" timestamp="1296707152"]
    [quote author=rykerx144 link=topic=79541.msg959758#msg959758 date=1296666067]
    Im probably not going to be real popular because of this comment but oh well Im getting kinda used to that.  First of Congrats on Ford for moving on to the next level and I wish him the best.

    My intent is not to take anything away from SFA. I know they have a great program, but this was some of the worst self promotion from an athlete of this popularity Ive seen in a while.  If it was the intent to go to SFA from the start then it wouldnt be an issue.  I know for a fact that this was not the case the though.  I dont know if this was because of the time taken to make the decision has caused most schools to look elsewhere or if it was just a case of poor decision making.  SFA was in from the start,  Alabama, Texas A&M, and other largers schools began to make verbal offers and started to show intrest.  The decision was made to wait and see what other more popular schools jumped on board  (like TEXAS). In the end there was only two letters (Lamar and SFA). I think think there a lesson to be learned here for other young men.
    [/quote]Ryker since your a almighty moderator on this forum ... you'll probably kick me off ... or whatever you do ... but I think this post is totally classless ... this is a direct shot at an 18 year old young man .... that's wrong ... I don't care if he wanted balloons, dancing girls, cameras, etc... I don't care if he wanted to go UT, A and M, Alabama, ... It's his decision to make .... It's his decision to wait and see if his dream school stepped up .... He's a young man, he gets that right .... He knew he had SFA and Lamar in the pocket, why not shoot for the stars ... If it doesn't happen ... gets to stay close to home ... play with friends (Hughey and maybe Cucancic) ... seems like a cool safety net  to me ... For four years (even more if ya count peewee football, junior high) this young man has done what he was told, sweated, and probably even bled for Kirbyville .... give him a break ...

    This is also an open forum with the majority of post being opinions only, not facts like a news program. Ryker is entitled to his opinion, just as you are BigWildcat11. I think Ford was a good running back. Great is debatable, and in my view, not being 'great' is also backed up by his lack of D1 offers. This view differs from yours, I'm sure, but it is my opinion. He broke Bubba Bean's total yardage record, but never did I see anything in his play that made me think he was anywhere close to being the player Bubba was. Why is it wrong to state an opinion about an 18 year old? He would be the first to tell you, I'm sure, he is no longer a 'baby'. It's great to have dreams and hopes in life, but don't expect the world to share them or you will be sorely disappointed. Good luck to Ford and SFA.
  19. [quote name="Kville_Kats" post="954976" timestamp="1296052987"]
    Coach Alvarez will be a hard act to follow..I hope the board will take their time in this matter and get the right man for the job..I don't want to see the Wildcat's go back to the way it was before Coach Alvarez was hired...Good Luck to Coach Alvarez in his new job...You are well deserving...

    I agree, good luck to coach Alvarez at Ennis. The future is always unpredictable, but with all the talent and success of the towns of Jasper, Kirbyville, and Newton and the respective football programs, it strikes me that with all three in a coaching change and programs in flux, the slates have been wiped clean and a new era of bragging rights and history have been started. Good luck to all. :)
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