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Everything posted by cowboys

  1. Scored 8 runs in the 7th inning after Shepherd takes the lead in the 5th inning on a 3-run home run.
  2. How is Deweyville responded from this tragic accident?
  3. Anahuac 11 Shepherd 6 Anahuac scores 8 runs in the 7th inning.
  4. Game has been moved to today (Monday) due to both schools participation in the basketball play-offs.
  5. The site has been changed to Anahuac. Everything else is the same.
  6. Saturday, 2/21--Anahuac @ Evadale 10:00 a.m. (Barring Weather) There are supposed to be showers Saturday morning and afternoon.
  7. With a small O-line you might as well hope and pray you get lucky against the good teams.
  8. Buna wins district with one loss. (Everybody has an off day.) Deweyville takes second. Anahuac makes the playoffs in third place.
  9. This plan poses some positive and negative points: 2A D1 District 11 would probably benefit the most from this new alignment in terms of competition. The driving time won't really be affected for the schools currently in 23-AA. Instead of driving to Deweyville or Warren these schools will have to drive to Newton and Kirbyville which are not much further. Competition amongst 3A and 4A schools would increase as well. The discrepancy between the high points and low points of enrollment for these classifications make it nearly impossible for some schools to compete. Regardless of the fact that these quoted schools are panhandle schools does not excuse the driving times. UIL would have to come up with a better plan (or tweak their numbers) to actually make this plan work.
  10. Much improved. They only lost 2 seniors from last year.
  11. Texas Association of Private and Parochial Schools (TAPPS) As for the coach losing his job: That was the worst thing for the school to do for the system as a whole. Now, any lopsided score might be judged unfairly and have people calling for coaches' heads because they are upset their team was thoroughly beaten. I have been on both sides of the spectrum as a coach and a player. It just happens. Now, we are sending messages to our society that mediocrity is acceptable when we already have too many apathetic people. The guy is everything you want as a coach that teaches your kids to be the best you can be while maintaining a sense of toughness in a tough world. Kudos to the coach for standing up what he believes in, and it is a shame that he was fired. On a final note: Do you think he would have actually lost his job if the score had been 90-0? People overreact to sensationalist media way too much.
  12. A few of those athletes are too good not to be on varsity with EC being down next year.
  13. In many cases, that just won't happen.
  14. Hardin, Anahuac, Coldspring, Cleveland...just to name a few. These schools have a high amount of economically disadvantaged students from various races/ethnicities.
  15. This situation exists everywhere. There are countless Title I schools that face these same issues from varying school sizes. The economy is in the tank so quit feeling sorry for yourself because fear the WO-S football program declining. It will be fine; this is a societal issue that has reared its ugly head and needs to work itself out. Also, coaches do a lot more behind the scenes work, other than shuttle players, to make a program successful, and they will do what it takes to continue to make that program successful in an ethical manner. The last time I checked, there are areas much worse than Orange, TX. They are a good program with good leadership and will overcome this adversity. If they cannot, then they are using this situation as an excuse, and they do not care about keeping it up.
  16. Districts that have worse conditions/situations manage to persevere through these adverse conditions. West Orange-Stark has tradition on its side. As opposed to schools that do not perform well athletically, these kids want to go out and play football successfully because the expectations of classmates, parents, and even themselves. They will manage to overcome this "bump in the road" and continue to have a successful football program. Also, most coaches have to shuttle kids home after practice and games because a shuttle service is not in place in most districts. I realize that the amount the board says it cost them seems a little steep, they have to still cut unnecessary costs.
  17. Either way it goes, the school has to save money somehow. Financially, the school may be inept, but that still does not change anything. Money has to be appropriated accordingly so these students can have a school to go to. The last thing you want is for the school to start cutting the salaries of the teachers/coaches/faculty in general because they may not have quality personnel to assist these kids in being successful. A situation like this requires an evaluation of the whole picture.
  18. It's apparent that many people are unhappy about the board making a budget cut, but it should not be a big deal. The district is not very large, and many students could possibly receive rides from their teammates or their teammates' parents. The school has to work within their means regardless if there was a previous mismanagement of funds. It may not be very fair for the kids, but everybody in this matter has to be very resilient if we want to come out ahead on the otherside of this issue. If that does not make anybody happy, then propose a new requirement for school board members: They need to be educated.
  19. East Chambers is just "licking their chops" waiting on their 8th grade class to be freshmen next year. I would not be surprised if a couple of them will be starting on the varsity squad for both football and basketball. Those kids are that special as a group and will be very difficult to stop by the time they are seniors.
  20. If you leave all of the starters in and put 70 or 80 up every game I guess I would have to call you the Oklahoma Sooners of Texas high school football.
  21. You also pull the players so they have less of a chance of getting injured in a game situation that they already have under control. If you start running up the score, some people might not take that very well and throw in a cheap shot or two.
  22. There seems to be a lot of bitterness about the choices. Kirbyville did a good job of distributing the ball to numerous players throughout the course of the year. Obviously, that diluted some of the numbers for the Kirbyville players. Also, offensive stats are easier for people to gauge than defensive stats. The people who voted on these choices were purely looking at the numbers. "Style points" were not calculated into the All-State selections. It's unfortunate, but, "Oh well."
  23. Muleshoe 35 Kirbyville 28 That sure would make region 3 look bad.
  24. I don't believe that Kirbyville has seen the speed that Muleshoe is bringing to the table. From what it sounds like to me, Kirbyville cannot even stop the option. If they cannot stop it, they will have no shot in the second half.
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