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Everything posted by kvillefan1992

  1. WOW!! I sure was hoping Blanco would pull this out. Man...they got stomped!! Daingerfield will win state for the Small school...I have no doubt!!!
  2. ok..Here's my NEW prediction...B Jackson up the middle for a 20 yard td with 8 min left in the first quarter!!!! GET U SOME!!!! LOL!!! LETS GO WILDCATS!!!
  3. Cool pics...we didnt get that much snow up here.. :-[ But at least we got some..Lol
  4. Exactly...He will not throw like that tomorrow...He will however face an awesome team Saturday night..Wildcats will shut down muleshoe and wes wood!!! You better hope he throws like that tomorrow and only has one touchdown pass....There is no doubt that Kirbyville has an awesome team, but I promise you that Muleshoe has a passing game better than anyone yall have played so far this year. I expect a great high scoring game! What I meant was he will not throw for many yards and td's..LOL I should have clarified..LOL oh well.. I think you know what I mean!
  5. Exactly...He will not throw like that tomorrow...He will however face an awesome team Saturday night..Wildcats will shut down muleshoe and wes wood!!!
  6. One more day kvillefan 1992. This entire town is stirring and getting ready for tomorrow, some leaving today. WILDCATS, YOU ARE THE BEST!! BEAT THE MULES AND GET THE RINGS I know and I cant wait. I went to see them off this morning and it was so much fun. The elementary had all the students lined up on the fence and news media was there to catch it all. It was really neat. I was fired up!!! lol Ready to go now!!! When are ya'll leaving? Were leaving tomorrow morning around 8:30am. Anyway, see ya'll there..CHECK YOUR PM!!!!
  7. I picked Randy receiving a pass from hazelwood. I think they are going to go out there and show Muleshoe that they can throw too, and But if I'm wrong then I think 2nd choice would be to Broderick Jackson run in for td!!! I didnt put a time because you never know who will get ball first and so on. I do however believe that we will score on our first possesion...note I didnt say 1st play..just 1st possesion..LOL LETS GO WILDCATS!!! BEAT THE MULES AND BRING HOME THE TITLE!!!!
  8. Glad to hear you guys are going to be there. You do a great job!!! Wont be able to hear ya though..I will be too busy cheering on the Wildcats in person..LOL But hey for all those who cant go to the game..these guys do a great job!! Keep up the good work. With that said...I predict kville to either score first on run td or pass td..personally I think they will score with a pass td to musgrove!!! jmo. LETS GO WILDCATS..ALMOST GAME TIME!!!
  10. Good Luck Dayton!!! Pulling for you guys! Bring home the win!!! ;D
  11. Good Luck Flannigan! We're all pulling for a quick recovery! Good luck from Kirbyville!
  12. My prediction goes like this: Kville 27 Mules 14 Those are halftime scores!!!! We'll see!!!
  13. Wow..Friday is almost here and the boys will be headin out about 8am. So if anyone wants to come show your support and send off the team...come on out!!! I will be there to see them off...I cant wait until Saturday...but you know..after Saturday, it will all be over.. :'( :'( Football is our life!! What the heck are we gonna do on Friday nights??? LOL Too bad when baseball season comes along they cant play on Friday nights. LETS GO WILDCATS...BEAT THE MULES!!!!! WE BELIEVE!!!
  14. Thats where were staying..its real close to the stadium and if you call now you may still be able to get rooms. MAYBE!!! LOL Anyway, hope to see everyone from kville and surrounding areas there! Thats where I'm staying toooooo!!! ;D ;D *smells an afterparty in the parking lot* ;D You know it!!! There are alot of Kville people staying there. I cant imagine what its gonna be like if we win. lol
  15. Wish we had some white stuff around here everynow and then. I cant believe theres that much snow over there..LOL I bet you are miserable..setexans arent used to that kind of weather..LOL Stay warm!!! Talk about speaking to soon lmfao Is it snowing in EC? Not snowing in kville. Wish it was though. Kids have never seen snow. My son wants to play in it so bad.
  16. Man this week is dragging by...READY FOR SATURDAY NIGHT!!! LETS GO WILDCATS!
  17. We want some snow..LOL just sleeting here! Maybe we'll get some later tonight. I heard it was snowing over in Woodville area..more than an inch of snow accumulating on roofs and cars.
  18. Muleshoe seems tough, but Kville will bring them down. Also, about the article..everyone fails to mention that the last 2 td's Arice made were made on our JV squad..LOL but hey thats ok...kville will shut out the mules!!!
  19. WTG bucof2010..congrats..LOL If only you were a wildcat fan..LOL thats ok...sooner or later you will jump on the bandwagon..
  20. Wish we had some white stuff around here everynow and then. I cant believe theres that much snow over there..LOL I bet you are miserable..setexans arent used to that kind of weather..LOL Stay warm!!!
  21. Thats where were staying..its real close to the stadium and if you call now you may still be able to get rooms. MAYBE!!! LOL Anyway, hope to see everyone from kville and surrounding areas there!
  22. Those 3 boys are definetely a force to be reckoned with. Not many kids do you see playing at their level. The larger schools have enough kids to have a defense and an offense...but these smaller schools like ours, you play both sides of the ball the entire game. So those numbers are huge for these kids! I dont see how they do it for the entire ballgame. Amazing! So proud of our Wildcats...#1 fan and will be there supporting these kids Saturday..Cant wait!!!
  23. Feel sorry for that kid but that was pretty funny...lol
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