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Everything posted by kvillefan1992

  1. Ok..I'm confused..did Anahuac play Hardin Jefferson? According to previous post it shows Anahuac lost to HJ..Is this true?
  3. Ryker..you cant talk to people like panther no-x...LETS JUST WAIT UNTIL TOMORROW..He'll be eating some major CROW!!! CANT WAIT!!! SEE YA TOMORROW!!!! HEY ANAHUAC...BETTER COME WITH YOUR BIG BOY PANTS ON... :o
  4. Good thought, but it will NEVER HAPPEN. I appreciate the outstanding sportsmanship 23 shows...it contrasts greatly with the garbage that eminates (sometimes even from coaches) out of some of 22. IMHO, winning without class isn't winning at all. Sounds Like You Just Painted A Self-portrait There bucfan. I always look forward to the Pleasantries you trail behind you on your way through the site. U weren't being sarcastic were you? I don't think I've ever seen somone from E.C. be negative on this site. How about you go check out the Kirbyville/Anahuac thread and tell me no one from EC is negative..or better yet..check out the Newton/EC thread..please...they're rude too.
  5. How was your dream??? Did you wake up yet??? You need to..because you guys are definetely not going to pull this one off!! Sorry. LETS GO EAGLES..PULLING FOR YA!!! Will be there with my red/black on also!!!
  6. Bring all your WOS friends Skip..its gonna be fun!!!! The more the merrier! LETS GO WILDCATS!! WE'LL HAVE LCM PACKED TOMORROW NIGHT!
  7. Its funny..all these high school kids on here..they have no clue what they're up against. I guess they think they could beat Newton too. Oh well..we have 1 day left to find out who's gonna be eatin crow..and I can pretty much guarantee you that it wont be KIRBYVILLE!!! ;D GOOD LUCK PANTHERS..UR GONNA NEED IT!!! LETS GO WILDCATS!!!! ps. Just like Lefty said..there are no players from kirbyville on this board so the people you are speaking to are FANS!!!! NOT PLAYERS!! LOL The boys are TOO BUSY getting prepared for the game to worry about this forum!!! They will be bringing it tomorrow as usual!
  8. no they dont have the best tailback in the 2A district anahuac does with deior mcneil... anahuac beat hardin 35 14 an hardin couldnt stop deior nobody in the district could... he scored all 5 touchdowns against hardin villamez or stelly didnt do anything I wouldnt say he is the best in all of 2A..just in your district maybe!!!
  9. Hasnt Newton already beaten EC this year? And not even close for what I've read. So I see Newton doing the same AGAIN!!!! Newton rolls on this game...3rd round baby!!! LETS GO EAGLES!!!
  10. You know EAGLE FANS we support you all the way..we'll be there to watch you guys pull off a victory against EC...I saw where you want to wear PURPLE to our game on Thursday..of course..show your pride..as long as I can wear my RED/BLACK on Friday at ya'lls game!!! LOL LETS GO EAGLES!!!! EAGLES 42 EC 7
  11. We are talking about LCM though.. :D ...We will change that!!!
  12. I am so glad to see that not everyone from Anahuac is completely rude! You have made an awesome Post and you are right. Anahuac should be proud to make the playoffs and you do have an awesome coaching staff. I cant wait for our teams to come head to head thursday. I hope its a great game!!! Either way, both teams have worked extremely hard to get where they are this week, and deserve to play well. GOOD LUCK WILDCATS..and good luck to your Panthers. LETS GO WILDCATS!!!!!
  13. I think its awesome that you've got someone that is that fast...but what you all need to realize is the power of our D is what's gonna stop that speed. You can have all the speed in the world but if your "O" doesnt open up opportunity then that speed never breaks free!!! And if your speaking of your WR..dont worry we have speed there also to break up big plays and maybe even get a few interceptions But I can tell you..Newton had some sick speed..and he didnt get to break much..why...D was too much to handle!!!! So speed isnt everything my friends..and trust me we have speed too!!!! Lots of it!!! Tired of talking about it...all I can say is Anahuac better play the game of their life..and even so..Kirbyville still up Big!!!
  14. you know it really pisses me off that yall doubt we got 4.3 an 4.4 speed... until you see us run our fortys keep your dang mouth shut you'll see on thursday what we got an your gonna be real embarrassed when our freshman wrecks on yall this year an prolly one or 2 more times in his high school playing time... you'll see our speed You know I'm never ashamed to admit when I'm wrong, and trust me I've been wrong many times..just not this year..LOL..however...I will say this...I will be the first to tell you that if we do lose I will post on here first thing..that I was wrong and all power to Anahuac...but if you're wrong...I expect to here from you for the way you have spoke on this forum! You have come on here an attacked us Kville fans as if u think for some reason we owe you something. Until you play someone then you'll earn respect from me..but by looking at your stats and who you've played..YOU HAVENT PLAYED ANYONE TO THE CALIBER THAT WE HAVE PLAYED...SO I WOULD SUGGEST BEFORE RUNNING YOUR MOUTH YOU MIGHT WANT TO CONSIDER THAT!!! But hey..like I said before..all you Anahuac people live in a fantasy world..you forget you play teams like warren, buna, deweyville, ec..no offense to these teams..but they are no where near the caliber of JASPER, CROCKET, NEWTON AND DIBOL. But hey..I know you all think ya'll are better than all of us put together..so..come Thursday..REALITY will set in and you make that long ride home wishing you wouldnt have talked so much trash!!! We'll be having your crow waiting for you at the concession stand with your names on it!!!!
  15. LOL..they are gonna need all the luck they can get..LOL j/k Who knows..it may be a close game..but I see kville on top in a BIG WAY!!!! ;D LETS GO WILDCATS!!! on and ps. I'm glad I'm not the only one that saw that play on the field with the onside kick..thought I was losing my mind or something. Even went back and watched the video again. Still no where do I see CC trying to run an offensive play. All I see is refs on CC side when the call was made and kicking team still on the field. lol ! So cowboy doesnt know what he's talking about!
  16. what an idiot...the ball has to travel 10 yards which it DIDNT!!!! That is not a bad call..thats just RULES!!!! Hey idiot, if the receiving team touches the ball before it reaches ten yards, it does not matter. HOW ABOUT YOU CHECK THE RULES. Were you even at this game..or did you just happen to hear this from someone? Because I was at this game!!! I was at the game as well with a pretty good vantage point. To prove how horrible of a call it was, Corrigan-Camden was about to execute an offensive play when one of the coaches from Kirbyville threw a tantrum on the field and the referee then decided the call should have been reversed. You say what you want to, but that is what happened. They were not about to run an offensive play. They were not even off the ball when the ref's called it our ball. How could you even say that? I dont think you know what you're talking about. AND THAT IS NOT WHAT HAPPENED!!!! Maybe you need to go back and watch the film. Because I have watched the video and I can tell you..you have NO CLUE WHAT YOURE TALKING ABOUT...you need to go on!!!
  17. Eagledad..no one is taking for granted any game. However, we all know this is all fun and games and come game night the boys will lay it out on the field. We all know too..as you know personally...dont underestimate the Wildcats!!! We are very confident in our boys. We have a right to be. They are 10-0. Regardless of how they won, they came out the with win in every game. They fought their hearts out. In the CC game, the conditions were horrible, and I'm sorry, but CC was a good team. Probably one of the toughest teams we will see in the playoffs. As you know..CC beat newton. That in itself is a tough challenge, and they were able to accomplish such a feat. So by saying what I've said, Anahuac thinks they can beat us, and beat us badly..if this the case, they are saying they can beat Newton also. Do you think Anahuac can beat Newton? Just curios?
  18. what an idiot...the ball has to travel 10 yards which it DIDNT!!!! That is not a bad call..thats just RULES!!!! Hey idiot, if the receiving team touches the ball before it reaches ten yards, it does not matter. HOW ABOUT YOU CHECK THE RULES. Were you even at this game..or did you just happen to hear this from someone? Because I was at this game!!!
  19. what an idiot...the ball has to travel 10 yards which it DIDNT!!!! That is not a bad call..thats just RULES!!!! Hey idiot, if the receiving team touches the ball before it reaches ten yards, it does not matter. HOW ABOUT YOU CHECK THE RULES. WE DIDNT TOUCH THE BALL...IDIOT...THE KICKING TEAM TOUCHED THE BALL FIRST BEFORE THE 10 YARDS...
  20. what an idiot...the ball has to travel 10 yards which it DIDNT!!!! That is not a bad call..thats just RULES!!!!
  21. OH YEA..ITS ON..First of all this is not an english class..no one has to spell right!! Second...all this trash talk from Anahuac...you better hope your boys bring it come Thursday night, however, it really doesnt matter, you're not gonna win...LOL PLEASE!!! ARE YOU SERIOUS? Keep on dreamin in your dream world. I'll see you in reality on Thursday at LCM.
  22. I thought the mental institution was in Rusk.. i guess my mother informed me wrong.. i'll let her know that it's in Anauhac?? :D Thats a good one!!!!
  23. Thur - Kirbyville vs. Anahuac at LCM Fri- Newton vs. EC and for the LCM home team...were about to change all that!!!! GO WILDCATS!!!
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