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  1. Awesome Job Kirbyville. You represented Yourself, Your community and Southeast Texas well. Thanks. Congrats!!!!
  2. Hey lets leave baseball out of this since no one on here is affiliated with a team that can beat Buna. Bucof2010....loud mouth kid...you are dismissed son. Whsalum....inferior gene got you posting. Stick to golf its the only thing your good at. Dismissed son WOS92 ... I beat you every year even when you where #1 and we were two 20-14...dismissed son Kville 99... Where was Kirbyville without Alvarez...he's a great coach and the reason Kirbyville is doing well...Ya’ll had a few run but nothing like Alvarez has given y’all. Morgan is just as important as him to Buna. Quit living in the past your high school days are over. And you probably sucked...dismissed son Nike 09... Come on, decent... Decent is Kirbyville, Buna is next level.. Buna has gotten better in football and baseball. You need think before you post you will sound smarter if you don't post...dismissed son. BCoogs... Sorry for the misspelling errors.
  3. Then You don't know me very well then.
  4. What are you saying, why is spelled like this(WHY).. don't worry everyone can't graduate from silsbee!
  5. What, put down your beverage.... think then post. I am talking to the people that are bashing coaches.
  6. Pirate-4410 where you at scared?
  7. Agreed, I want arakasthriller.. where you at man lets talk. pm me .scared? Buna had another great year I just want to talk to some people and set some things strait. If your game bring it baby!!
  8. Scared of looking like an idiot?
  9. Well they will be losing Craft, Shep, and a few other on the line ...but your right, like i said they will reload. I’m just waiting for the née sayers. Bring it mouths!!!
  10. Not to long ago Buna was a laughing stock. What theses players and coaches have done is awesome! They are to be commended for there efforts and admired for being a class act. A lot of people don't know it but Bradley Morgan gave his whole coaching staff a shock four years ago when he decide to go with the slot T offense ran by liberty hill. The first season was a dismal 0-9 but it had 9 sophomores starting... positive things were to come. Like 7-4 a berth in the playoffs and then 9-2 another berth and now 7-3 a great record but unfortunately they didn't get in. How soon we forget, the dismal days. Buna has a football program and will always be a force to be reckoned with as long as the slot t rolls. Buna will be a second round team eventually. There kids believe in the system and are making strides. They will lose a lot (players) but they are reloading... they will be ready... just watch. Congratulations and I am always ready to talk to ignorant fans. I don't have the restrictions of not voicing my opinion in Buna any longer, so Personal message me and don't hide, speak your peace and I will make you the next idiot. This program is awesome and so are the coaches.. Email me idiots!!!! Coach Red Coach Red
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