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Everything posted by thetragichippy

  1. Probably should double up on the universal off season which, many will tell you, is the solution to all problems. I heard it was going to be Government run universal off-season ;D
  2. A lot of emotion in this game....it bleeds over to this thread. Both teams have talent and both will be ready to play football. The winner will be the one with fewest penalties and mistakes. I say Lumberton by 6. The home field advantage (plus homecoming) will have the Lumberton boys motivated!! may both teams be injury free........not to say that Vidor won't be limping off the field ;D
  3. AMEN.......we practice PEEWEE football at 530pm because the parents didnt like 6pm........I'm gonna end op getting a ticket makin practice.........dang parents!!
  4. as much as i get tired of band geeks whining about football programs getting preference it is THIS kind of tripe that feeds their rationale. your analogy is bad - are the football players in your hypothetical also on the cheerleading squad? nope. that would be a season-long conflict wouldnt it? or wait, they could cheer between plays right? you may hold volleyball in higher esteem than cheerleading or drill team, but then you probably didnt participate in those activities did you? I have to agree with one thing about your post. That is.....it seems you have received a good education. I am surprised you got away with instructing one of your coaches. Informing or notifying them would be a more preferred method. Anyway you were doing quite well until you chose to write paragraph to too two. You may have underestimated in your charges or accusations that they also might be well educated. Just an observation. Main Entry: in·struct Pronunciation: \in-ˈstrəkt\ Function: transitive verb Etymology: Middle English, from Latin instructus, past participle of instruere, from in- + struere to build — more at structure Date: 15th century 1 : to give knowledge to 2 : to provide with authoritative information or advice 3 : to give an order or command to : direct Seeing as how it was my choice and therefore within my power to decide whether I would participate in one, both, or neither of those activities, I fail to see how using instruct to describe the manner in which I informed them of the circumstances was a poor choice of verbiage. As to your critique of the second paragraph: what does me dropping capitalization (which actually occurred in 1) and using numerals instead of spelling out numbers (also started in 1) have to do with homonyms? I certainly didn't erroneously interchange any. Was this your feeble attempt to look like you gots smartzes? I hope your not from WOS..........for there sake
  5. How many pages do we need to get in the top 10? Are we there yet.... are we there yet....
  6. What volumes does it speak? I take the "no comment" the exact opposite as most everyone on here. i don't see how the volleyball coach would be OK with losing a game this way. To me, the no comment was a way to not say something to throw someone under the bus. Or maybe didn't want to have to explain her position. Thats the thing thats so confusing if we take your side........what on earth could be her position?
  7. Although I think I agree with what you said, those last 2 statements contradict each other. If there is so much more than football, why would you say without it the kids would end up in jail ? ???
  8. What volumes does it speak? I take the "no comment" the exact opposite as most everyone on here. i don't see how the volleyball coach would be OK with losing a game this way. To me, the no comment was a way to not say something to throw someone under the bus.
  9. td gave his opinion way back on something like 4 or 5. Or maybe it was 7 or 8. Definitely somewhere between 3 and 10... : Yea, but back then (around 4-5) we were talking about the volleyball team. At 7 or 8 we were talking about transportation.......around 17 we started wos bashing..........come on man.......KEEP UP! ;D ;D
  10. i don't see the bashing your talking about.....not in this thread. I read some not so positive post, but far from bashing. Can you point out any statement that was negative or bashing....and that is not a true statement?
  11. CALLING TD CALLING TD TD, Whats your take on this? Your the most rational, level headed (except when someone pisses you off ;D) straight talking wos person I know. I would respect and might even listen to your post ;D
  12. Although, I agree with what your saying about commitment, I don't think this had anything to do with VB coach. Her no comment actually translates to "I cannot speak about this because I'm really pissed and will lose my job for telling my real opinion". ;D ;D Are you sure about this statement? Nope.....but it will look pretty bad if the volleyball coach agreed to walk away........don't ya think??
  13. First, this LONG thread has both positive and negative post on it. It has NOTHING (JMO) to do with WOS, it's about the situation and how it WAS handled and how it SHOULD have or COULD have been handled. The only negative post I have seen is on the girls that left their team. I think WOS has a great football program, but I'm starting to think the WOS fans are WAY to emotional. :'( Starting to think? You should have come to me sooner hippy. I could have clued you in. ;D LMAO ;D
  14. First, this LONG thread has both positive and negative post on it. It has NOTHING (JMO) to do with WOS, it's about the situation and how it WAS handled and how it SHOULD have or COULD have been handled. The only negative post I have seen is on the girls that left their team. I think WOS has a great football program, but I'm starting to think the WOS fans are WAY to emotional. :'(
  15. Great but what happens when the bus has already left for the game? What if that is the only transportation they student has? How are they supposed to get from the volleyball game to the football game, in Houston, then? It would be different if the game was somewhere such as Beaumont or something but it's in Houston... I think it's called planning
  16. Why do that? People love to down WO-S. Coop.....read some of the WOS comments......they give a lot of ammunition
  17. So now its everybody else's fault because they wont step up and play WOS? : That's a good point. Do you really think it's the traveling part that's the problem.......... Why not blame it on the people that actually made the decision...........and the ones that "let" it happen.
  18. This might be a fair statement. I think that WOS is more scrutinized than every other school. So, if that's true.......why? I don't think it has to do with jealousy..... I think it is because of the success of the football program. That may be true for some, but it does not bother me. I hope all of our schools from this area are successful. I think it may be a perception but I don't think it holds to the majority.
  19. This might be a fair statement. I think that WOS is more scrutinized than every other school. So, if that's true.......why? I don't think it has to do with jealousy.....
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