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Everything posted by thetragichippy

  1. Well, I'm convinced! I have re-read all the post and think it solely 100% the Lumberton coaches fault. As a matter of fact, the entire Lumberton community. That coach should be put in jail for life with Osama bin Laden (when we catch him). NOT!
  2. well, I didnt like the assumption that his wife started it all. She didnt........she was trying to calm the first altercation. I respect women and dont refer to the as ole ladies..... If you were joking, my bad. It burns me, this was a good father who lost it for a split second and will pay for it for life. He coached my son and I still have respect for the man.
  3. I agree on what you teach your kids, I do the same thing. My son cant hit someone because he was called a name. If he is hit, he has full permission to protect himself. My son better never start a fight. I still think a ban for life is too severe for what happened.
  4. Hmmm, a threat in a friendly forum?. You must be from Bridge City. I was just proving a point. just the near mention of what I said got you upset. Think if it happened in real life..............Thanks for provin my point. P.S. I wont even talk about your wifes or daughters "trap"
  5. No....teach your son in school whenever someones says something, ignore it and walk away. Whenever they push him, to turn and walk away. Pretty soon, kids smaller than him will be calling your son names and pushing him to because he cant stand up for himself. and BTW, I would hope my son protects his sisters honor. I dint agree with starting fights, but I think that guys are "built" to protect women. Also, if you read previous post, I thought the coach was wrong for doing it on the field.......but I also think getting a life ban for this is crazy, when murder only gets you 20. If your OJ, it gets you ZERO!
  6. Pay attention, the altercation came way before his wife was called a bit**. I hope the next time your out, your wife or girlfriend (or boyfriend if that's your thing) is called something like that. Then I want you to post how you respectfully walked away and did nothing!
  7. Hmmmmmm............makes you wonder why he dropped the charges....... 1. He filed a false police report? 2. He is a nice guy? 3. A second video came out showing something COMPLETELY different? 4. He realized he was the instigator? 5. He's flying below the radar and wants to keep it that way? 6. He ruined a great coaches future with his son and feels bad? Before the hate mail, see option 2.
  8. Wow, from a moderator...thanks Bullets13.......Finally someone admits that they may react with violence when a family member is insulted or assaulted...(yes, a push down would be considered assault!) you're taking half of a sentence, and reading it out of context. I'm not condoning violence, or saying that i would react that way. my whole statement was "Heck, just wait until the game is over and settle it in the parking lot, or EVEN better, be a real man and settle it without a fight." the point of that was that violence is the not the right answer here, but if you're going to be dumb enough to fight, take it out back rather than fighting in front of the kids. I took half the sentence to prove a point. I have said in previous post that fighting in front of the kids was wrong. With that said, sometimes you can push someone to breaking point. I wish he would of taken it in the parking lot. There would of been several advantages to that. However, not enough focus is put on the one who started it. The guy that initially put his finger in the chest of one of the Lumberton board members. This guy is flying under the radar. Too much time is focused on talking about how wrong it was versus trying to find out what really happened.
  9. Wow, from a moderator...thanks Bullets13.......Finally someone admits that they may react with violence when a family member is insulted or assualted...(yes, a push down would be considered assualt!)
  10. Unfortunately, everyone who post comments here gets in their "righteous mode" and forgets people are human. They don't look at who started the conflict, only who reacted to that conflict. I agree banned for life does not fit the crime, but it appears everyone is in political mode right now. After reading all the post, it appears no one has ever made a mistake before. I hope all the wives and girlfriends of all the male posters realize that if they are ever called a horrible name (the "B" word) or pushed to the ground by someone, their husbands and boyfriends will walk away and not react. They will do this because if they react, it will become their fault and not the person who started it. Maybe the STJFL will review ALL the tapes out there and reconsider. The coach you speak of is a great DAD and reacted in the wrong way, but I would protect my family if I had to. (And so would most people that will not admit it to be politically correct).
  11. I'm from Lumberton and I was on the BC sideline the first half of the game. (I had a reason to be there, BTW). I was laughing and joking with a BC female who had a badge. She was nice and I told her what a great football team they had. I know for a fact that nothing like that happened during the first half. I have my idea(based on what I seen and heard) of who startee the trash talking but am going to keep that to myself. BTW, I have a son that played on the Lumberton team. After the game and brawl, we had a 30 minute conversation on right and wrong. Although, we lost, we played a good game. Bridge City played a little better. He was taught that parents sometimes make mistakes and that day was one of those days. I still respect the kids from Bridge City (and he does to) and most of the parents. We cant let a handful of people control our lives and I'm afraid that's what happened on Saturday!
  13. My point exactly..............and I don't recall anyone calling Bridge City "hurricane trash". As a matter of fact, one of the Lumberton Coaches that was suspended spent the month after the hurricane helping BC clean up their town. He's a good guy. The coach I'm speaking about restrained another coach, never hit anyone.
  14. Not sure if its true, but I heard there was 5 off duty BC cops at the game sitting while this happened. If that is true, wonder if they could of stopped it?
  15. I have seen two videos. One shows a BC coach hitting a Lumberton coach in the head while being held in a head lock by another BC coach. He hit him twice before another Lumberton coach put him in a head lock and restrained him. I think there is plenty of fault to go around. I have heard(now this part is hear say) of several Lumberton coaches being suspended or put on probation, while a couple that were involved in the brawl received no punishment. If that is true, the "good ole boy" network is alive and well in Lumberton. I have not heard much of any of the BC coaches and their punishment. Why not? As for talking about it, I think it should be talked about. Sweeping it under the rug really does nothing. I have been a coach. Coaches get all the grief and complaints from parents but very seldom are given ANY credit for a job well done. We all volunteer knowing we assume a lot of responsibility with little or no recognition. Of the over 2000 people that have viewed this thread, how many have sent an email to a coach thanking him for a job well done? However, now that something bad has happened, EVERYONE has to chime in and say how bad it is. I agree, it is bad, but instead of taking 5 minutes to post a comment, why don't you ALL take 3-4 months out of your busy schedules and COACH A TEAM, WORK A CONSSESSION STAND, or CLEAN A FIELD. P.S. For those of you that do volunteer, this was not directed at you!
  16. Funny how more people comment and was not there?? There was no one spit on! I was there and no one ever said they were spit on. It sounds good though as a reason to get a fight going, huh! The above poster makes the comment "the same guy that bull rushed one of the people on the BC sidelines"............it was not one of the people, it was, "That Stupid Guy". No one said ALL the BC people were cursing,.......PAY ATTENTION, it was just one!, remember, That Stupid Guy! We can all make excuses about who was right or wrong. It amazes me how easily you can tell what town your are from, by your post! I think the Lumberton coaches were WRONG. I think the BC coaches were WRONG! I think "THAT STUPID GUY" was the catalyst that started it all and he should be held just as accountable.
  17. Really???? Your right, it should not of taken till the 4th quarter. Your coaches were closer to "That Stupid Guy" than the Lumberton coaches, so why didn't your coaches do anything? You, yourself, explained in your previous reply that you were trained to do that. I guess that training was money poorly spent or your coaches thought it was okay to curse children. I guess only Bridge City knows that. I also appreciate the acknowledgement of how well I know hash marks. This comment was made because so many people made blind comments about what happened, just like yourself. I made no mention of who was winning, who I wanted to win, etc..... This forum was not about win or loose, but about the fight. After the fight, who cares who was dominating who, or who would get first place. After your comments, I have to ask.......Are you That Stupid Guy????
  18. If I was an attorney, I would not be wasting my time on this forum. I would be somewhere on a boat.
  19. I was at the game when this happened. It really amazes me that people will form an opinion from hear say. Only a few people were at the game that posted here, the rest are just talking to talk. Here is what I witnessed, heard, and what people said directly after it happened. 1. The head coach of the Lumberton team was near the Bridge City sideline because his team was. For those of you who could not figure it out, those small lines on the field are called hash marks. The ball is placed left, right or center on the hash marks depending where the ball is whistled dead. 2. In the third quarter, a Bridge City coach(or parent with field badge) was yelling obscene comments to the Lumberton players(yes, the 7 & 8 year olds)......"Get butt off the field, you cant play with our kids. According to several people (and kids, mine for one), he did this several times. 3. One of the Lumberton Board members went up to ask him to shut up. That coach took a swing and hit the board member on his chin. This is when most of Lumberton's coaches went to the Bridge City sideline. They talked and started to walk away. That same BC coach or parent called one of the Lumberton team moms a . That happened to be the Lumberton head coaches sister. At that point he ran up and the big fight started. By the way, noone spit on anyone. Cops were called and I guess we will read about it in the paper. That was fact, now my 2 cents. I feel all the coaches that fought should be banned from coaching. This is not something we should teach our kids. My kid was playing in that game. I wish it would of never happened. However, I can't say I wouldn't hurt someone if they called my wife a name in front of me. If my child would have been near or around the fight, I would have been there to protect him. If someone would of came at me, I would have protected myself. So, who's fault was it?? Well, Bridge City threw the first swing. The sad part about it, it was one guy. One stupid guy shouting comments that the referees should have heard and reacted by banning him from the field. They did not control the field and a fight was the result. So in order, its That Stupid Guy, Referees, Bridge City, and Lumberton!
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