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Everything posted by thetragichippy

  1. ​ But have you seen the amount of time and energy people are spending on bashing Obama? This thread is about something he wrote before he was in politics. And if your right that a Republican won"t get elected if he runs on the constitution, bashing Obama will not change that. It's always better to promote YOUR agenda versus condemning the other party. When I buy a car, I want to know why I should buy YOUR car....not why I shouldn't buy from your competition. I personally am researching our choices and figuring out who I think will be best for the country. When it gets down to a few people from each party, then I will debate the negatives of the democratic party.....but for now, IMO it is a waste of time to bash Obama for something he did before politics.......
  2. Look.....I don't agree with Obama's policies..... But it's been 7 years.......he's got one more and he gone......Spend that energy researching our NEXT President......
  3. OK........ Smitty, did you purchase the book and read it? Here is one review of it. Dreams From My Father is a remarkable story, beautifully told, and inspired by its author's divided family history. The son of a black African farmer from Kenya and a white American mother from the Midwest, Obama was two years old when his father walked out on the family. Years later, after many vicissitudes, Obama received a call from Nairobi to say that his father had been killed in a car crash. It's a book.....he will be out of office soon enough.......what ya going to talk about then?
  4. ​ There is no way.........he either has a plan or is feeding his ego...... or the plan is to feed his ego..... #ego
  5. Don't count her out...... American's have a very short memory
  6. I'm really not that concerned about Hillary. I think she is coming in with way too much baggage..... Still WAY too early to tell..............
  7. How do you pretend to be black for that long unnoticed?
  8. ​ Big Girl, I thought hell might have frozen over when i thought we finally agreed on something......lol I'm 99.99999% sure that tuck and roll was not intentional, he tripped and somehow recovered....I give him a 9.6 on form. The other officers were doing their job.....Let's not let one situation negate the other.......the teens were out of control and needed to be handled.
  9. It's times like these I'm glad I live in south east Texas.........
  10. ​The barrel roll was the best part of the video...I wish I could still recover from a fall that fast......
  11. ​I agree.....but Man, that video looks pretty bad.....He appears to be freaking out.
  12. Yea......if being a complete jerk was against the law, he would be guilty as charged...... But I don't think he broke any laws..
  13. 70K LadyBugs are only 105 bucks.... [Hidden Content]
  14. Dang.......I didn't realize what he could be charged with. I do not consider jail time minor
  15. What charges could they get? Minor I would assume?
  16. Does this have anything to do with yesterday and not being able to get to site from my iPhone.....it would go straight to applications page to download games......
  17.   Wait for it......   He's going to say it was a kid from Lumberton :D
  18.   Maybe.....or here we go again believing the rumor mill and "eye witness" testimony......
  19. [Hidden Content]   This is nuts......Hope he gets a long slow death,....
  20. Biggirl....apparently math was not your strongest subject......   Percent wise,  2,777 people out of 223.6 million is not as big of a problem as 2,459 out of 38.9 million......   If that was lotto chances, I would go with the last one.....
  21. I will keep mine concealed.......   I like the element of surprise if I have to use it. 
  22. PamFam10....you must of missed the fact that I was responding to big girl......Who was the first one to bring up "you are quick to call black guys thugs" , then brought up people calling Trayvon a thug, then about the 87% of whites kill whites.....I was just educating her on what SHE brought up.....   To my knowledge, and please post it if you can find it, no one has taken up for the bikers or thugs or criminals or whatever you want to call them. No one has said white thugs are better than black thugs.   Point is, you act like a thug, you may die like one.......It is ALL about choices....
  23. In 2010, there was 3,332 white victims of murder......whites were responsible for 2,777 and blacks were responsible for 447. Same year, there were 2,720 blacks murdered.....whites were responsible for 218 and blacks responsible for 2,459...... Now, let's look at populations in 2010......White population was 223.6 million versus a black population of 38.9 million........There are over 5 times more whites than blacks, yet the number of blacks killed by blacks is almost as high as whites killed by whites...... Gig Girl, that is just the facts [Hidden Content]
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