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Everything posted by D3zii

  1. Yea, but that’s like 1- out of 15 thing the kids proposed that ended up actually making final cuts. Not here to nag or anything just wanted the kids to really be the ones to bring all this together because at the end of the day They are the ones who will have to
  2. Yea me to. The only catch is they don’t even for sure know if he applied to this one, his name is just flying around so they assumed he did...guess we’ll find out when the list comes out..hopefully he did
  3. Exactly, I don’t think anything of what the students liked made the final cut..so my question is again, who’s doing the picking really here the board or the students???
  4. This Gold, this is exactly wat the Maroon and Gold will look like
  5. Hmm, more I see this more I think the kids really didn’t have as much of a say in alot of the schools selections.. if you talked to some of the students then you should know what I mean , smh
  6. Lol , he was a great coach and took Central the farthest they’ve ever been
  7. Ran into someone involved in everything and heard some good stuff. Heard everything will be out Thursday on (Name, Mascot as well as colors) also heard some good news on the football coaching front, A name has been swirling around as of recently that they really like, now from what I heard neither of the current football coaches will get it and it will be an outside hire, and the name that he told me keeps popping up is one I’m sure everyone who knows of him will be pleased with if he gets it.. Almost like waiting for Christmas lol theyre also expecting more kids from the merger schools to attend Westbrook mainly from the vothz and helbig neighborhoods instead of going way to Ozen so Westbrook can expect a few more athletes
  8. Vernon Jackson , Toss up between A&M and Texas..my guess A&M Waddle, I think he chooses Bama over A&M Tommy Bush I’ve been hearing Georgia lately but wouldn’t be surprise to see him pick Baylor Joseph Oassi, I like Texas in this one this is are not really surpirses but Remaining Recruits from Texas my bold Prediction Tommy Bush & Vernon Jackson chooses Texas and Texas ends up with Top 2 Class Waddle chooses A&M and The aggies finish Top 10
  9. Tommy Bush is in Austin Texas on an UOV...
  10. Hmm so there is some truth to wat they said... Know anything. About the pay raise?
  11. When will the new schools full slate of games be released?
  12. Wow what Coach T is doing with an undermaned Ozen squad is just a testament to how good of a coach he is.. Ill be surprised if he isn’t seriously and when I say Seriously I mean top 2 choices for the new school Basketball coach
  13. Was out to eat tonight and ran into some old coaches I use to work with,.. from what I was told, Peevey Has gotten a pay raise and is over 100K, can someone confirm this, cause if this is true that new Head Coach at the merger school should also make 100k and the merger Job opening has just shot up the Best jobs list in Texas High school football i was also told the two sides are trying to make Houston St.Pius the week 1 opponent for the new school
  14. Wow, Sensative! Is this for the kids or not? If it is it shouldn’t really matter how the board feels imo, but Oilers would definitely be a plan B
  15. The top 3 districts look pretty brutal, but they also have a clear cut favorite in each 16-6A NS 8-5A Lufkin (I know some posters won’t agree with this and instead side with P.A.M but believe me when I say Lufkin is “LEGIT” WB couldn’t handle them at all, now granted I don’t know what they have coming back but I’m basically baseing these predictions off of last year 11-5A Manvel
  16. Think your underestimating Stowers, was one of the most successful coaches and was only at Central 4 years. won 2 district championships made it to playoffs 3/4 years and went 4rounds deep his final year. Defense of mastermind , and had a very great program going..was very good in the community and got kids out of the hallways and on to the field.. imo he could be a good get for the new school
  17. No problem with that Basketball decision, Boutte is a proven winner and program builder and will bring the kids out. Now football I would hope they still open it up instead of giving to a W.O.S assist...I’m sure they’ll be other assist from other schools who would like a chance to
  18. What is it post to be about? First interviews or just how the process will go?
  19. When my nephew was there he played football for Stowers and ran track for Washington and i really believe that help keep him out of trouble as well as teach him life lessons which is more reason i feel he was the best coach to come through Central and Washington is just a really good man, so you had two father figures outside the home....that woman really runied everything lol
  20. Make surs they vote for the Hurricanes as the schools mascot lol
  21. Tbh I heard they want to move to Houston just for this...Like North Shore.. know you can’t believe everything you hear but , that’s just some talk I heard
  22. I do agree Soulja to a point. I think they may have Extraviagated the situation a little, i coached at Central a while back and I’ve seen kids from the Southend come and was treated no different then the other kids, mainly cause they played sports and were really good at it (Pharius Haynes, Mike Mitchell, David Mayfield, Jacoby Hale, etc) but I will say it will be problems cus even though they got along they still had altercations with some teammates but the problem will Come from “other students” and when I say other students I mean Non-athletes ....Thoes are the kids you have to worry about the non-athletes..Most of the kids who play sports all have crossed paths or known of each other, but it’s the ones who don’t you have to worry about and I feel that’s where your problems will come from.
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