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Everything posted by D3zii

  1. So the real question here is who's 2-5 and how do you rank them lol
  2. Now I know many people will automatically say W.O.S or maybe even Newton which is rightfully so But me and a friend were talking today and Pound for Pound Westbrook may be a close 2nd. If you look at their line of work as well as playing In 6A and being good year in and year out they have a legitimate argument . Also correct me if I'm wrong but they don't have a losing record to any team in Setx..(tied with WOS) plus they have a state championship which a lot of good teams can't say, they put players in college and sometimes the NFL. I know some might not agree but the numbers don't lie (I'm a French Grad/ Jag fan) I won't say they're #1 only because of that late 90s- early 2000's Idk if yall have already had this discussion but I would like to hear you guys arguments as to why or why not and also if you have some teams that should be mention My top 3 1.W.O.S 2.WB 3.Newton
  3. Watched A few spring games today..out of everyone Auburn probably looked the best (FSU,Clem,UNC,A&M, Florida) ..That transfer QB will help them out a lot next year.,They should be in contention with Bama and LSU
  4. I will also be on attendance,, anyone know how much it is to get in?
  5. Love Thoes coaches with a physical mentality, who still make practices hard and physical...Trust me your team will be better from it, specially in Texas case with the miss tackles...
  6. I know I'm off subject and late but what happen to Klein Forest??? Weren't they undefeated and ranked in the nation ?? Who beat them??
  7. Lol can only Wonder where the Central program would be had Stowers Stayed..most likely with all the success a bigger school offering more money would have came knocking eventually
  8. Texas has a really good chance to keep most of the best players in state...Herman has lot of ppl working in his corner throughout the State need a successful season on the 40 acres to land this dream class Herman is talking about
  9. True, SEC was my first thought but no way they're gonna give ANY impression there following the Aggies lol... I really think they should just go Independent...Texas can hold their own weight just as much if not more then ND
  10. I would think Texas would go Big 10 before it goes PAC 12...I mean don't get me wrong Texas has the money but Travel expenses would be outrageous and crazy to take on... i would personally think Big 10
  11. He's gonna be a transfer soon lol
  12. I think ppl are taking this out of context, I feel if anything this is a good thing, the reason Texas is in this place now is because Mack got lax and Texas got soft and stopped working...If a 5* worked like a 2* or no star with a chip on it she shoulder , I guarantee you he would be better for it i for one one like the quote
  13. Not saying much when the big 12 was ranked last out of all power 5 schools...smh but like I said , I'm not going off this years recruiting class for Texas,
  14. And is not helping when you have Major leaguers (Lebron, KD) pulling the stunts they pull, I can see it now...smh
  15. Lol, hopefully this lights a fire under the staff to , I see Herman has started heavy on 2018 class ...We need a big season or Texas could see another NSD like this next season
  16. Different era...Kids this generation have State pride, but they'd rather go else where to show it, specially in Texas, but we didn't help ourselves by having losing seasons
  17. True, it obviously hasn't effected him tho since he got the coaching job at a Big time university as well as sign a really tough recruiting class ...
  18. Signed two top 300 QBs, one pocket , the other dual, plus the two coming back, so they will have options...
  19. Like I said before, a coach O was a A+ as far as recruiting goes, + he has good coaches around him...LSU is gonna Be Good
  20. I really like LSU class, I feel they land Marvin Wilson, LAWD!!!!!...
  21. Figured, this could happen as a worst case scenario lol, but hey we got Carter An Gary and kept everyone else...Herman is use to low stars tho, so nothing new As long as Coach O is At LSU tho, Will be hard for anyone in Texas to keep talent home , and losing seasons didn't help us this year
  22. As much as I love VY and Think he was the better athlete of the two I would love a Watson more only due to his passing ..other then that give me VY
  23. I'm hoping he's more like Watson lol
  24. Why you telling me, I wasn't just explaining why he made the comment he made..
  25. Maybe because if it is true, and you said "perfect fit for BISD", why would you want that in a head position, over schools as well as kids, you just said he got in trouble , an BISD is already in a bad situation ..at the end of the day were only hurting our kids , that's probably why he made the "dumb a**" comment
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