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Everything posted by D3zii

  1. Yeah, I understand he did brag about the LSU visit but Texas has to mess this one up big time to lose him
  2. Really?? What made you say this, cus I'm hearing the exact opposite...All signs are pointing towards Austin
  3. Of course , players couldn't handle the scene of last season, seems like . With the pre-season hype and ND win, I think the players got comfortable and ppl started treating them as stars after one win...(went from NR to 11) not saying is true but I'm thinking they started not practiceing hard or taking care of school work, which is a result of a 6-7 season an 2.2 GPA...
  4. Lol Texas can possibly have one of the fastest Wideout Cores in the Country Burt, Duvernay, Curtis, lol speed to burn, but speed sint nothing if u can't run routes an capitalize, Herman will get em right
  5. At least u know he has the want to.. He can be a really good playet if he can build off the freshman year he had .. Confidence is everything at Wide Reciver..
  6. Media not copeing well with Herman putting team in a bubble...Only other coache like that is hmm,, Saban
  7. Wow really, I didn't hear that part...smh what a time
  8. Did Texas start off-season workouts today?? Also did yall hear about Oregon?. Lol Taggert not playing with them boys, 3players hospitalized after workouts ahah....Guess he said y'all better come back ready
  9. I've been to a game there , it really reminded me of Huntsville for some reason lol...not big, but has your average food places and that's about it...Unless ur young idk if u wanna be parting with students
  10. Really cant blame that on Tony, it was more of just a good play call against the defense Bama runs.. Do feel tho the coaches should have put them in a better position, specially if they've did it before Although it did seem like Clemson went after Tony a lot in the passing game...he has to get better in coverage. Very physical but suspect coverage skills
  11. Very well may be, but one thing Clemson has on its side is A Mobile QB in Watson who's also smart , Bama Defense will be good but their not gonna shut Clemsons O down like they did Washington + I like Clemsons Defense more then Bamas offense
  12. Nothing new on Okuda , it was a long shot to begin with but after browning chose OHST, I knew he wouldn't be far behind... But like I stated on here before if Herman cam somehow wiggle his way into the top 20 by NSD , consider that a win, an by the looks of it it may be happening
  13. Hopefully Herman can get the ball rolling an awaken this sleeping Giant
  14. Bayou Classic : Grambling vs Southern I'll be in Dallas that weekend so I'll go to the Texas vs Baylor
  15. Ugh so that my question if he wasn't ge play caller why were OSt fans so upset with him and ready to get rid of him , after all the Recent recruiting success he's had?
  16. Idk how to feel about this, After what I seen them against Clemson, + Michigan, but to Becks defense That was Urban Myers Offense , he just called the plays from what I heard but im not as worried cause I know Herman will be like Briles and it will ultimately be his Offesne . I believe Beck is more of a recruiting tool, he was the heavy influence in Texas for Ohio st, (Okuda, Browning, Wilson etc)
  17. Big 12 has looked really good this Bowl Season, ecspecially the defenses... i wish OU woulda played LSU instead would have been a better game and atmosphere , almost playoff like
  18. Yea I'm thinking he ends up at A&M, UCLA or ND depending on how they do next season ...He could have his pick of the litter
  19. Did you not see that Huskey Defense?? Those Dawgs are Legit. But like it's already been said No Pure Pocket QB will beat Bama , you have to be a dual threat... Washingtons offense left it's D out to dry
  20. I wasn't really surprised by any team but South Carolina shocked me.. Didn't know they put them in their like that
  21. [Hidden Content] Kinda surprised at the rankings but Stats and numbers don't lie
  22. Knew that was probably gonna happen
  23. Hmm makes me wonder will Ohio State be able to handle Clemson
  24. I'm starting to think the Big 12 may have some of the better defenses in the nation when they play non-big12 teams... Baylor, OkSt, TCU all wrecking a lot of havoc, kstate did good to, but A&M is still a. Big12 team so lol
  25. Can Texas add Oklahoma St an OU since 85% of the players are from Texas lol
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