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Everything posted by D3zii

  1. Did* SEC overall having a bad bowl year as of now
  2. Marvin Wilson realeases Top 5 of LSU,OhioSt, OU, FSU, an a surprise of USF (Strong) lol Texas didn't make the cut, but nothing new
  3. Like I said The little situation is all but finish.. David Shaw was just named among the top 3 candidates for the L.A Rams Job...
  4. BOW!!! Herman needs to jump on that ASAP.....heard a lot of people in his corner pushing UT and with both RBS coming back next season I figured this could happen.. If we can get him he will be the 2nd best RB on the team even with Eno an porter and could swinging recruiting 17 in our corner
  5. Wow, I think Allen is ready for the Big12 aha Texas Highscool football might really be on the same level as Lower FCS soon, if we're not already there lol How long til someone In SETX gets one?? Hmm I'll say Memorial or P.N.G might be the first in a few years...Would say W.O.S but their to old school lol and BISD needs tO get it together before they even think.about it
  6. LT vs Desoto fir best in State ....hmm right now give me LT ..
  7. Free throws , free throws , free throws.... Smh lol is a struggle watching these young teams ...hope we get a good PG next recruiting cycle ...we really need one
  8. Him and the RB shoulda had 10+ offers at halftime. ..lol That RB will be a good one
  9. Calallen really did good against a favorite Aledo team...I found myself pulling for them late, but Thoes penalties killed them in the end...
  10. Was this on TV I can't believe I missed it
  11. Idk was going on, like is Herman panicing?? He's giving offers out left and right...we just offered 3aggie commits and now they're making a big deal on Twitter...maybe is cause they want to come idk but its not a good look at all,..Like this is the University of Texas smh one thing I admired about Mack Brown , Everybody didn't get a Texas Offer...It was so rare to get one that if you did it was almost like a no brainer to come to the 40, I think that's why Mack got some many as he did...kids wished they got Texas offers (Luck,Winston,Barrett) just to name a few...Now I understand Herman is coming in behind the 8ball so he's just tying to get kids but next year I hope he starts to go that way... Is crazy as a former coach when you come across 4 and 5 star kids saying man I wish I got a Texas offer ...them things use to be sacred lol
  12. I wasn't thinking this earlier...We had Browning,Wilson and I feel coulda landed Walker plus others if Strong would have won and still been here...
  13. Tbh this situation is all but dead..This was a Landon Collins situation mom wanted Texad but he chose Stan..if Herman can keep in touch an somehow get a visit in January we could very well have a flip but thats a big "If" ..But if is anyone who can change you is "MOM"
  14. Not like Lamar is in a win now situation...Hey you have to find the right fit and just cause the name screams big splash doesn't mean it will be... Nothing is wrong with giving Stump a chance
  15. Always darkest before the morning..who knows maybe he pulls a Ryan Newsome and flips or Eric Folwer.. He doesn't seem like the type to flip but you can never be to sure with kids these days
  16. I wouldn't necessarily say that...Let's just see what happens
  17. Not bad at all...One thing Stump will do that you can count on is try to keep talent from this area here.....Now if he does he will have to hire some good coordinators...lol what about a Arthur Louis. He's like a Charlie Strong ahah recruiting wise
  18. I didn't watch much of Pitt, it it seemed like he runs a similar offense to that of when LSU had Cam Cameron (Run Heavy) with a little more to the passing game to it but that's about it hopefully he brings a power balance back to Bamas SEC lol
  19. May be like a Lane Kiffin...Couldn't do nothing at USC but is the man at Bama
  20. I expected the woodlands to make it a good game..but I really didn't think they would win S/0 to TWHS ..
  21. No doubt about it...at the end of the day all he had to do was win..
  22. I Think the whole quarrel is that we didn't want/support him in the beginning so we were looking for him to fell just to get rid of him
  23. Is it a done deal or just what were expecting? ?
  24. Not only Marv but Browning to an I'm sure a few more would have followed...Okada (however u spell it lol) will probably end up with Marv Wilson..the two have become very close
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