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Everything posted by D3zii

  1. Difference between the two is one is a proven winner at a private school While the other had two good seasons and that's it.. I wanted David Shaw before They hired Strong...He can bring Dana Anika back to the 40 with him \m/
  2. lol he walked into a good situation...The team had made it to bowl games with teams that went 8-5 for two seasons. So they were already winners...y'all act like he rose a program from the dead...He had one great season and then this year was good...They got OU early, the only real win was against Louisville like i always say, Herman is probably a decent coach, but he's not no first ballot Texas football coach like some are making him out to be
  3. They did play better but still lacked fundamentals at the end..maybe cause the offense hung them out to dry who know s
  4. Big O was born to be LSU coach lol, and he's a hell of a recruiter...he needs to find a good OC,...
  5. I coulda told you that.,gonna be real disappointed if we fire Strong and don't go through a good process before hiring a coach and hire Herman because everyone said to
  6. Personally, I feel ________ highest paid in the country shouldn't be by his name ..but I know since he's at Texas The green will come, but I just don't wanna see us go after a coach and just say F everyone else, just cause he's playing LSU for us to hurry and make a rash decision...
  7. Bro I have no problem hiring Herman, Ima all for whatever Texas has to do to get back to national prominence , but Ima be a hot pistol as a partial football alum to see my money going to this coach who's not proven but is the highest paid coach in college football and hasn't even won a National championship...trying to hurry and get him not even looking at other coaches cause he's playing LSU to boost his figures...Like come on act like you know at least..
  8. Texas getting played like a fiddle...Everyone wants to say "We're TEXAS"!!! Well act like we're Texas damnit...We really gone let this man play us like Brock Oswiler played the Texans...smh damn shame he gone get millions out of us and only been a HC for two seasons...Mess around and get to the 40acers and won't ever win a NC..smh
  9. My point exactly, we drooling over a two year coach ... Lol I was thinking the same thing..With everythung that's been happening this week if Texas goes out and blast TCU, idk it may raise some eyebrows
  10. Even then he was a great coach at Louisville. ..he was successful every season . Matter fact he did what Herman couldn't do, which is come off a great season and do even better the next while being hyped up and win a Big time bowl game (Sugar Bowl)... Look I'm not here to argue or say who's better cause i want Texas to get back to its national power status..just wanted to know why everyone thinks Herman is the saviour when they have other coaches out their just as deserving
  11. A coach I think Texas may also need to look at is Justin Fuente..Known to Recruit Texas very well with successful stints at other schools.."Proven" and not to mention has the best DC in the business
  12. Hmm Idk about that..and I'm taking about Strong whole resume including NC at Florida with the best Defense. Undefeated season with top recruiting classes at Louisville. .I think Strongs resume was better but that's just my opinion. .
  13. Just something I was thinking about Why do we eant Herman so bad at Texas to the point we don't seem to even wanna go through the interview process? ? Strong had a "Way"stronger resume then Herman does when we hired him..why do we just think he's the "One" ..Maybe the administration will do the right thing and find ther ight fit just the fans and media making it seem like then the clock hits zero Saturday Herman is getting a call
  14. Look all and all, if Charlie is let go, all I want is a Good coach hiring process not no, "Zero in on Herman Sweepstakes" ...smh
  15. lol exactly...smh I hope Texas isn't making a big mistake man
  16. If he's so for sure to Texas why can't we just go after John Harbaugh first smh
  17. Does Atascocita have athletes out the wassu like WestBrook did?? Or is he over achieving there?
  18. Lol you forgot Ryan Grant from the redskins and Collin Garrett for the Bears. But nah I get what you saying..It does make it seem like he underachieved with all Thoes NFL players who came through Thoes doors..but at the same times the Brook teams he coached that I seen were all well coached and discipline, I really just feel he ran into better coaches and teams which is expected in the highest classification in Texas
  19. Thus temple team is pretty good an this was a match up a lot of ppl saw coming..I don't think Temple has seen the type of athletes they'really gonback see this game..but I still like memorial in a slug it out match up 31-24 Memorial
  20. At the end of the day we can say what we want about how bad Charlie was but one thing is for sure. Who ever comes in next year will have a top ten team..He built a nice foundation for someone to come and build on and not have to start from scratch
  21. Yea I did notice that...it just hurts you know, someone you have much faith and go down like that...And that's very true, they should have fought like that during the game instead of waiting till after the game to show emotions,..smh
  22. Damn I couldn't do anything but feel bad for Charlie and the boys..Did y'all see how they reacted after that game?? They know they let this one get away as well as probably seal the deal for Charlie to be let go..Yea he probably wasn't the best of coaches, but give him props he was a great man, who recruited well and set a solid foundation with goals and morals..
  23. I We can say what we want by the guy wins Kelly W.Brook and now Ataschosita
  24. If it's a shootouts, give me Brook, but if is a low scoring unfortunately I think Westfield wins
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