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Everything posted by D3zii

  1. Usually the RB does it, but Somebody has to do something, before he gets hurt..he's already looking like skinny minny
  2. One plus tho, is the defense is getting better,.with the bend don't break game plan..i still wish our corners would press more an stop giving up Thoes short routes
  3. Shane, has to start identifying Thoes blitzes a coach can only do so much...
  4. Today was a good day for SETX teams, I don't think anyone lost except LCM, but Henderson is really good
  5. For the first time in 11 years in bi-district play, Longview will fall. West Brook wins 34-33. Unbelievable the FG kicker missed a chip shot, ,Congratulations Brook
  6. 4th and 6 longview goes from FG and Misses... Westbrook gets ball back up 34-33
  7. Defense Getting run thru like wet tissue paper
  8. TD Brook!! that Sophmore QB is the truth 34-33 Brook 1:29 left.. Holdem D
  9. Timeout West Brook. 4th and 6 for Bruins coming up. 2:21 left, Longview up 33-27.
  10. Fumble, Brook Recovers 3:24 left Longview 33-27
  11. This was the defense I was referring to when I said westbroom won't go real far if they play like this .. Longview driving
  12. Another good team I remember watching was the 05-06 La Marque Cougars, so much speed on that team
  13. Lol actually my nephew Use to play for Texas WR Marcus Johnson and he said it was in a group text...I wasn't saying it was the deciding factor just one of them
  14. I've been hearing Foremans Option to stay or go for the Draft will for ons depend on if Strong is reainted for next season or not
  15. I seen a site that had Allens best team in 13-14 I think losing to a Art BrIles 98 Stephenville Team,
  16. I've been around and the best team I've ever seen play was the 85 Yates Lions..They really looked like an Alabama 1-B team, with so many athletes...The thing that seperrates them from other good teams was the Oline and Dline play, probably one of the biggest lines I've seen on the Highschool level and just how they handled Odessa was amazing..W.O.S played them the toughest out of any team in the State I must say my dad always told me about the Abilene Teams from the 50's from when he played my picks 1.85 Yates Probably the Best Highschool team ever in my opinion 2.83 Dangerfield Had the Bama Defense but I seen them get shutdown on offense,. 3.1973 John Tyler with Earl Campbell was so good, wen to the game when they played Lee...Talk about Epic 4. 03 North Shore Loaded up on talent with Bobby Reid at QB 5. 96 Westlake Standout Defnese with Drew Brees a Team QB...very good team *2015 Katy, and 1973 Big Sandy
  17. Lol true, idk how good Longview is, And I've only seen Brook play once and it was against The woodlands, but I see they did beat Lufkin which beat Longview, so that's all I can base my choice off of, even tho that doesn't really mean nothing in the playoff
  18. I've been high on Desoto for a long tim just to see them let me down year after year lol I really thought they were "THE TEAM" but they looked mediocre against South Grand Prarie team...Hopefully they get back on track, Cus I'd rather hit my Stride and peak at the end of the season then the beginning
  19. True to both statements, I don't necessarily think that's a bad thing, I mean hey look what he did to Watson and the offense of staff...If he does come back he needs to find a DC that should good at stopping the spread and being physical...A Muschamp type
  20. I like Westbrook because of that Sophmore QB and the bruins offense,,But that Defense isn't gonna get the bruins far in the playoffs if they can't get it together
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