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Everything posted by D3zii

  1. With this Win Texas will finishing season at or over .500 as well as Become Bowl Eligible, which will most likely give Strong a strong possibility of returning.. Big game, the horns have rallied for their coach, excited to see how this one goes
  2. Hey is better the. 1/4 of the game lol
  3. I wasnt referring they to you lol...but they looked light years better today..
  4. Why does it seem like yall want Texas to lose?? -Do yall want Strong gone that bad... Anyway congrats Texas on the win..I see progress every week ..play calling was uhhh at the end, I think we use the 18wheeler to much..I for one was happy our defense won us the game.. Proud of Strong and how he's handling all this adversity
  5. JAGS playing good ball as of late, should do well next week
  6. Central going into playoffs playing good ball right now..Late Playoff run?? Maybe not but I think they should compete fairly well against New Candy next week
  7. I to this day don't understand why teams poke at Alabama like they won't beat you to sleep... LSU has been in the headlines on multiple occasions saying they were gonna beat Bama.. Why?!?! I know ow your post to have confidence, but come on man, really?? My college coach always told us go into game week with ultimate respect for the other team almost to the point where it sounded like you didn't think you'd win.. Idk I just think your giving Bama major fuel to use next week on BR to beat you by a wide margin lol
  8. Friendswood isn't a bad sleeper pick at all, I would go with WestBrook tho they have a easier road I would say until about the 3rd or 4th round if they can beat Longview next week
  9. Sametime I said..Who would it be tho?? What about Todd Orlando from UH, we need to find someone who can stop the spread as well as bring physicality
  10. Just saw some bowl projections,,not trying to look ahead cause Gexas still has a long way to go, but They have Us in the Cactus Bowl vs Cal as of right now.. have we Maybe written Strong off to soon?? If he gets to a bowl and wins we may very well see Strong next year on the sidelines
  11. Ive seen both, Westfield isn't the Westfield of old, but they are still Westfield, speed and athleticism every where maybe smaller then in years pass but still a good team...if I had to compare them to someone WB played it would be Lufkin with a better Defense,...They have good loses all to good teams Euless Trinity by 1, Hou Lamar, and NS.. If I had to choose I'd take Westbrook by 7 just based on what I've seen but Westfield is still good and wouldn't be surprised at all if Westfield beat Brook if Brook coaching is suspect I'll take the field by 14
  12. Wow has it always been like that?? I've been in Mississippi so I didn't know.. Exactly, RP will do good until they run into a good 6A team and will get out coached ..No shortage on athletes but coaching can impede a lot of things. .Houston is just really deep this year and I don't see them getting past 3rd round at best could be wrong tho
  13. I think I'll take 24-6A, they way Dickinson and Clear Spring is playing right now they have and argument to very well be the best two teams in the Greater Houston area.. No doubt I was surprised at How Manvel handled NS , but one thing I've learned with Playing Manvel you can't try to beat them on athletesism you have to play Discipline football..that's how Katy use to beat them every year ..I bet a team like the woodlands would beat them or at least make them earn it unlike what Northshore did.. So you'll take Taylor against North Shore in the playoffs?? Idk not saying they wouldn't but just seems to me Taylor is one of those teams that can't get over the hump..Maybe this is the year it changes idk....
  14. Yea thats who I mean ..Do you think it was more of a system that Curtis Barbary left and Johnston just followed that or did he (Johnston) come in and take Newton to a whole mother level??
  15. I really didn't even know that ridge point was undefeated until yesterday, but imo they will probably be out by the 2nd-3rd round, Just like Taylor imo..Thoes teams are good until they get to playoffs then they end up getting out coached for the most part...Cy fair is good but give me the League city District as the toughest this year with (clear spring, Dickinson, Friendswood ect) any other year I would take Cy-Fair.. ill take North Shore, but I wouldn't be surprised if Taylor did pull it out, their almost a mirror image of each other, coaching would be the difference.. idk I really like the way the Woodlands are playing right now, and wouldn't be surprised for them to take R3 D1 over Katy or NS..R3 D2 I really wanna lean towards Collins but Westfield is playing very well to, so that is a toss up..I wanna be a homer and go with Brook but their coaching is suspect at times but they do have the athletes lol Steele vs Desoto will be a good matchup but Desoto is to strong and deep this year, I really wish they were going D1.. I don't think Allen is as strong as years pass but I also don't see them losing as easily as you guys put it..Can't underestimate the heart of a champion an teams that's been their..I do like how other teams around the state are playing tho if I had to choose between Allen and the field this year I might be taking the field but wouldn't be surprised if Allen won it all
  16. If Charlie wins out and wins bowl game it's gonna be hard to pull that plug, with a guy who's dropped games at UH with a preseason top 10 team
  17. The way it's setting up I think has to win out and get to a bowl before we can say he's saved his job
  18. So many good teams this season. Do y'all every remember the 6A playoff being so deep Desoto Allen Cy Ranch Woodlands Galena Park NS ect.... this is going to be a fun one Div 1 and Div 2 i have Desoto, their so talented and deep, but Allen should still be the favorite
  19. O okay,..That's pretty good, would you say it's more of the system Barbay set and left or did Johnston take them to another level??
  20. Lmao... We need a win in a major way 1. Cause it's on the road 2. We need to find consistency and build off of big wins
  21. I was just really going by proven, I knew Barbary use to be at Newton but I'm not really familiar with Johnston at Newton so idk how they've been the past few seasons since Barbey left
  22. #1 Thompson from WOS is the best no doubt..(Even tho it's easy with the system Already in place from hooks lol) #2 I like Stump, yea he's at Asoscasita but with his track record of what he's done at Brook an there he has to be one of the best #3 Neumann (Ned) One of the best to do it #4 Fair cloth (P.N.G) ever since he's got here P.N.G has been good other then 1 or 2 down years #5 Barbary (Jasper) idk how long he's been at Jasper but they've always been successful and good so how can he not be one of the best
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