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Everything posted by D3zii

  1. West Brook is getting a good draw with most teams being D1 or not in their region. Hopefully they can get past round 2 but with that iffy coaching idk..Hope I'm wrong
  2. Lol if we could just find consistency lord
  3. Do up think this is probably the most talented team in recent A&M history ??
  4. lol exactly, we all know those elites that if they have a good season their automatically in, even with one lost. (USC,Bama,OhioSt,Mich,Texas,Oklahoma etc) basically the blue bloods of college football
  5. I believe If he stays another year, he's a heisman favorite , and depending on what happens at Texas this upcoming months, he's playing on a team favored to win the Big 12 and vye for a playoff spot next season
  6. Rightttt, I'm really happy for Penn State,, those guys have been through but Coach Franklin is doing an unbelievable job,... Nebraska ceiling was set so high from the past teams is this season even good enough for them lol, jp ...Nebraska is on the come up., But Colorado might be the surprise team here..out of everyone I don't think anybody had Colorado playing this well at this point
  7. Lol yea idk if its just how the stage is setting up but that last weekend with Bama vs Aurburn and Washington vs Washington state, seems like is setting up for the worst for one or both teams , which is probably good for you and the A&M aggies
  8. THe big 12 has to get stronger point blank period.....Is bad when you have two undefeated teams not named Texas or Oklahoma for the last few years who can't get into the playoffs or championship game..The defenses are wet tissue paper, the administration acts like it has no real vision and the numbers are embarrassing that are being put up every weekend.. Idk what needs to change but something has to happen before the big 12 is no more.. i really believe it's the 1.Power 4/Texas,Oklahoma and ND 2A. the Big12 2B. non-power5
  9. Idk how bout Clemson keeps winning, they really remind me of that Florida State team after the won the NC the year before..They weren't as good as the year before but they kept finding ways to win..But when playoffs come I feel like Clemson will get exposed against who ever they play The Huskers may have lost but they lost to one of the best teams in the Nation which was Wisconsin,.They looked better then I thought tho, but that Wisconsin defense is unforgiving and if they were any any conference other then The big10 or SEC they would most likely be a playoff team .lThe huskers still have to fight for a New Years six bowl which is theirs for the taking if they can win these last few weeks. Then there was one, with Boise State losing to Wyoming that only leaves Western Michigan as the lone undefeated non power five team..I still don't think they get in the playoffs depending on how these last weeks go but a New Years six bowl game is definitely in the making for the broncos..PJ Fleck has done an amazing job and he may not be there after next season if he can put another one together,.. Could the big 12 playoff hopes be over?? It looks like it, with both Undefeated WVU and Baylor going down yesturday no other teams in the big 12 look playoff worthy unless the committee likes the hot streak Oklahoma has been on since losing to Ohio State which I highly doubt. Unless a miracle happens. Charlie Strong to all the haters "F*ck off" Not exactly in those words lol but he had a stern interview after the upset of Baylor yesterday..This hasn't exactly gone the way Texas fans had hoped but it isn't over yet, with that win there's still a little hope for Strong and his horns yet..A 8win season and Bowl game would go a long way to Strong being back in Austin next season i know I'm probably looking ahead, but the *Washington vs Colorado game for the PAC 12 will be one of the most intriguing games as far as conference championships go..Colorado is like the Wisoncin of the PAC 12, being overlooked *New Hot Sit Alert* Is Mark Richt on the hot sit already after one season at Miami, I doubt it but he's still hearing the noise and heat from the media after another lost to ND yesturday.. My Top 5: 1. Alabama 2. Michigan 3. Clemson 4. Washington 5. Louisville Teams to talk about : Aurburn, Wisconsin Western Michigan teams to stop talking about: Boise State, Nebraska, WVU, Baylor (As far as playoffs)
  10. Idk if it saved his job but it does give him a fighting chance, to go 8-4 like I predicted and make the bowl... now if Texans does do that and win the bowl game....The administration has a big decision to make ...specially if those reports are true that they've already reached out to Herman and all but signed him
  11. Can y'all please say it with me : JOHN HARBAUGH
  12. How is South Lake Carroll on here, I went an seen them an they're not as good as in the past..I'd take them off and put Clear Springs
  13. That's understandable...and very much true...If it's something that will keep ppl away it's THIS.....Nobody wants to come to a job were there is a Lesh or boosters who could have you fired.. another thing is We need a strong administration that doesn't faint at the first wave of trouble..Our administration seems to be wavering right now and it's not a good look ..they need to get it together
  14. Why do you say that ?? No matter what Was said on College game day Texas is probably the top University in the Nation Surrounded by top athletes That want to go there and just a few years ago Texas could get anybody it wanted..So Why wouldn't they be??
  15. Really I just want us to go through the whole process and not make a quick hire just because of who we think it should be
  16. Are you serious?? I think you are sleep on W.O.S and I'm not even from there..I really don't have to say anything just look at how many Players are in the NFL or Playing FBS football...out of 800kids.. or better yet, Ask Dayton how they faired against 3A W.O.S on the way to their 4A State Titles a few years back
  17. Wisconsin is legit, if Nebraska can win they'rea definite threat
  18. YEA I know I was just saying...But yes Peterson would be a excellent choice.. I STIll like Harabuaghf
  19. I don't know about all that, not saying your wrong but idk and if that's true and Texas could truly get anybody I'd go after Urban Myer
  20. we need a nice process crossing all Ts and Doting all I's...can't just jump into a decision cause of who we think is the right one..he may not be the right fit.. Fedora, Haurbaugh Kelly Whittingham Pat Fitzgerald has done wonders at northwestern Orgeron would also be someone to look at as well as others should all be giving due process if we do cut ties with strong..
  21. From what I heard he's not a credible source, he was the one that called the Saban to Texas a done deal a few years ago
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