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Everything posted by D3zii

  1. I'm afraid your right even though I don't feel everything is his fault like everyone likes to blame him for
  2. WHats unfair is if they do fire Strong, the next coach will inherit a talented team that's a year older, and if their good they will be like see we needed a new coach lol
  3. Smh, tbh don't really matter who the coach was...This is ridiculous
  4. Defense has looked way better but, still messing up, but I will say it doesn't look to be on the coaches.. This is all players miscues
  5. Yea of course...I wasn't even hinting that it wasn't, just talking about the extra baggage
  6. Everyone has an opinion, but even if they do think he's a joke he still was on a national broadcast going in on the Texas program
  7. Lol right but I've only been saying this for the longest but most longhorn fans are blinded by their own arrogance not knowing Is making this job less desirable for coaches
  8. Did anybody see college game day?? Pretty embarrassing if your a Texas fan.
  9. Hmm from what I heard there QB didn't play after the 3rdTD and came back in the 3rd to throw another ...idk how true that is but it came from a source I trust
  10. I don't like the whole big confrence deal..
  11. [Hidden Content] Now idk how true it is but This isn't the first time Nebraska has been mentioned with the Big 12 Remember Synder of KState.. The Nebraska president tweeted he was happy in the Big10 but didn't put the rumors to rest..Just undercuted them hmmm
  12. Well one things for sure, whoever gets the team next year rather it be Strong or Herman or anyone, they will have talent unlike when Brown left
  13. All I'm saying is, we better make the right move, Remember last time we thought we could get a coach "Saban" we didn't get him and no I'm not saying Bama is Houston but we didn't get a lot of coaches we wanted simply cause Texas can 'rub' ppl the wrong way.. cause we'll end up with a revolving door of coaches and that'll set us back big time
  14. I just hope whatever happens Texas "cockiness" doesn't end up embarrassing itself In this process like last time..When we didn't get the coach we wanted
  15. Texas A&M LSU Texas North Carolina Colorado Alabama Washington Miami Texas Tech Like this
  16. Pressure makes diamonds, let's see if Charlie can get it done... I'm behind him Hookem
  17. Game of week, come'on Aggys lets pull it out
  18. People really haven't been making excuses about youth, to be honest most have been saying this is no excuse, but your right , hopefully it isn't that we are getting out coached, an more so we just are having brain farts and aren't tackling worth a darn..(at least those can be fixed)
  19. Yea, It'll look bad before it looks good, Don't forget Strong was in a similar situation in Florida....In. 07 had one of the worst defenses probably not in the country but they were pretty bad with A young defense but in 08 you couldn't sniff the end zone against Florida
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