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Everything posted by D3zii

  1. like I've stated before , it's a few teams that can legitimately beat Bama, and A&M is one of them..
  2. They really do, their team speed is unreal...reminds me a lot of that 2011 Dallas skyline team that lost that heart breaker to SLC
  3. 33-18 final EAGLES Remain perfect on the season (my darkhorse pick for state) longhorns now 2-2
  4. 4th and 6, Desoto defense holds 33-16 EAGLES under 5mins left
  5. 33-18 Avery Davis (ND commit) to Oklahoma commit Rambo 4th qt
  6. It's some good football being played in South Dallas (Desoto,C.Hill, DuncanVille, Lancaster, etc)
  7. 33-10 Desoto all over the Longhorns
  8. It May not seem like much, buuuuttttt, if you played football on a college/pro level you probably understand why Strong said what he said and with no bias..I totally agree, If you have rules and guidelines you stick to you guns, and don't back down..I think he did get to comfortable and thought the team deserved a break,. Same thing happen to me at NT, Coach Nelson let us do different things from what we usually did , and we ended up losing our only game in Confrence that season to a team we shouldn't have lost to. As a player wen he did that we we got jittery and losey gousey which is what coach Strong also said he experienced.. so yea people make a big joke about it but it makes a big difference...
  9. 247 Crystal Ball Top 5 uncommitted State of Texas players 1. 5* DT (Episcopal) lMarvin Wilson 58% Texas, 20% LSU 2. 5* DB (S.Grand Prarie) Jeffery Okudah 73% Ohio St 4% TX, OU, Stan 3. 5*LB (Kennedale) Baron Browning 47% Texas 16% Bay, Ohio St. 4. 5* OT (Episcopal) Walker Little 65% Texas 21% Stan 11. 4* LB (Plano East) Anthony Hines 53% Oklahoma 32% Texas I originally thought Hines would go to A&M, but experts have him at OU with UT 2nd . UT in good position for 3 of the top 5 uncommitted players in Texas ..
  10. I THInk we will see a lot of the younger players next game, possibly starting..Bedford is starting to feel the heat, so he's throwing all that, No freshman playing time out the window (if he's still in the position) lol
  11. Max Olson– Verified account ‏@max_olson From today's post: the number of times Charlie Strong defenses have allowed 40+ points Florida: 3/92 games Louisville: 1/52 Texas 8/28 We obviously have the right man, in house he just has to decide to take over
  12. Yea the football team wasn't much when I was there so i transferd once coach Gibson left and decided to come back to Texas,
  13. Born in the 60's Played football at Hebert, Played ball at Tulane then transfered to North Texas an finished my playing career don't really have a favorite team but I do wanna see Chalie Strong Succeed
  14. Thursday #5 Clemson Saturday #12 Georgia wouldn't be surprised if Miss pulled it out tho #8 Michigan State #19 FlorIda #10 Texas A&M
  15. Has Dickson always been pretty good?? The last few years I've heard about this school alot
  16. Texas really has one of the top Defensive minds in college football..I just feels he doesn't want to step on any toes , but now I hope he sees , he's gotta do what he's gotta do which is take over the defense from Bedford
  17. We shoulda went after Aranada from Wisconsin ,. I'm sure we would have paid more
  18. Hmmm. A&M And Arkansas always play a good one..give me A&Mm
  19. A Texas A&M vs Texas Sugar bowl matchup would be a epic
  20. If ND had future stadium plans I really think the Big 12 should consider them lol...They'd be better then Kansas
  21. Yea, I do however believe that even tho he lets his coaches work he should take over Defense before Bedford gets him on the hot seat
  22. Yea this is true, but that wasn't Strong, that was all Gilbert..I really believe zstrong was just banking on a T.O when he punted which he got when he dropped the ball. But I'm not mad at the call his hands were tied..You either go for an not get it and give it to them in the red zone or punt cause you know your defense has did good against the run
  23. Charlie is gonna be fine..Yes it was a lot of questionable calls but wat could he do..an as for the Punt with 2mins left, it was 4th and like 16 on there own 13 if I'm not mistaken..so it wasn't really much you can do with a defense known your going deep.. i don't think it was much he could do there i think They had a good gameplan but if I'm String I'm not expecting my Secondary to get burned like they did last night,.The offense did okay, but I do think they should open up the route tree more and we see some bunch, or trips with a post or out or something, cause teams are gonna Catch on quick to us just throwing screens an go's ... overall I'm bummed but not mad..I mean yes we have talent but we're still young guys, don't be so upset..l didn't expect Texas to go undefeated, I had us losing 2-3 games this season at best. I do feel we're still in it for the big 12 and a good bowl game...But I do feel our Secondary has taken a step back, and Bedford needs to go back on what he said an play more freshman in the secondary, mainly at Saftey..we need more athletecism, an I would love to see Jones and Elliot..sure they may get beat but shid were getting beat now, is best to let them grow up now and reap the Benefits later, cause right now neither Haines or Hall can get off the hash
  24. Lol true, is a toss up, its weak this year
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