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Everything posted by jacf

  1. their offense has alot of work to do......not sure what the solution is but if they dont figure something out they will be 2-3 in district or maybe even 1-4......the defense looked very good.....maybe the defense can do it all and score some defensive touchdowns....cause the offense isnt getting it done.....
  2. well i guess i am the one that started all of this because i asked the question (why the rhodes kid didnt get thrown to) first let me say i am just a fan and have no kids in school have never had a kid play football for bridge city...but i have been to probably 95 % of all games for the last 30 years....and all of my opinions are bias and are made from observation.....if you are going to run the spread offense then are you suppose to spread the ball around and get it to your best receiver a good majority of the time....and i am not bashing lemoine but he isnt real accurate...i really dont thnk anyone on here is whining....just think they are given an opinion.....and bleed orange is right.....wether they are white, black ,orange or green if you baby the players then ypou are not going anywhere....one example and i am not bashing the kid..but when liberty scored one of there td's on 4th and like 20 the coahces should have been in his face about letting the receiver get behind you on that play.....i hardly ever see the coaches coach during the game....mayb i am wrong but there doesnt seem to be any enthusiam on any of the coaches part....jmo
  3. yes i was at the game. i understand b.c. was playing alot of cover 2 with their safeties up for run support and understand with a 14 point lead you can give up the outs a little more but dont see giving that much cushion when you dont have the 14 point lead. a passing team will take advantage of that...i do agree about the long passes....they are going to have to throw some short stuff and quit going long so much....and was wondering how come they didnt throw to the rhodes kid at all....just curious
  4. offense will have to get alot better if they are going to compete for the third playoff spot.....think size is going to hurt them.....secondary will have to improve also.....liberty threw at will....not sure why the corners were playing 8 yards off of receivers...the out routes killed them all night and they did nothing to adjust ....other than the the trick play for touchdown offense did not move the ball at all...hopefully things will only get better
  5. i was wandering the same thing..looked up the stats for lsu on their web site but didnt see his name in the stats....is he still there...
  6. i wasnt implying they was beat before the third game started..i was just saying i didnt think all the commotion in the first inning had a big effect on the outcome of the game.....spring hill just had a real good inning in the third and bc really didnt string some hits together until the last few innings...i really thought after the 2nd game that bc was going to take the third game....and as far as the softball forum after the girls lost to huffman some of the parents were whining about the coach...they do that every year since coach lemmons left....it just gets old year after year.....they get beat by a better team and they complain every year......i really hope spring hill wins it all so bridge city can say they got beat by the state champs.....again.....know that doesnt mean a whole lot but it helps a little
  7. yeah post the tape on hear maybe the score will change and bridge city will win.....and the bridge city fans will let it go.....if it was as bad as people say then i am sure that the bridge city coach would ask for someone to review the film if there was a film....just to see if something should be said to the umps ...NOT THAT IT WOULD CHANGE THE OUTCOME.....get over it....once again if you want to blame somoene blame robertson....he started the whole incident by is imature undiscipline action
  8. robertson getting tossed did not have any effect on the outcome of the game....spring hill would have scored 8 runs in the third innning wether he was in the game or not......and the umps did not control the game maybe they should have run # 20 but they didnt...the b.c player knew he couldnt just run over another player like he did....if you want to blame somebody blame him...he showed poor judgemennt and a lack of discipline.....b.c fans need to stop putting a damper on a fine season and let it go.....they were outplayed period......as i b.c. fan i am embarrassed to be from bridge city when you whiners get on hear and cry and make excuses why we lost.....we lost because we gave game one away....period......
  9. why would you NOT want the team that beat you to win state??? I would rather say the team that beat me was the State Champs. 1. If you would've won the first game when you had the chance then you would still be playing. 2. You can't blame it on the umps.. The umps didn't score 8 runs in the third inning of the third game. 3.Bottom line you got beat by a good hitting team that played with very few errors and no mental mistakes. Just wish Spring Hill good luck and BC stop being sore losers, and yes I am from Bridge City....
  10. you cant always blame it on numbers.....there are plenty of teams with low numbers in each classification that win with small numbers
  11. the point is if you are going to play football then prepare for the season.....it you want to be year round baseball or basketball then dont play football.....if you want to play all three then prepare for the season you are about to enter....if you are not committed to working hard for each sport then dont play ever sport...it is not fair for the other team members that prepare hard for the upcomung season
  12. any idea how many b.c. has stranded..got to be over 10...
  13. with their ace going the 2nd game this is almost a must win situation
  14. how do you get three people thrown out at home in one game....baserunning has killed bridge city the last few games
  15. bolton would be the best choice...would be good a/d as well .....think he coached there a few years back didnt he.....give him a shot
  16. sorry circle change but i was referring to dkr clones comments....he obviously does not know chuck young....has to be one of the classiest man and coach in the coachng profession..sorry if you thought i was talking about your comments.....
  17. oh yeah i forgot tell your reliable source they are also an IDIOT!!!!!!!!
  18. i hope you went to you tube and watched coach young's speech and then you will realize what a complete IDIOT!!!!!! you are....if you knew the man you would know he was one of the most respected baseball coaches in the state.....if we had more coaches and parents like him that cared more about the kids than winning at any cost the sports world and the world in general would be alot better place......you should think before you write.....MOORAN!!!!!!!!
  19. the spread has to go....it will never work in bridge city....your tailback runs the ball down to the four then the next three plays he doesnt touch the ball ....terrible play calling......even if you run the spread you have to get into the power I and let your tailback give you a chance to score
  20. well did he or didnt he...that is something i really would like to know
  21. well one reason is this is a discussion board and we have an opinion...another reason is they are keepiong landry waiting if he is the next choice....and it doesnt matter if baseball is way off are not....they are messing with one of the few successful sports bridge city has and like i said before they had a meeting to make name the coach and they didnt..so it is time to do it....so cardinal if you know whats going on then what is greens decision going to be and what does matthews have to do with it..it would seem like he would try to be talking him into staying since baseball is vidors most successful sports
  22. we dont have to know the whole truth ..but we do know the way it is being handled is crazy..i dont care whos in town and whos not.....they had a school board meeting last week to name a coach and they didnt...truth....which means they are waiting on somebody or something..truth...which means they need to make a decision and quit making landry or anyone else that wants the job wait..truth...which means they have handled the whole situation from letting coach bryant go to hiring a new coach absolutely unprofessional..truth...we may not know the whole truth but we know at least that much is tue
  23. man i didnt realize he didnt even apply for the job but they called him...that just goes to show you what kind of people are in charge..why would you go to someone when he didnt even apply...plus you have a top notch coach and person that did apply and really wants the job..that is totally crazy...if COACH STUMP is the one making this kind of decision then i have my doubts that we will ever win another football game again.....what a fiasco
  24. well if stump told him to take as much time as he needs then he is wrong.....two or three days is more than enough time....you either want it or you dont..period...he knows the pros and cons of both jobs so it shouldnt take that long.....actually i think it is a no brainer for him..stay where he is....from reading all the post..he has pretty much the run of the mill as far as baseball is concened....where as in bridge city if you dont play the game then you have to put up with to much bull....besides i dont think green would look good in a clown suit
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