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Everything posted by jacf

  1. If you don't know what your talking about keep your mouth shut! Green isn't holding anyone hostage. Maybe Stump told Green let us know when you make your decision. Job changes like this aren't easy decisions. Im curious, how do you know I dont know what Im talking about? Plus, if youre using the word "maybe" in your statement then you apparently dont know what youre talking about, so practice what you preach. Also heres a definition for you, (FORUM) 1)a public meeting or assembly for open discussion 2) a public facility to meet for open discussion you tell him venom...guess he dont want anyone to have an opinion except him....i know it is a touigh decision but why apply if you dont want the job...and if he is this unsure then i wouldnt want him anyway
  2. i think they should re-assign billy again....bring back billy!!!!!!!!....
  3. like i said in my previous post ..let stump and harrison do their job.....the school board should have no say in this..they should just aprrove whoever stump and harrison reccomend....this whole situation is making the school district the laughing stock of the golden triangle..and that is a shame...who is the ring master of this circus anyway.....
  4. this is just typical bc school district politics.....if i am not mistaken bc has had a problem with temporary teaching cert. before...they hire someone give him the alotted time to get one and then he cant pass so he goes to another district and gets a temp. cert. to teach there and eventually gets one....sound familiar...the admin. would be down right ignorate to hire someone without a cert. just so he can coach ....i guess they dont care about education...think dr. harrsion should hire the right guy and quit listening to a few school board members....and as far as smalley being the head baseball coach ..that would be the biggest mistake they could make...and as far as vidor being the better coaching job..any coaching job in the state of texas would be the better coachnig job compared to the bridge city job and the reason is...PARENTS...PARENTS...PARENTS..PARENTS....and SCHOOL BOARD MEBERS (NOT ALL) THAT TRY TO RUN THE SCHOOL...PERIOD
  5. and just to stay on the subject i think landry would be a good choice..of course i havent seen the whole list....
  6. i know this is not on the subject but why block it when someone has an opinion yall dont like that is what the board is far...i just dont sdee how anyone can say they lost the state game because of the coach..how many hits did he give up..how many errors did he make ....how many hits did he get...both games were not even close enough to say the coach messed up and anyone that says that is just a coach hater ..but better yet they are just donw right ignorant.....and players might not have lost their scholarships they just couldnt hack it and came home...period!!!!!
  7. why the move...i know stump calls his on plays so i am sure he didnt go back as off. cor......interesting move to me
  8. whats so sickening about it..the truth is the truth...people that has been in this town for many many years like mr. dunn as seen it all.....and like it or not in the good old days the supetindent ran the school district with little interference from the school board and the parents...the board is there to approve things and over see the super...and for the most part that is what most of them do...but htere are a few that think they run the school district and try to interfere in all aspects of the district..and that is not what they are elected to do..great article mr. dunn...sometimes the truth is painful for some
  9. are you actuaaly saying moore had no talent....blackshear,knight, sanders, myers and there are many more..he went to the playoffs every year i think but never got more than two deep into the playoffs......you evidently are no judge of talent....bottom line bridge city always has the talent but what you do with it is what counts and bryant has shown just like young did when he was here..they know how to coach and get the most they can out of what they have..true there personalaties are completely opposite...but i never knew any coach that one with personality......it may go deeper than we will know but bottom line is that anyone that doesnt play the political game in bridge city doesnt stay.....i promise you any coach or teacher for that matter that comes in here and plays the game can stay as long as they want no matter what kind of coach or teacher or admin. they are. i dont care what anyone says thaty is the way it is in bridge city...and i have lived here for a long time....
  10. if this did happen with the kids running thorugh the jasper stands....that showed no class what so ever and were there not any coaches or other admin. there to stop it...that is why the kids do what they do....no disicpline what so ever at bridge city....and i am from bridge city
  11. this is such a sad and tragic story..it sure does make the way the orangefiled girls lost so very very trivial...
  12. if this is true then they ae doing the right thing...no need to wait...other than the defense the only other problem in my opinion is just having one running back...seems like # 4 was the running back 95% of the time..i am not saying he wasnt good but he ran the ball like 27 times againxt wos..that is nuts...he needed a break and if i am not mistaken he did that most everygame...he is a tough runner ..but i dont think that is wise to b=put a load like that on a young kid....surely they had someone to spell him every now and then
  13. time and a new dc......
  14. they didnt run up the score running up the score would have been them scoring 120 and they could have if they had wanted to......they ran the clock the whole fourth quarter which i tought was pretty embarrassing......you only see that in pop warner.....you cant expect other teams to quit playing just because your team cant tackle.....
  15. i am from bridgec city and i thought the extrended halftime was ridicilous...they should have not performed and only announce the kids...and geeze annouce the kids and who there parents ...not there entire life history......and as far as the middle of the filed deal..that is a stupid thing to be all worked up about..you should be concerned about your team getting 60 points a game scored on them..i dont care how young you are that is down right pitiful....and if they dont replace the dc next year they will do the same thing next year.....our defense looked like they have never played tackle football in there life.....and the offense got worse has the year went own not better.....
  16. dayton deweyville west brook brenham la margue huffman lee lcm jasper liberty buna h-j kirbyville h-f coldspring hardin e-c huntington groveton tenaha eadale h-e sp o connel b.h.
  17. injun, cardinals for life and cardinal 8107 maybe yall should coach b.c next year if yall think yall could do better...but two state tournament appearances and a reginal final appearance in three years would be hard to beat....maybe between the three of you yall might could lead them to a seventh place finish in district.....
  18. lets see injun under a real coach the last three years teams would have went the final four twice and reached the regional finals this year. just what they did under a real coach.....you are a complete idiot
  19. i think if you look at the tape coach had is hands up before he touched the bag but even if he didnt he was well up the line where coaches are suppose to be and he had is hands up no later than when he hit the bag..he slipped no more than ten feet from the bag and just couldnt get back..he was also looking down and runnning hard ..wasnt the coaches fault and wasnt the players fault....we get a hit in the first inning after the first two men are on..then that play prbably isnt as controversial as it is....b.c palyed hard and did all they could....just was not meant to be....
  20. yeah good luck jeff....stay confident ...work hard....and never give up..good things will happen for you
  21. hey i didnt win anything ..i am from b.c....i just get tired of listening to people like injun bash the coach....if he deserved it ..it would be different.... but he doesnt....
  22. injun...how many state tournaments or regional finals or playoff games have you coached in and what is your won loss record as a baseball coach (school ball that is)
  23. i dont feel coach made any mistakes that cost b.c....either of the two losses....injun ..you just cant stand it because the guy you think is a terrible coach is a very good coach and it just eats at you that he is.....you should quit getting on here and taking that frustration out on this board cause you are looking pretty stupid to keep doing it...give it up...
  24. i say liberty and wylie and whoever makes the least amount of errors between bc and jasper..but LE...will take it all no matter who else goes...imo...
  25. if i am jasper i would start reagan and have stephenson ready and bring him in at the fiorst sign of trouble by reagan......not sure about stringer starting......coachhoker do you think that could be risky for stringer as for has hurting is arm..just aksing for your opinion
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