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SETXsports Broadcaster

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Everything posted by SETXsports Broadcaster

  1. thats it game, Jasper 35 Rusk 0, next week center, who is getting beat right now by hunington. If Jasper wins next week they will most likely go up against Chapel Hill.
  2. better to have two wide recievers with speed and hands, stubblefield was the QB last year before he got hurt, has a better throwing arm than bailey but not as fast. something had to change
  3. 35-0 Jasper 84 yrd pass play to spikes
  4. 6:44 left in 3rd Jasper leads 28-0 Stubblefield on a short run into the endzone
  5. 3:21 left in the half, Stubblefield qb sneak into the endzone Jasper 21 Rusk 0
  6. Bronson crashes into the end zone for a touchdown....Jasper 14 Rusk 0 , the Jasper kicker has not missed a extra point this season, may not seem like much but for Jasper that's a miracle
  7. It brings the thread back up to the top, you can type anything , bump , nm, up, it just takes it to the top
  8. 9:18 to go first period , Jasper score on pass from stubblefield to Ellis, 7-0 Jasper, Bailey being used as a wide reciever.
  9. when a new head coach come in he starts a new system. That system goes from the 7th grade football program all the way to the HS program. So if I were a Head Coach (IE , im not) It would take several years for the system I am now teaching to catch up with my HS program. Great HS programs are not created they are developed. Coach Lauve rode Coach Wakoviaks (sp) system for almost the entire time he was here. Once his system caught up. It didn't do to well. But we still have the Wakoviak (sp again) kids (young men) from that era coming up. You have to give a coach time to develope the kids and the system. To hire and fire coaches every year will kill a program. Give it time. If you don't want to get on the Jasper band wagon stay off a couple of years, there are a lot of use who will keep it rolling. Am I from Jasper, yes, did I play for Jasper Yes, Coach R.E. Davis 74-77 did we have great players? Many, did we get very far? nope. Did I enjoy the experiance , priceless. HANG TOUGH DOGS
  10. I do agree that we are trying to be high fliers and we are not that type of football team, we have been power or finace (spelling) I remember when you had so much going on in the backfield no one knew who had the ball, counter plays, misdirection, that was Jasper. Yes we did well with the spread, but I don't think that should be our bread and butter. I love my Bulldogs and will stand behind them thick and thin. but I can complain cause I am a fan ;D
  11. lets see, our defence can't stop the pass. I haven't seen any great passing game from Jasper no matter who they throw too. overthrow or dropped 70% of the time. Can't run if you don't block. I may see the talent I don't see the commitment on the field. Players laughing , caring on, No leader on this team at all. been watching Jasper football since 74, I have see nteams with less talant but determination , but I really hate to see a team with talant, but have a "oh well" attitude. Commitment comes from the players heart not the coaches. GOT HEART? WE DO, I just dont see the heart this year. Just my thoughts
  12. Awwwww sounds like WO-S needs a hug....we like you , how can we not love someone who brought us Dan Hooks and Kerry Cooper ;D
  13. I was hoping for a translation but I think that is stretching it. I was bringing out the rossetta stone ;D
  14. not a hard stand I think its funny and we did things in my day...but times have changed and things that I did , well now would get you arrested, but back then it was clean fun......I just hate someone to get hit with a felony (by the article I guess they are going to take it real serious)
  15. You could make it one big session, have Dr. Phill on the JumboTron, he would tell eveybody to lay back in there seats and relax and take a deep breath...hold it....hold it.....let it out.... ;D
  16. $200.00 will buy a lots of gas, IPOD, or something else someone would want. People can't keep their mouths shut
  17. I can predict that this will not last long on the site, just a prediction, not a fact, ;D
  18. I am glad you did the HUH, because I was still trying to figure it out ;D
  19. If your not cheating Your not trying If you get caught cheating Your not trying hard enough ;D
  20. See what your failing to see, break a window , paint a wall, on school property, its vandalism, start a fire, on school property is arson. The point I guess I am making is what was once clean fun back in the day, will get you a felony charge now a days, is it worth it?
  21. From the Jasper Newsboy: The Jasper Police Department, along with the Fire Marshal's Office continued their search on Friday for an arsonist that destroyed the Jasper High School Homecoming Bonfire late Wednesday night. Jasper Police Detective Chris Ensign has joined Fire Marshal Stephen Williamson, along with School Resource Officer Broderick Chambers, as the three men piece together the clues and follow up on leads. Meanwhile, East Texas Crimestoppers is now offering a reward for information that leads to the arrest and conviction of the arsonist. Information can be phoned to 409-724-TIPS, or at their website, www.724tips.com, or a person can actually send in a tip via text message to 274637. The message should be prefaced with "tip211", and then the message. The City of Jasper is also offering a reward based on a city ordinance that offers $200.00 for information in an arson case that leads to the arrest and conviction of the person(s) responsible. I think its going to be real funny to see what happens if they catch the person or persons,,,,, don't you think ;D
  22. Last year I had a great blooper, the refs threw several flags on the field, and I was trying to say there were "several flags on the field" I got tongue tied and it came out (no disrespect to anyone) "man there are several fags on the field" there was no way backing out of that one. oh well just keep on broadcasting ;D
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