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SETXsports Broadcaster

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Everything posted by SETXsports Broadcaster

  1. TD Jasper 24 yrd pass 14-7 jasper 8 left in half
  2. jasper td with 3 min left in 1st qrt 7-0 Jasper
  3. well I am sitting here in Leesville, standing by with for a telephone call to open up our gas reserve here on Ft Polk. some rain some wind. I think it will pick up here when it goes inland.
  4. [Hidden Content] I am sooooo ashamed ;D Just had to 8)
  5. now now we're not being sore losers now are we?? where did tha picture of the hairless cat go, bit you in the butt didnt it.....lol kvillecheer where have you been? nice to see you back My behind is big enough for several bites ;D
  6. great pics , I too like the ties, think it shows class.
  7. I did hear that Kirbyville did ask Jasper county if they could recede from the county and create Kirbyville County. Seems that it is beneath them to be in the same county with anybody they can whoop so badly as they did Jasper. I also heard that as they continue to whoop up on neighborhood teams they will plunder those towns and take their land. As this mighty axis of evil , war machine , gathers steam and makes other counties.(no matter what size) tremble at the mere mention of Wildcat name. Beware it is not the Hurricane we need to worry about, it will be the mighty Wildcats that will ravish our beloved South East Texas GO CATS
  8. So if Newton defeats Diboll by 14 points, then Newton shouldn't have any problem beating Kirbyville. That is how your figuring it out right?
  9. Kirbyville beat us yes they did. BUT it wasn't their offence that did it. Their specialty teams wooped Jasper. Kickoff run back for a TD , punt runback for a TD, two 2 point conversions allowed and one tipped field goal attempt. If it hadn't been for those teams the outcome would be different. Great job cats on those teams
  10. I don't believe that no one believes you ;D
  11. Jasper won't get over 20 points!!!! Kirbyville will will dominate in this game. Kirbyville will dominate the consession stands!!
  12. I guess we need to get off our hind ends and become Head Coaches so we can make the right decisions for our players. How dare they think of the players and their families first and football second. shame on them. they don't deserve to be called coaches
  13. Yeah that wobble made the eye of the hurricane take aim for my little town of Leesville. But I am thinking that it will only be a tropical storm by then
  14. I think I am in deep do do :-[ all the tracks seem to go thru Leesville la. and work will not let me evac. I did get a generator today.
  15. I think I am in deep trouble :-\ :-[
  16. to be honest about it, I hope we do get to play, but I got this feeling its going to be a washout due to Gustaf. lets all keep our fingers crossed 8)
  17. is that very best you could come up with "oh yea jasper didn't quit at the end of the game like the wildcats did" give me break at least the wildcats did two thing you couldn't do. and that was: first have a big lead to be able to let up at the end and the second was WIN but wait ill save you some time cause I already know your next post (or whine) will be oh yea Gilmer was better than Diboll.. :'( :'( also sounds like you better start prayin for rain cause youll have a easier time dealing with that hurricane than you will Kirbyvilles Defense next week!!!!!!!!!! I apologize, it was late , I guess I wasn't thinking straight. Your right I should of come up with something better. one thing though, I don't whine I talk smack, and that's what this is all about. Heck I may even like you as a person, I get along with most, cept scooter but back to the smack (cant have to many moments of niceness ;D) no I think Diboll could beat Gilmer on any given day. TADAAAA see I agreed with you. man I have got to get off this medication!
  18. But Jasper didn't quit at the end like them childcats did. Sounded like they got real tired.
  19. does it count that I played 4 years for Jasper and spent 25 years in the military ;D
  20. No matter were you go, no matter who your team is, no matter how much smack is talked here. A word of caution. Be careful driving to the different games you will be attending. should be great weather tonight but that doesn't mean that you still don't have to watch out for the other driver. We may root for different teams , we may talk a lot of smack. heck we may even get mad at each other, but we still are one big SETXsports loving family. be very careful and return safely. Howard
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