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SETXsports Broadcaster

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Everything posted by SETXsports Broadcaster

  1. I am going with the wildcats this time. With the cats playing Diboll and Jasper playing the cats next week, you know this game will be heavely scouted by Jasper.
  2. BIGDOG AKA "The Wizard of Oz" pay no attention to the man with the water hose pay no attention! ;D
  3. thats a miracle !!!! just to have someone that can kick
  4. a simple answer to that would be cause its football!!!!! and even better its the first game of the season and even better than that, its Jasper and Gilmer. So buy some gas (cheaper now) take a nap, and see you at the ROSE.
  5. He wants to spend some real quality time with Coop. heck anybody would show up early to spend time with coop ;D
  6. I hope so, I am hoping to get out of this house and see some football. I just think back at all the past games were a kicker would of made a great difference ???
  7. gotta love them pancakes ;D and being called sweety all the time
  8. Lord (down on knees) just let Jasper find a field goal and extra point kicker.
  9. I bet if you could design the set to look like the waffle house I bet they would feel more comfortable
  10. Were will you be going for week 0, and will you try to make more than one game?
  11. the wildcats will do the same thing they did in the playoffs last year. They will come in thinking they can beat anybody which is ok to have confidence, but then they will start talking smack on the field just like they did last year. (two warnings by the refs in their last game of the season) then get their tails handed to them. Sorry Kirbyville is just known for that. They are not a gracious team when they win. Which is why most people like to see the wildcats get smacked.
  12. I you think Kirbyville can beat WO-S then say it. If you have a poll then people are going to say who they think. I think Kirbyville would concentrate on not getting beat by a very good Newton team. Last year was last year.
  13. one of the things that Jasper had problems with last year was closing the door on opponents that they had a lead on. They had problems with that 4th qrt killer instinct. I bet though Coach Brooks will not let that happen again this year.
  14. Thank goodness scrimmages don't count for nothing ;D
  15. If all of Kirbyvilles top runners started running counter-clock wise we would go back in time. Superman use to be the only one to do that ;D
  16. If Frogs had legs, well they wouldnt be from Louisana, cause dem frog legs is gooooood eaten.
  17. It was in the in the mid 70's not really sure somewhere between 74-77. Jasper was playing Silsbee and we (Jasper) was about to kick off. Our kick off specialist Oscar Beatty had put the ball on the tee. We all got ready the whistle blew and we took off. Oscar went to kick the ball and missed, but on the back swing of his kick he hit the ball, which landed about 15 yards behind the kick off team. The announcer being on his toes, announced "onside attempt by Oscar Beatty" From then on he was known as Onside Oscar.
  18. Will they wander or wonder? I would hate to see bulldogs wandering. ;D
  19. ??? I played football against BC back in the early 70's
  20. I like the Cardinal, but then I have seen it for over 30 years I think
  21. Maybe he's a hold out ;D
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