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SETXsports Broadcaster

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Everything posted by SETXsports Broadcaster

  1. You must have lost your chitlins. Not sure what a DAUG is ??? ??? Wait that may be the Kirbyville way of spelling "DAWG" can never tell with these Kibyville educated children : Jasper by 7
  2. Newton by 14, if Newton plays like they should, by 21 if Cathage slips up any ;D
  3. I just didnt have the money :'( :'( :'( :'(
  4. I know the most annoying (sp) place to play was at the South Park Greenie staduim....they would play this song over and over the loudspeakers "They call me Mr. Touchdown" that song would be in your mind the next three days.
  5. hey can I put in a vote for the green line on the predition chart? cause they all look pretty nasty for me. Also the only thing that will be good about high winds is that it will push those blasted love bugs back into Texas. ;D
  6. hey quite a few of those paths are headed right over me.....whats up Coop thought we were buds ;D ;D ;D ;D
  7. Me thinks you need to check your records Jasper is 1-1 so far win over BH Loss from Newton
  8. I'll go with Jasper. By how much? depending on which Jasper shows up. Don't take them lightly cats. you may get mawled. 8)
  9. man that would be almost as bad as me having coop as a son :o
  10. If you let the students decide "our young adults" we would all most likely playing 1A football. Its a REQUIRMENT, there is no choice.
  11. sometimes going back to the basics helps 8)
  12. back in the day the first and most serious no pass no play policy was my parents, then my coach :-[
  13. If certain HS were to merge today: West-orangeStarkfield - the Tangs Stangs Lumbertom-LCM- The Care Bears BC-Jasper- Pound Puppies Buna - Silsbee Who let the cats out! Huffman-Newton- Wirley-Birds
  14. I think it would be a great game, close also. But then I am tripping hard ;D
  15. did you not beat Jasper by 29 points last night, or was I at a different game ???
  16. silsbee plays at Newton
  17. they are huge. legs look like fire hydrants
  18. Me thinks I would play heck trying to pronouce some of the Trinity players names. not sure but back in the day my coach would have a heart attack with the hair coming out like that :o
  19. I am going to say Newton by 14, but then thats just to make me feel better after we got beat by them by 29 points ;D
  20. Lots of team have a bye week this week. Is your team off, if so what game if any are you heading out to see. For me I think it will be Newton Vs Silsbee game anybody else?
  21. once Newton cranked out 2 TD, it seemed like the air was deflated from Jasper.
  22. think you have the wrong score there.....Newton 35 Jasper 6
  23. Just came from the game 35-6 Newton. Jasper couldnt run or throw the ball tonight. play calling seemed a little disfunctional tonight. seemed like Jasper had to pass or had to run they were forcing everything. Then there is Newton. You cant stop Mclamore with arm tackles. when you saftey is on every tackle something is wrong. we seemed to defend the pass by just running, not turning around to see were the ball is, just running with the reciever.....ops speaking of passing everytime we thru the ball the Jasper recievers became defenders. Our passes were lobbed up in the air. Newton is good, but Jasper needs work. JMO
  24. I am thinking that the parents are worried if they do try to correct their kids now , when they become famous they wont buy them a house
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