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SETXsports Broadcaster

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Everything posted by SETXsports Broadcaster

  1. It was Col. Mustard in the bathroom with a candlestick..Why you ask? Cause Stone Cold Steve Austin says so!!!!!
  2. who needs pads with the body I have I got all the padding I need ;D ;D ;D
  3. I thought this 0ne was going to do me in ...
  4. I was wondering why I was getting all these fathers days cards from people all over the world I didnt know ;D
  5. he is right though I do need to get a life.......YEEEE HAAAAAW in about 70 days when 2 a days start ;D ;D
  6. You took all my money and left me with 4 hungry children and crops in the field...... ;D
  7. it was my cat that died :-[
  8. so a little crow-tartar ground crow meat little onion some capers one egg salt and Pepper mixed up and placed on a nice piece of good o'l german rye bread..... of course save the beak so as to pick your teath when finished hey thats the only way to eat oysters is raw, horseradish little tobasco, lemon,,,,,,,,best thing going
  9. [Hidden Content]
  10. I gots a big ol' crow....we cook it braised boiled smothered crow and crawfish crow under glass BBQ crow Crow-agratin stuffed crow fried crow and several other versions.....just let us know we are here to please
  11. heck I sitting here celibrating in LA. Popped open a bottle of grape kneehi and a bag oh chips...gonna party like its 1699 ;D
  12. I think coming from one of the best districts this year.....yep I may just have to agree with ya ;D
  14. one more out......lets gooooooooo Dooooooogs !!!!!!!!
  15. we just want 3 outs thats all we need
  16. This is it...all the marbles...the big Kabassa.....the whole enchilada.....the full burrito
  17. I can hear again ,,,,,, I can hear again
  18. I hear some cheering but dont know whats going on again
  19. ok I think I am back had to get the wife to hold the modem over her head while standing on one foot ;D
  20. feel like I am listening to morris code dit dat dit dat
  21. I cant hear whats going on,,, someone please post updates >
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