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SETXsports Broadcaster

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Everything posted by SETXsports Broadcaster

  1. kinda like a t-ball game just hit the ball and run, run , run ;D
  2. come on Jasper: [move]HOLD EM HOLD EM HOLD EM HOLD EM[/move]
  3. thats good we can calm him down and maybe use him tomorrow
  4. J-Dog how many innings did Reagan pitch?
  5. lets go Dogs ,,,,, no more errors will do it...... [Hidden Content] DEFENCE DEFENCE[/move]
  6. you keep updating brother your giving the dogs good luck ;D
  7. man what happened???? I lose singal and all this happens in a matter of what seems minutes
  8. I have lost signal :( stupid weather
  9. BC Lead batter gets on Man seems like they cant throw to 1st runner scores 3-1 BC
  10. 2 for Jasper 1 for BC all going to 1st base
  11. base hit no outs strike out 1 away stolen base runner on 2nd 1 out strike out 2 outs runner on 2nd stolen base runner on 3rd 2 outs strike out catcher drops the ball throws to first ball goes into right field runner scores 2-1 BC 2 outs strike out bottom of the 2nd 2-1 BC
  12. pop up 1 out runner on 2nd pop up to center field 2 outs strike out 2-0 BC top of the 2nd
  13. 2 errors so far on Jasper throwing to first on both seems like
  14. base hit brings run in 2-0 BC no out runner on 1st
  15. BC Batting stand up double hit to 3rd bad throw run scores runner at 2nd no outs
  16. jasper up first ground out to stringer gound out to second bobbled by catcher man on first strike out 0-0
  17. I didnt realize until the other night that the Great Kahli was in the movie "The longest yard" guess I lead a shelterd life ;D
  18. Ok I got this plan...follow me now... 1st thru 4th inning Jasper in all white cardinals in all red 5th-7th who ever is in the lead wears all white (with red socks) now this may be the confussing part, at anytime the coach that is behind can yell switch at the home plate umpire and BC wil have to switch jerseys with Jasper. ok now that we have the Jersey debate over we can play the game ;D
  19. Ok now lets all grab hands get into a big circle put a bulldog and a cardinal in the middle and sing Kum by ya (bad spelling I know) and raise our Karma ;D we can all get along
  20. Boy that put a lump in your throat just reading it. Great move by the coach. With the support from his team and from family and friends in Jasper, and well wishes and prayers from all over the district. Just goes to show you how our district and teams and communities around the east tx area can come together when it really counts. Wouldn't give up our district or area for NUTTEN!!!
  21. I guess the work "let" just didnt seem right with me. No disrespect intended to the Cards. Some errors are created by the team themselves others are created because of whom you play...So in my book errors are just part of the game, they happen, you get to many of them , you loose. Jasper knows this all to well on a couple of their comedy of errors.
  22. Why didnt the pitching dominate in the district games...now dont tell me cause we have gotten better. Both teams have gotten better. ???
  23. please explain to me how BC let Jasper off the hook. I am really interested in seeing how you are about to explain this?
  24. well if you faced him twice and he wasnt that good , I am assuming that you knocked the cover off the ball and sent it sailing over the fence ;D
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