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SETXsports Broadcaster

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Everything posted by SETXsports Broadcaster

  1. Jasper has to punt Jaspe punts from their 10 yrd line Livingstons ball on the 50 yrd line
  2. lots of flags on Jasper.... 2nd and 13 Jasper cannot run a play without a flag being throw four play in a row Jasper gains 10 or more yrds and called back due to flags
  3. 3rd and 10 on Jasper 24 yrd line flag 3rd and 5 Limbrick 50 yrd run 1st down
  4. Jaspers ball 25 yard line seems like Jasper is running Ellis right and Ellis left , Ellis up the middle
  5. Linvingston scores on a 70 yrd drive kick is up and good LIvingston 14 Jasper 7 Livingston running game seems to be clicking
  6. Williams of livingston is running hard and giving Jasper fits trying to get him down
  7. she is about as big as a house,,,,,I think she is of Polish decent
  8. Ellis runs for a 67yrd TD on a QB keeper kick by Beck is good Liv 7 Jasper 7 about 2 min left in qt
  9. livingstons blocks a Jasper punt then marches 40 yrds for a touchdown kick is good Livingston 7 Jasper 0
  10. are not the Dixie Chicks New Yorks main hope for a football team :shock:
  11. since Newton isnt playing I will update this game as best as possible
  12. wonder what the LV odds makers had on that game :shock:
  13. It was a good scrimmage,,,,as Coach Barbay said...when Newton had to score they would ...but when they didnt is seemed like a lack of motivation. could be because it was just another scrimmage or they are just ready for some real games....they had a good talken too...but they will be tough some great passing and the defensive backs look alot better Team spirit will come with the real games.....make sure you hear the Newton Eagles on their way to another state championship right here on SETXsports next friday at 7:30 yes that was a blatant advertisment
  14. SETXsports exclusive photo. Gilbert running the Dibo; 1st string offence
  15. SETXsports "your source for sports in South East Texas" Today South East TExas Tomorrow the world ::11 ::11 ::11
  16. Newton readies for first game. sorry we dont have a game till next week/
  17. Clear case of Size envy...with good counsling and some potent medication we should be able to cure it by the end of the season
  18. I will be glad for one that the hostilities end....it's getting quite redundent. let the football season start and everybody start bashing another team
  19. well I hate to lose but even worse I hate a bad game.....but it feels good to be able to see two teams put all their heart into winning a game. At the HS level most athletes play for the love of the game. and I guess it takes me back so many years gone by when I was on the field hearing all the cheering and music. Now I go to see a good game to meet fans from the other side and exchange views. to be able to meet somebody you have been talking two for nearly two years and finaley get to meet him (COOP) and find out they are just as nice as they are on the forum. Its just a great way to live life I have a grandson coming up in the world who I hope will play HS football but what ever he does my big butt will always be at a game the good Lord willing.
  20. I think it may not be of La kids but how certain schools seem to get people to move in and the UIL has no problem with that, and then a WR moves into the same school and the UIL has no problem with that.... and they happen to be in the top two ranked schools in Texas AND I AINT TALKING ABOUT WO-S
  21. Jody said: Just don't understand why everyne can't be more politically correct like me........ Quick get me a diffibulator...I feel the big one coming on.....watch out for lightning and other act of GOD things heading this way :shock: :shock: :shock:
  22. well lets hope that arragence (sp) doesnt raise it's ugly head again, not among the players but thru....well you know. :evil:
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