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Everything posted by NewIndian

  1. They have more than ASA to replace huber and some others, and it does no matter if he was a soph or a senior you get in anyones face enough and knock em down, hit em hard, it effects the game. and his confidence level
  2. get with me when it gets close and if my wife decides not to go you can have the extra ticket, and to answer your question you have to camp out to get these tickets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Yes one of the best QBs but as we proved year before last if you hammer him and get him outta synch his accuracy goes out the window, the question is will we have a "D" that is as good as that years "D" was??, and as we have heard from people at MOJO his schemes are hard to scout so yeah you may have a couple of films but will they do you any good???
  4. Nervous, yes, cuz the predictability is gone, zero, zilch, nada, got a new coach that he dont know from a hill of beans and no previous game films to watch go ahead and watch MOJO but i bet our "D" and "O" wont be the same and with what hes got to work with hes got a great year ahead, they are catching on to the new system quick. dang the season cant get here soon enough
  5. looks like someone getting nervous
  6. Man the stadium is looking awesome, i go by it every sat when i go to my daughters soft ball games
  7. The first game at the New Rez
  8. Does anyone have access to him? i would like to know if hes going to continue the summer camp for the kids?, and would like to invite him to come see our STJFL teams, our future Indians
  9. i went to the website could not find anywhere to register?
  10. This sucks, a 6 team district with 4 going to the playoffs, what the heck, money changes everything it was better when you only had 2 going you had to be good then, is there no fighting this??????? ???
  11. This is exciting not waiting around, gotta start early to get the kids used to the new system now. The future is looking bright. BTW NDN fans when are we gonna welcome him properly to the reservation???have the band play "Cherokee" so loud that the whole district can hear it!!!!!!!! [move]WELCOME COACH FAIRCLOTH TO THE REZ[/move]
  12. The best thing for the program is start at the middle schools developing players and his should be good at that, the JV had 2 good QBs last year and the Fish team is good too, things looking up at the REZ. I find the fact that he wants to jump right in and start working with the team great, not waiting until the start date, and the fact that he wants to start the program from the MS fantastic. I think hes bringing in some coaches with him and plans more and has been given full authority by the board to do so, and has already put the coaches on notice esp in MS. " the futures so bight i gotta wear shades"
  13. I was able to eat also and the world still spun around an round, just frustrated people got upset
  14. AGREED every team we played hated BONZAI also bring back the PC incorrect chants!!!!!!!!!
  15. i usually have a extra ticket due to my wife not wanting to go (except MCM) give me a pm this next season and maybe you could go with me and my kids
  16. I dont think so, hes part of the GOB club that were trying to do away with, dont get me wrong i like Long just not as the Chief at the reservation id love to see him as our OC again poss QB coach
  17. I gotta a kid whos initials are LL that gonna run all over people when he gets bigger so look for this star in the purple and white
  18. File an FOI to get him to release the name, since he loves to file em
  19. OK, your starting to sound like some people from another school district! Some people want to see the list and according to law, they have to provide it. It's as simple as that. I would like to see it to see what choices the school has. I have no "hidden agenda" nor do I want to "blast" people in public. This is a public forum and if something is posted on it expect some opinion's. This forum is for discussion. That's what makes America Great!! P.S. I even get along with TD! Ok. Good. Now I have one I can get along with! ;D It's the start of a very long list I'm sure of it. ;D Heck i thought we got along? ;D
  20. I voted "No" let em sweat, it only really concerns the citizens of PNG anyways
  21. and i believe your from lumberton talk about needing a reality check
  22. Burnett didnt focus his attention of football to the detriment of other sports, soccer, baseball girls softball, volleyball etc... are all very competative every year, and most of the time in the playoffs, eveidently he didnt focus enough time on football
  23. Who gives a crap what this guy is blogging ???, and who cares what the media is having a fit over, they will release it when they do and there is nothing you media guys can do but wait along with the rest of us, and i can wait! ;D :-*
  24. Not that it matters, PNG "faithful" would be ok. You see, over here in PNG land, we respect the decisions of the respective school administrations.....again, it seems that more people that DON'T have a "dog in this fight", are getting more upset than the folks at PNG. Know what....I can almost bet the PNG faithful feel sorry for you for letting something like this get under your skin..... PNG>>>>>>>>Honor.............Pride.............Tradition........"Priceless" Hate to tell you this, but there are LOTS of unhappy PNG people around, but don't post for fear of retribution. Not many of the people I speak to say they respect the PNG administration. Follow the law! "Fear of retribution".....Man! talk about fear of retribution look at another thread where he took someone as asking what district he lived in as a threat :
  25. I understand where you are coming from. AMEN and they have 10 days until they have "broken" the law
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