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Everything posted by NewIndian

  1. Nope, i can wait, seeing the list wont change anything except frustrate everybody from the outside
  2. Warrior and 66 just stop this constantly having to defend ourselves against these people is not worth it, our board will do what it needs to and thats it no matter what all these other people say, we will have our coach in due time and it will be worth it. Yes i live in Groves and i have 3 kids in PNGISD. LCM sent out a list to hopefully get the community excited about its program again, i found that out this weekend talking to some of my old classmates at my moms house in LC
  3. i want a proven AD that wins but i would like to get rid of the GOB system
  4. amen, that sounds like a great idea
  5. GNLL sign ups this weekend 01-10-09 10am to 2pm
  6. someone tried to come thru the window in my daughters room on Christmas eve, but window locks kept them from getting the window up. My wife noticed the window cracked the next morning when she came home from work, im sleeping with my 45 now until i get the window fixed, and leaving it close to my wife when im gone. to the person who tried i shot pistol expert all 4 years in the USMC, be warned
  7. BS a change was needed because he refused to change, and adapt to the strengths of the players (ie... we dont always have big bruising backs that can play smash mouth)
  8. And so will we, and so will we
  9. Would Hooks and Neumann keep their job with the following record: 2008 3 - 6 2007 8 - 4 made playoffs 2006 5 - 5 2005 5 - 3 2004 8 - 4 made playoffs 2003 8 - 4 made playoffs 2002 5 - 5 2001 3 - 6 2000 5 - 5 Made the playoffs 3 out of 9 years. No they would not, just another person who dont know s#$t coming around with his 2 cents
  10. It's still WAY more important to find the "right guy" for LCM than it is to hurry up and fill the opening. By your statement of "get the good one" I take it that you already have someone out there in mind. ALMOST any coach that actually had a choice between PNG and LCM would choose to wear purple & white. Not even a realistic comparison. This board has been packed with opinions of who the best area coaches are that might be interested in the job and some of these guys are good...but they still may not be a good fit at LCM. IMO, it's still best to gather a selection committee, set application dates, and consider all applications and then you just have to make the best decision on what you have. Totally agree with that
  11. Well in the Jr division on the Lumberton team #11 will get the ball all day, and thet squat down thing will frustrate yall but try to blow thru on both sides of the center and ya might get em, and that fake fumble thing will get ya everytime, WOS blue i dont know cuz we never had a chance to play em, but i wish we did, maybe next year
  12. Maybe i termed it wrong i mean be willing to change your scheme to what you have as players, if you dont have the personel to play smash mouth football you dont do it, if you have a good QB and some good recivers you adapt and overcome (as my DI used to say)
  13. I know that i was one of them, and i dont have a dog in the fight YET, my son has played on a winner of a football team every year except one (hes now in Jr tackle) and ive seen the programs decline since MB refused to change, i wanted a change along with alot of people so we could catch up with the modern times so we could have a winner of a HS program
  14. Amen. dont worry ryker this was a bad year for the tribe, things will pick up. ill even invite ya to a game this next season when i pick up my season tickets as long as you dont mind a grown man yelling like crazy
  15. Ex-Ceaux look under your pic, and learn that, we didnt burn MB at the stake
  16. Comgrats to the little guys, looks like things might be looking up in PW next year
  17. Actually he got a 4 yr extention on his contract after the 07 season,he is guaranteed 4 more years so i dont think he will leave. but anyway im looking forward to a new coach to bring back the excitement, why stop there bring back BANZAI and the G-CREW
  18. Gotta give you credit for trying to put more butts in the seats stang, still dont look like your gonna get TV coverage
  19. With so much talk lately about upcoming talent. It looks to me like WOS, Lumberton, and Nederland have the bragging rights. I don't put much in 8 - 10 year olds( a lot can change), but must say C.O. Wilsons 8th graders has some of the best talent I have ever seen at Nederland.I would expect big things from these kids. I would put more into it than you think success starts somewhere if they can get the coaches in at the lower levels then it can carry up to the higher levels
  20. Oh no you dont! we dont want him, the job posting should be out soon and statewide
  21. I think they way it goes is "Offense wins games, defense wins championships"
  22. Can't imagine having to sit through that for years...nothing like running Knute Rockney's offense in 2008. AMEN, im really looking forward to next years season now, weve got 2 good QBs coming up with the JV and they were 1 win away from being undefeated, we got some talent coming up that has already beat these teams they will play this coming year
  23. We didnt throw him out with the trash, hes got a new position with more money and hes still involved with athletics just not the HC position, the tie to move up and on with the program is coming now maybe we can get caught up with the rest of the state, i love all these outsiders coming in giving their opinion on our coaching change probably the ones that loved beating us this year! And as a taxpaying citizen of PNG and a loyal season ticket holder i can gripe all i want.
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