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Everything posted by NewIndian

  1. thats what im trying to say, we could have put up so many more points this year than we have but our coach has alot of class and pulls all of our starters on "O" and "D". ill take toke your 13 if youll take my 6 yo daughter with an attitude from h*ll, shes a green eyed monster right now
  2. If it works as in years past you play the strongest team in your bracket then i dont know with only 3 brackets its gonna be hard, maybe someone from the STJFL can explain
  3. Yep, may I suggest that you double up on your practice in order to be ready for us? Seriously, we (Junior Blue) have several kids who are 1st time players this year, my own included, and I have to say that each week, they are getting better and better. We are a team to be weary of and I'm proud of each of them. Naw we only been practicing 1 hr a day,but trying out alot of new plays, we are also getting better each week and have alot of kids coming into their own now when we need them too, some are pleasant surprises
  4. OUCH!!!, now why did yall do that, we layed off them at 36 points We did too... After 3rd TD we put in 2nd string backs who scored another 2 then we put in an entire new 3rd string that scored 2 more with a safety. And why do you feel the need to get on here and say this? To show your sportsmanship? I'm sorry, I promised myself I wouldn't look at the youth section cuz it sickens me. My bad. No to find out why the score was run up, thank you very much !! there is no call for running up the score dragon and embarassing those kids, i mean they only had 2 subs on the sidelines and we could of kept them out on the field and wore them out
  5. Were already practicing for yall, the blue team, i doubt we play the white team again unless we both make it to the 2nd round ;D ;D ;D :o :o :-*
  6. yep, Southlake and Grapevine is outrageous but im looking at Ricardson and Wylie and i can buy a 4 BR 31/2 bath 2 car garage with a pool in the backyard for 192 where as im paying over 200 for a 3 BR house in Groves wheres the sense in that!? They have some great facilities up there also. My son just hopes the school up there has Purple and White as their school colors, hes the one im having a hard time convincing of moving is better for mom and dads career
  7. Then i guess that would make us PNG white Div 2 champs cuz no one in that div can catch up ;D
  8. We toldour kids to go out there and dont worry about points, and we let some kids that would never get to play RB or QB etc... and let them play the position this was after halftime
  9. the season is lasting long enough already and some were complaining of it interfering with hunting season it was a huge event for the boys it was the all-star game, some HS band member used to come to it for Cherokee, and the Indian spirit came 1 year, and sometime the HS players come to watch
  10. Yeah this year hurt esp for the seniors, but maybe this next year our talent will be utilized correctly and we might change ru,run,pass punt
  11. OUCH!!!, now why did yall do that, we layed off them at 36 points
  12. Pirate fan welcome to the land of little league football we have had several officiating crews that were clueless about he rules and times etc...
  13. I also would like to see these games played but i understand this because the playoffs are delayed already and more interference with hunting season :'(
  14. Well, me and my wife are tired of running from hurricanes so we are looking at Dallas so you guess where i want my son to go to? I will always love the Indians but career opportunites are better, and housing is cheaper up there, plua family around too.My nephew is up there and getting recruited bu UT and TAMU and OK state.
  15. That makes me laugh. Last year PNG went to a spread offense (after a lot of outside pressure to "get a modern offense") They switched back to their old offense after a couple of games and everyone called Burnett a smart coach for "making the right move." No here is someone who admittingly has only seen them twice calling the offense "outdated." Ridiculous been there for all games, season ticket holder, and im calling it outdated and no i dont have a kid on the team, but 1 coming up thru the STJFL and has always been on a team that goes to our playoffs soon to be headed up to the Jr high and i want the program corrected before our kids get up if that is what is trully going on, we have already got our kids running a spread type formation but still have a stong running game. MB needs to go if he is not going to change and we need to get fundamentally sound coaches in the MS now
  16. He has been invited, and hes been invited to our Jr league games also, i mean they are right by the reservation
  17. >and whys is that?
  18. SIGH 5 years ago and it still come up, give it a rest!!!!! BTW where is this game in BMT at WB stadium?
  19. The older most experienced coaches for GMS and PNMS have either retired, moved to other positions or just not coaching anymore. These schools have lost some great coaches that helped teached these kids the fundamentals of the game. I remember yrs past the Coach Mays, Coach Beaumont and Coach Keith put out some great Junior High teams that were fundamentaly sound. We don't have that type of coaching at that level anymore. We definetly need to get some coaches at the MS level cuz PNMS and GMS have some talent coming in from the STJFL and with some fine tuning from a great coach could pay some dividends by the time they get to HS, esp if we have a offensive minded coach there are some great kids coming up from QBs to RBs,WRs,TEs and some kids on"D" that will just flat lay people out. Our youth program is 2nd to none also. Didnt Welch run the "D" last year? We got kids on the team that are already running the option, and our coach is giving the QBs the option to run their own plays at times.
  20. I know Ned does this, and i know last year at WOS they provided H2O also, Lumberton does also i believe
  21. NAH, ill take DL anyday, my kids been with him since day 1, he used to coach sure wish we could talk him back into it, he has a way with the kids and comes up with some great plays and new ones for every game
  22. Usually the home field has this responsability to provide coolers and water, even tho we usually bring our own coolers, gatorade etc...
  23. Hopefully he didnt pass it on, that is contagious
  24. Its not MBs first losing season, and its been said everywhere everybodys got his number,even the fans in the stands can call the next play before its run.
  25. As PNG fan said we are not used to losing this much, and esp the teams we lost to. we have not all of a sudden turned on the coach this has been a long time coming with MB, he just saved himself a season last year,we need new blood so maybe we can go more than 1-2 rounds deep in the playoffs, maybe we new admin people as they fight the fans on things we can do to pump up the team.
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